I got on my mic and asked people to vote for a CE map and they did. It also ended up being a horrible match lol, the game hasn't aged well.Wish this game just had a veto option instead of a vote. People don't vote for CE.
Wish this game just had a veto option instead of a vote. People don't vote for CE.
Great avatar!Sounds like the update is fixing some of the matchmaking issues. Wish I wasn't at work so I could test it for myself. What'e the highest level people have seen so far?
It's a game which has both ages well and not so well in parts, at the time nothing was like it apart from halo CE, it was hard even on heroic when not used to taking on AI like you do in halo.
If you have played the newer games and anything in the last few years it makes halo 2 AI seem rather standard now.
Sounds like the update is fixing some of the matchmaking issues. Wish I wasn't at work so I could test it for myself. What'e the highest level people have seen so far?
Ummm Yes there was. Is there supposed to be a host? no... But there was. Or at the very least someone had host privileges. I got a host ended game message and everything.
Plenty of people have reported this issue. It's not new.
Edit: I see you edited your post in which case that's completely irrelevant. They still have host priveleges and they shouldn't... I didn't complain of host advantage.
I got on my mic and asked people to vote for a CE map and they did. It also ended up being a horrible match lol, the game hasn't aged well.
Vote system doesn't belong in h2 classic. You had to play those crappy maps and game types no matter what!
For what I understand out of all this cluster of information spread around the internet, there are zero dedicated servers in action for matchmaking right now and it will appear later on.
now if this is true then there will be host advantages or players who have a ping bad enough to be half a second behind the action at all times, thus being shot through walls and grenade throws lagging behind the animation displayed on their screen.
Because it's not been made clear what is going on right now things are more annoying then they need to be.
Are people able to kick others in matchmaking because they are the host? are 4 v 3's due to a player disconnecting or bad matchmaking? why are the searches so long and why do you get returned to the main menu after a matchmade game has finished? we all have no idea.
Which game?Ok I said I was gonna do all the campaigns first before I did MP but I wanted to give one match a try and I got destroyed. Destroyed. 1 kill. 21 deaths. I suck.
Any tips? I feel like I would shoot guys forever and they wouldn't die and then they would 1 shot me.
Anything that is non br start in h2 is fucking horrendous.
As someone who has played a lot of mp matches. I am telling you they are running on dedis.
Very rarely has there been any bs once in a match.
So playing CE last night I went up against the Hunters. In all honesty I remember them being harder lol.
I guess maybe I didn't used to have as much skill back in the day as I do now. Back then I ran the campaign on normal and those bastards were a pain. Did it last night on heroic and it was easy as hell lol.
Is this game going to be the Halo version of Alien CM?
I pray to god it's not.
That's...woah. Has it progressed in the last few minutes? If you were installing the game while connecte to Xbox Live, before starting to install what's in the disc, it'll download and install the patch, and after that's completed it'll begin to install the game.
If I were you, I'd wait a bit to see what happens. No progress? Delete everything, unplug your console from the internet and install the game while being offline. Once it's done (it doesn't take that much, maybe 30/45mins) connect again to Xbox Live. It'll begin to download and install the patch, and while it does that you'll be able to play any campaign.
I hope this helps!
Great avatar!
I saw a 9 but I haven't played too many games yet.
Playing this game seems to make me feel nausea and headache. Never been a problem with any game before I can think of (Halo or otherwise). Any ideas?
Any fixes regarding player 2 not getting achievements in split screen? I got legendary etc, and he only got "fight with chips" or whatever. Xbox was offline at the time, because lol 15gb patch.
Don't fancy having to do each campaign on legendary twice
Are achievements working again or still down?
Favorite of my fail moments so far, from Halo 1 campaign http://xboxclips.com/video.php?uid=...w540&vid=c5f11451-e7d8-4d9a-9c85-fec65fb84ee1
May need to get used to dat 60FPS, sit farther away from the screen maybe?
It was BTB lol. It was painful to play. A friendly ghost bumped me at 2 mph and I got betrayed lol.If it was Big Team Battle, then I totally agree with you. The vehicles in that game were pretty unbalanced. Anything outside of pistol arenas is kind of the same story IMO.
If it was Big Team Battle, then I totally agree with you. The vehicles in that game were pretty unbalanced. Anything outside of pistol arenas is kind of the same story IMO.
It was BTB lol. It was painful to play.
What? The vehicles in CE are the most balanced in the entire series. A good player can usually take out a vehicle solo.
Playing this game seems to make me feel nausea and headache. Never been a problem with any game before I can think of (Halo or otherwise). Any ideas?
Right. So a crack shot can take them down, and then anyone else like the millions playing H1 for the first time are just going to get mowed over by the indestructible bouncing death machine.
I have the opposite opinion. I almost slammed my controller last night which is a rarity for me. I am of the opinion, my own, that "Assault on the control room" is one of the more poorly designe campaign mission of any fps. kept having deja-vu, stage just dragged forever (on heroic) and on top of being difficult, was just so repetitive with its environments. I passed, what, 3 sets of bridges, 5-7 circular rooms...
I was so pissed last night.