havent had Wifi so i havent even touched online but it sounds like the shit is broke as fuck...
how did 343 and MS fucked this up?
how did 343 and MS fucked this up?
Finally! After 2 hours we managed to be in the same game session!
Hopefully we'll find a match now.
It's like waiting for christmas day knowing you will only get half a present, lol.
Itching to play online damnit!
None of my achievements are popping. I've done several but they aren't showing up.
Maybe? I don't know, I've not seen the prologue/epilogue that's been mentioned here. Does it just show up when you play H2A?You mean the stuff with Locke and the Arbiter? I got the prologue when I started H2A independently. Or am I missing something?!
The digital code I got lastnight didn't include Nightfall. Now I'm worried it won't include the beta?
The digital code I got lastnight didn't include Nightfall. Now I'm worried it won't include the beta?
Oh man, you did it.
I'm tempted to pay the $10 to give you a 10 user jira.
So the legendary one on the playlist is the one I have to do to get LASO?
there's a LASO playlist. should be the first one.
um...Nightfall is on the main menu and so is the beta
You should be able to access Nightfall through the Halo Channel app and game menus. The Beta is in the menus too.
I'm so glad I didn't buy an Xbox for this game... yet. I really wish this game to be amazing but all these glitches and troubles really put a damper on my excitement. Not sure if I really want to pay 400-500 euros to play it anymore. Even if it is at a playable state.
Joke post? You must not remember Halo 2 launch.
Cheers, Might start it now!
This fucking game isn't working!
I'm going to sell my Xbox One. I'm so sick of this generation. My PS4 already left me last week.
They probably use an async network model which isn't compatible with the way the AI in Halo works. Lockstep is always going to give input lag if the ping isn't super low.LAA lives in the same country as me. It's odd, I've played co-op on many other big console games, with players both locally, countrywide, and worldwide, and none of them have had the connectivity issues and input delay of the Halo games. Ever. I wonder if the netcode in general for halo's co-op mode is just shitty on top of the Peer 2 Peer connectivity.
Halo 2 seems 'off' to me.
Playing on Heroic. Walk into a room. Die almost instantly. That area with the gun (y'know, the part that moves that's ridiculously awesome?) that has the jetpack elites. I killed the first guys. There's one that comes jetpacking into view as I get onto the moving bits. He fires a couple rounds that hit me. Blam. Dead.
My roomate was watching and thought I was playing on Legendary, but no, I picked Heroic. Game says it's Heroic. Feels like Legendary though. Deaths are almost instant, no time for strafing. The first room with the bugs just isn't fun at all. I don't even get to move around.
This is coming from someone who's beat Reach like 3-4 times on Heroic and loves it to pieces. The original game definitely didn't kill me this quickly; Halo 4 did occasionally.
Is this a bug, or does Halo 2's Heroic difficulty just turn Chief into soggy toilet paper?
It was working pretty well last night too. It was the only playlist I could regularly find games inH2 Classic is working pretty well in MM
Agreed. Heroic seems too hard. And I don't feel like I can tell when my shields are down easily enough, so i'm dying when I think I'm OK. The guns also seem way too quiet and far away. I need to hear them loudly in order to get the right feel - and there is no way to balance the sounds/music.
Want some company?
When I try to launch Nightfall it says "buy halo" and takes me back to the collection.
My first full game of Halo CE Slayer (Rat Race) and I went 17-13 lol. It's a total nade fest.
The spawns are something else too. It spawned 3 enemies in front of me as I threw a grenade once. Got an easy double kill there.Yep thats halo ce
Joke post? You must not remember Halo 2 launch.
The spawns are something else too. It spawned 3 enemies in front of me as I threw a grenade once. Got an easy double kill there.
buy a wii u bro
11.12.14 - 11:10 AM PST Update
Next update coming: 11.12 - 5 PM PST
We have deployed a number of server updates to help improve matchmaking. These updates should expedite wait times and allow you to find matches faster and easier. We are actively monitoring data for wait times and will continue to modify as necessary.
Additionally, we are monitoring all non-matchmaking feedback, and still targeting another release for this weekend. Please continue to use the support forums to report and discuss issues. We will continue to work until issues are resolved, and thank you for your continued patience. Please stay tuned to this thread for regular updates.
Played H2A to the Arbiter mission. The next day I hit resume game and it starts me at the Cairo station. The game cant even save your progress! This is like simple day one shit here. I know all the missions are unloled to I can just clicked on where I left off but why have a resume feature if it don't work. Also it will not save progress on check points. So vest to beat the hole mission before stopping. Starts you at the beginning. Add it to the glitch list if not already added.
now mm and custom games are just crashing after they end. Won't go back to the lobby.
hehe yep also halo ce...always found it hilarious when halo 2 came out and people said it wasn't as good of a game. halo one is great but a competitive, fair multiplayer experience? Hell no
Clips from me playing Halo CE in the MCC.2v2 Halo CE is the most balanced MP Halo experience to date. There are known issues with the weapon and player spawns in the PC version of Halo CE. Xbox Halo CE has some crazy spawns here and there, but they are for the most part under you or your teammates control, and the opposing team can exploit the spawns to trap you. Which you have to fight out of, it's part of the metagame.
It's random, messy fun/frustration to a lot of players, but if you put the time in, pay attention to the details, and learn the game, you'll learn that is a lot deeper than you thought.
I know I'm being unreasonably paranoid right now but I'm really worried that by the time all the fixes are up, no one will be bothering with the multiplayer anymore.
so when will the reviews get updated? isnt this what they waited for? launch. see how mm would hold up....
I know I'm being unreasonably paranoid right now but I'm really worried that by the time all the fixes are up, no one will be bothering with the multiplayer anymore.
so when will the reviews get updated? isnt this what they waited for? launch. see how mm would hold up....