Day 3, still haven't found a single multiplayer match
This was supposed to be GOTY for me!
Matchmaking actually seems WORSE now.
I really hate Halo 1's campaign. It's probably one of the worst campaigns I've ever played. I don't want hand holding but sometimes it's super confusing as to where to go next. It's really bumming me out.
Given the game was working perfectly on LAN during the championship, I think it is a server issue.
The bug tracker for The Master Chief Collection has been updated with most of the issues at this time. It's not 100% complete, but it's the best listing yet with a total of 45 documented issues.
got achievement for listening to the legendary Chips Dubbo, who the hell is that?
Yes it works fine on LAN. The problem, as far as I can tell is how the game is communicating with the dedicated servers. No amount of server fixes can change how the game currently interfaces with the available servers. Therefore, a patch is needed.
Server optimization might be able to marginally improve matchmaking, but this game is going to be broken until at least the first patch goes live.
The "server side fixes" that 343 is touting is just spin to calm the crowds until the first patch is live. They're trying to prevent a full scale revolt on the level of Ass Creed Unity or SimCity.
Yes it works fine on LAN. The problem, as far as I can tell is how the game is communicating with the dedicated servers. No amount of server fixes can change how the game currently interfaces with the available servers. Therefore, a patch is needed.
Server optimization might be able to marginally improve matchmaking, but this game is going to be broken until at least the first patch goes live.
The "server side fixes" that 343 is touting is just spin to calm the crowds until the first patch is live. They're trying to prevent a full scale revolt on the level of Ass Creed Unity or SimCity.
Hit start and check what difficulty while you are paying. I saw your post, started a mission in Heroic and in game it says legendary and plays like legendary.This is wild!
So I am running through halo:ce on heroic, yet my achievements tell me that I am getting credit for beating the stages on Legendary. I am four campaign missions away from completing Halo: Ce on legendary
Except I havent
I don't see why not, you can do 1 mission on co-op and check it tacked in the in game achievement tracker.
Get into a game. 4v4!! BR starts on The Pit!!
Actually get into the game. 6v3 (WHERE THE FUCK DID THE NINTH PERSON COME FROM!?). Game plays alright. Suddenly everyone just starts running in a line and doesn't stop.
Black screen for 10 seconds. Red team wins!
I'm about to give up.
Right?Im wondering the same. Theres usually a straight path, beacons, story driven directions, lights, or arrows on the floor guiding you. And if all else fails a marker on the screen. Game's pretty good on directions.
Added a couple of weird bugs I've found to the list. The whole thing is unintentionally hillarious, the site reads like a parody.
Added a couple of weird bugs I've found to the list. The whole thing is unintentionally hillarious, the site reads like a parody.
I really hate Halo 1's campaign. It's probably one of the worst campaigns I've ever played. I don't want hand holding but sometimes it's super confusing as to where to go next. It's really bumming me out.
Thanks!! I forgot about the progress bar, will check that out! =)
Dont get me wrong, I completely understand your frustration, and I am frustrated aswell. I dont want this game to be broken and am really cheering here for a fix as soon as possible, like... today, or at least before the weekend.
But, why are you people even trying and stressing yourselves into those broken matches? I'm not even trying the matchmaking, even less the ranked ones. Just by what people are relating here I can see that the problem is definitely not fixed and I wont be having a acceptable experience, so I will wait until things are at least more stable.
Anyway, I'm worried. People are reporting too many types of bugs, such as crashes, infinity loading times, unbalanced parties, matches ending without any reason and giving victory to other team, and so on. I would definitely not recommend anyone to even try the ranked matches, thats the worst thing to do now. They really need to work on a fix for the server problem right now! And then start to fix those bugs.
I think it's safe to say that so far the update hasn't done anything to fix the problem... Let's see how tonight goes, but it there's no improvement, I guess we're stuck without an working game until their weekend patch.
I really hate Halo 1's campaign. It's probably one of the worst campaigns I've ever played. I don't want hand holding but sometimes it's super confusing as to where to go next. It's really bumming me out.
I think it's safe to say that so far the update hasn't done anything to fix the problem... Let's see how tonight goes, but it there's no improvement, I guess we're stuck without an working game until their weekend patch.
I really hate Halo 1's campaign. It's probably one of the worst campaigns I've ever played. I don't want hand holding but sometimes it's super confusing as to where to go next. It's really bumming me out.
do you have open nat?
Yes it works fine on LAN. The problem, as far as I can tell is how the game is communicating with the dedicated servers. No amount of server fixes can change how the game currently interfaces with the available servers. Therefore, a patch is needed.
Server optimization might be able to marginally improve matchmaking, but this game is going to be broken until at least the first patch goes live.
The "server side fixes" that 343 is touting is just spin to calm the crowds until the first patch is live. They're trying to prevent a full scale revolt on the level of Ass Creed Unity or SimCity.
I really hate Halo 1's campaign. It's probably one of the worst campaigns I've ever played. I don't want hand holding but sometimes it's super confusing as to where to go next. It's really bumming me out.
Lol, stop.
Well you either want hand holding or closed, linear levels.
I'm thankful that Halo has neither.
how do people get the different secondary weapons like shields and rocket boost in matches? all I see is different weapons
Have they said something about a weekend patch?
In addition, we are targeting another release for this weekend, which will address a number of other community priorities.
Use the QR code that came in the box, it'll unlock it for youAnyone else not able to watch Nightfall? I launch to it from the extras and it still wants me to "Buy Halo".
Oh duh. Totally forgot about the inserts. Thanks.Use the QR code that came in the box, it'll unlock it for you
So halo 1 may not hold up well after so many years, but 3 is still a great game. Handles like a dream too. 4 is gorgeous. Would easily pass for current generation. 2... well 2 I need more time with. I only ever played through it once.
Yeah.. Dan Ayoub's update this morning mentions that they have another patch targeting the weekend:
Graphically? Either way, I think CE holds up extremely well both graphically and with its gameplay.So halo 1 may not hold up well after so many years, but 3 is still a great game. Handles like a dream too.