The Strokes
Is matchmaking working at the moment? It was going fairly smooth last night, I want to get some games in since I skipped school cause of the freaking weather.
This is Microsoft's flagship title. I have to imagine scientists are working in a lab day and night to get this working.
Top scientists.
you know the fact you can't mix and match your armor is really annoying me.
Scout shoulders
Recon Head
Recon Body
Is that so hard to do 343i? Seriously?
When this game works it's the best thing I have ever played, but unfortunately it just simply refuses it's own destiny to be the greatest game ever.
You know if this game had a two week beta like a few months back, we wouldn't be in this position, the bugs and server strains would have been fixed. But the fact that the simplest of things IE team size and putting party members on different teams is fucked, I really think this game is going to be broken for another 2-3 weeks with a gradual turn around. Damn it all really, as now my Xbox One purchase feels lame....
Should have waited....
This is getting annoying, I'm getting one bug after the other in the menu.
Total stats don't work! I've played through Halo 1, 2 and 3 completely and the stats are partially filled for each campaign. For example my fastest clear time in H3 is 2:26:33 however the total time spent in H3 campaign reads 00:00:00. What's the point for a stats overview if it doesn't work!
Halo 3 campaign can stay in the 15fps range for entire levels at a time when not playing as the host, even the cutscenes have a low fps.
I'm seriously starting the doubt the quality control of this collection.
What annoys me more is that we can't view our armor colour in the menu. It stays grey no matter what colour you give it.
As a fellow Halo fan, reading your guys posts upsets me
So how long do we have to wait until we're allowed to "overreact"?
The game was rushed and put together without care. I normally would just get a refund, but giving 343 a chance to fix this. Absolutely love Halo.
Where have you been since Tuesday lol
If anyone's plannin on returning their copy I really think they should wait until at least the weekend. Seriously, if 343 does not get this sorted by then. Well...
I'm not overreacting.
I was able to get some games in last night with only a few minutes of searching. The slightest hint of something not right I wold just go to dashboard and force quit game and restart it.
This game is the most amazing thing thats ever been played. I had a smile on my face through every game. Its just so much fun.
Sucks its having problems but all launches do.
Return the game if you want, but I'd feel bad for you if you did.
I'm baffled at how bad this launch was. There is no way they didn't know it was this bad. Might as well have delayed the game.
The game was rushed and put together without care. I normally would just get a refund, but giving 343 a chance to fix this. Absolutely love Halo.
I see lots of people saying that they'll give 343 until the weekend or not long after to get these issues fixed. Ok. Fair enough. But with a bug list like the one they'be got, how is that realistic?
I'm not defending or attacking anyone. I want this game to work as bad as anyone here, but history shows us that botched launches take a hell of a lot longer than 4 to 5 days to bring a game up to snuff.
Even with all hands on deck, I wonder how long this will all take. It'll take as long as it takes is the obvious answer, but I'm afraid some of the time arbitrary time limits imposed on 343 by some aren't realistic at all.
With four different studios doing this game I don't see how there's gonna be fast fixes.
The same as me bro, praying they fix it asap, but in my heart I know it won't be.....
I played Halo 4 and that took months and a TU to fix. :
Halo CE co-op lag was unplayable for my friend and I,
Halo 3 co-op was stuttering and jittery.
Matchmaking still seems broken.
Probably gonna return this for Dragon Age.
Wouldn't host migration prove this? If so, I have had multiple games with this taking place.
Has 343 or Microsoft given any status updates today?
Link please.yeah there will be a new server fix later today!
This is what is happening at 343i at the moment.
They're just hacking away.
To fix the slow matchmaking they upped the team size which will create more uneven teams...
They're not fixing anything just using hacks and quick workarounds to try and make the game slightly more playable.
The incompetence in this studio is extremely high. The fact they have hold of the one game I truly wanted to be amazing sickens me.
I'm fucking hating the game so much right now because of how cold 343i is treating its fans!
Funny thing is, it's starting to make me appreciate Destiny even more with its repetitiveness that actually works!
The game was rushed and put together without care. I normally would just get a refund, but giving 343 a chance to fix this. Absolutely love Halo.
I've seen a prompt saying that it's connecting to a dedicated server, but only once in a handful of games.If there really are no dedis up yet, then what the fuck? That was one of features that was first advertised.
I've seen a prompt saying that it's connecting to a dedicated server, but only once in a handful of games.
I would certainly argue that "fix" is subjective here. I played plenty of H4 before the TU and once the TU went live the only weapon people were using online was the BR. I prefer my games to have variety, and if they have to break one gun for people to use the rest, I'm okay with that. Instead they u broke one gun so that all the rest were basically useless.
I've seen a prompt saying that it's connecting to a dedicated server, but only once in a handful of games.
Launching with server issues, okay, i get it.
What makes me mad is that they knew this would happen.
They wouldnt of removed halo CE from matchmaking, lowered the number of players in big team battle, AND removed ranking from all playlists but one after talking about it for months, if they didnt know there were issues.
RANT: This is a general post not just aimed towards Halo.
I'm getting sick of all these fn "NEW" games that do not work on their actual release day. I got MCC for multiplayer alone. I've beaten the single player countless amount of times and have no urge to go through them again. Now I have a $60 coaster sitting on my table. Developers/publishers whoever might be need to stop doing this shit. Games are obviously not ready to go. Why does it require day one patches to actually get the game to work? (I understand in MCC's case that was for MP) I just bought an Xbox One and now I'm questioning that decision, because 2 of the games I got it for are barely functional. It started with bf 3 on the 360 and it just keeps getting worse. This shit gives me flashbacks of early 2000 PC days. Destiny with its constant stupid fn errors is another "completed" game. MAKE SURE YOUR SHIT WORKS BEFORE YOU SELL IT. There should be repercussions for selling a game that does not work or is half done. We should just rename this generation of consoles to THE NEVER-ENDING PATCHES generation. Sorry bout the rant but just fn had it with all this bs.
RANT: This is a general post not just aimed towards Halo.
I'm getting sick of all these fn "NEW" games that do not work on their actual release day. I got MCC for multiplayer alone. I've beaten the single player countless amount of times and have no urge to go through them again. Now I have a $60 coaster sitting on my table. Developers/publishers whoever it might be, need to stop doing this shit. Games are obviously not ready to go. Why does it require day one patches to actually get the game to work? (I understand in MCC's case that was for MP) I just bought an Xbox One and now I'm questioning that decision, because the only 2 games I got it the xbox for are barely functional. It started with bf 3 on the 360 and it just keeps getting worse. This shit gives me flashbacks of early 2000 PC days. Destiny with its constant stupid fn errors is another "completed" game. MAKE SURE YOUR SHIT WORKS BEFORE YOU SELL IT. There should be repercussions for selling a game that does not work or is half done. We should just rename this generation of consoles to THE NEVER-ENDING PATCHES generation. Sorry bout the rant but just fn had it with all this bs.
Totally agree. I keep thinking if suddenly something happened to the world and Internet no longer works what then happens with said games?