Grady Durden
I've been trying to get into a game for the last hour+ with no luck. I restart after a few minutes and switch playlists to see if that makes a difference. ugh.
an act of computer hacking.
"the challenge of the hack itself"
a piece of computer code providing a quick or inelegant solution to a particular problem.
H2 Classic is a laggy filled mess. My grenades are thrown half a sec after I press the button.
Smg and are gameplay is so boring.
Just point in general direction and hold trigger. No headshots, no strafe...
Smg starts make you more vulnerable at spawn since the other team can have brs or rockets or sniper as you are defenseless with an ar or smg.
;___;Dat peer to peer overseas host.
I've been trying to get into a game for the last hour+ with no luck. I restart after a few minutes and switch playlists to see if that makes a difference. ugh.
I've seen a prompt saying that it's connecting to a dedicated server, but only once in a handful of games.
Is Halo 1 and 2 coop?
Is Halo 1 and 2 coop?
I ask because I have not been having any issues at all (except possibly the one for getting music to trigger, though I may be doing that in the wrong game). I am at 40 something achievments down already.
2 player coop, both online andsplitscreen.
I've unlocked 144 so far. A couple still aren't unlocked, the progress bar is at 100% but for some reason they simply don't unlock, they show as "Done! Unlocking..." in the achievement app. Redoing the achievement didn't help.Just out of curiosity, how many people are actually effected by the achievment glitches?
I ask because I have not been having any issues at all (except possibly the one for getting music to trigger, though I may be doing that in the wrong game). I am at 40 something achievments down already.
I was planning on getting a XB1 on Black Friday, but this launch has completely made me hold back on that. Hopefully they get this thing fixed for all you guys who already shelled out money.
Matchmaking seems a bit better but after every match I get into (or at least my last few matches), the game freezes at the loading screen and I have to close out of the game.
Split-screen in CE is almost stable 60 fps if you use the superior 2001 graphics.There you go. Splitscreen is atrocious
No, if the didn't care we wouldn't have this game at all.
I've unlocked 144 so far. A couple still aren't unlocked, the progress bar is at 100% but for some reason they simply don't unlock, they show as "Done! Unlocking..." in the achievement app. Redoing the achievement didn't help.
It would take a lot and I mean a lot for Ford to express disappointment in any shape or fashion against the MS brand.
If I'm not mistaken, his point is that if they DID care it would work the way it was intended to the day they released it to the public and accepted their money for the product. You see how perspective works?
Matchmaking seems a bit better but after every match I get into (or at least my last few matches), the game freezes at the loading screen and I have to close out of the game.
The Xbox home screen dashboard advertises MCC by saying play the original campaign now.
Nothing about mp.
They knew.
The ads mason what do they mean
I'm not going to jump their crap less than three full days in on what I consider the the most content filled game ever released. It would've been a miracle for it to have launched without some kind of major problem.
I'm not going to jump their crap less than three full days in on what I consider the the most content filled game ever released. It would've been a miracle for it to have launched without some kind of major problem.
I'm not going to jump their crap less than three full days in on what I consider the the most content filled game ever released. It would've been a miracle for it to have launched without some kind of major problem.
Just got thisMatchmaking seems a bit better but after every match I get into (or at least my last few matches), the game freezes at the loading screen and I have to close out of the game.
Would you have that same mindset say with a car (a bit extreme), or a camera, or a music player, or a smart watch, or a smart phone? You would be fine with those things not working for 3 days upon their release after you've given them your money?
I don't see how you're okay with broken games being released. Doesn't matter how much content it has. Microsoft is a billion dollar publisher that should be able to release a keystone franchise in working condition.
Different stuff. A car, a camera, a music player, a smart watch or a smartphone will probably not be fixed with a patch, so they need to be returned. A game, can be patched, and Halo MCC probably will. Well... At least I hope so.
Not saying that people doesnt have the right to be pissed and to return it though. I understand that.
I usually go with the common usage nowadays which is to gain illegal access to a computer or network.
But you're right and I apologize.
Just had the game crash on me again in single player Halo 2... so I came here to mention the lack of being able to invert the emblems, some creative people need that option!
Its only fitting I listen to this while waiting for a match.
I'm not going to jump their crap less than three full days in on what I consider the the most content filled game ever released. It would've been a miracle for it to have launched without some kind of major problem.
I'm not going to jump their crap less than three full days in on what I consider the the most content filled game ever released. It would've been a miracle for it to have launched without some kind of major problem.
I make hacky shit all the time at ms. Small little shitty scripts to boost productivity are the best!That's cool dude. I work as a server engineer so this sort of stuff is my forte
I respect you apologized,
I make hacky shit all the time at ms. Small little shitty scripts to boost productivity are the best!
Well shit I'll strafe too, doesn't make it any less boring.If that's how you use the AR it is no wonder you don't like it.