Prinz Eugn
Just because you can't use the AR doesn't make it garbage though....
Umm, you are barking up the wrong tree if you are trying to claim some sort of skill advantage with people here advocating the BR. Lots of people have their gamertags in their profiles, and you can check their general level of scrubiness here: (note that some people had different gamertags back in the day)
The AR is inherently easier to use; that's the point. It's giving players who can't land headshots or even aim precisely in general the opportunity to pour lots of bullets into someone until they die. The BR lets you kill from farther away but punishes imprecise aim much more, and a player who can land headshots consistently is going to demolish someone who can't. With the AR it mostly boils down to who shot who first and when people melee (which often results in a tie).
Halo 2 BR though. So goooooood.
BR Scrub