I know Frankie said that real-life conditions are different to testing and that this was basically unpredictable, but there are so many huge issues with this game beyond the matchmaking that there is no way that this all came as a surprise. Even offline this game is pretty crappy.
Campaigns freezing, missing lighting and other effects, UI often overlapping itself or completely disappearing, controls ignoring user settings or plain not working, audio glitches, progress not saved, missions being skipped, terminals crashing, and the common complete game crash. None of that should be much of a surprise. I encountered most of those on my first day with the game. All three of the first levels I played crashed and I see similar reports across the web (some are lucky enough to avoid them). This is not just a "whoops server issues." The entire game has major issues much greater than the average "day one fix" we've grown accustomed to in modern gaming. This makes Battlefield 4 look mighty fine. At least Driveclub's single player works pretty well, so I'm told.
Besides, it isn't like there is some problem inherent to XBL or Azure anyway. Titanfall runs great. COD:AW doesnt even have dedicated servers and runs okay most of the time. Why is the MCC such shit? Makes me think that the MM issues have less to do with the servers and more to do with the game itself being coded badly, necessitating major rewrites that will take quite a bit of time to create. Not a quick fix that we'll get today or tomorrow or even the next day. I hope to be proven wrong.
They've updated the server settings two or three times by now and things have only gone from completely unplayable to "maybe it will find a game if I restart my search three times and go take a shower." 343 acts like that's good progress on the issue. It isn't. Hardly even worth announcing. I can't believe their updates claim that things have "improved." All they've done is mildy polish shit so far. A better update would be to simply say that they have not seen the improvement desired and are still working on it.
I don't know whether this is the fault of bad management at 343 or unrealistic deadlines from Microsoft, or a combination of both. People are quick to choose sides, I notice a lot of people placing blame on Microsoft for rushing the deadline without any actual evidence of this (even if it is likely). Whatever the cause, heads should roll. I'm afraid for the population of this game right now. I envisioned this game being populated for years, the last great stronghold of classic Halo players for years to come. Now I'm envisioning people returning their game and the population never taking off in the first place. We're still in early days so I think they still have time to recapture the crowd, but their window of opportunity is getting smaller each day that goes by. If they don't hurry this shit up they'll have killed the dream. It just never should have been released this way in the first place and they know it, whoever is to blame.
I know 343 is telling the truth when they say they are now working hard on fixes. I appreciate the work they're doing right now. I'm sure poor Frankie's life is hell right now.
A bunch of people are returning this game and I can't say I disagree with them at all. However, I'm sticking with this game until it is fixed because I love Halo and I'm trying hard to give them the benefit of the doubt. Please don't make me regret it, 343.