either way no one can't denny COD4 was a huge blow to Halo popularity, Halo 3 just felt old after playing a bunch of COD4 multiplayer
Yep, but don't kid yourself that Halo 3 didn't have similar issues, they were just hidden out of view more e.g. host bridging, network throttling, host booting etc. So many told themselves that bridging for host wasn't cheating, LOL.
I still remember social even had dicks booting players for laughs. High ranked play was a total joke playing against bridgers and booters. I can't wait for MCC to have dedis up and running smoothly, finally after all these years.
Modern Warfare 2 was a big blow to Halo 3.either way no one can't denny COD4 was a huge blow to Halo popularity, Halo 3 just felt old after playing a bunch of COD4 multiplayer
Is the patch live?!?
I feel like I completely misinterpreted what you were saying. My fault!
I think Gears was the first to dethroned Halo.
I think Gears was the first to dethroned Halo.
Maybe to you. I hated CoD4 (both in SP and MP) and I considered it a regression in FPS design in pretty much every way.either way no one can't denny COD4 was a huge blow to Halo popularity, Halo 3 just felt old after playing a bunch of COD4 multiplayer
Friday when I comeback from work and turn on my xbox, either-If it's not fixed this weekend, i will consider returning it. ThisIsBullshit.gif 343.
CoD4/Halo 3's UUs were often only low thousands apart.
Live was pretty much The Call of Duty and Halo Service And Maybe Some Other Games
I think Gears was the first to dethroned Halo.
08-10 was the golden age of Halo online multiplayer.This is so true. God 07-09 was amazing.
Awesome! reached the ending cutscene of the final level in CE in co-op online, got a disconnected error and ended up with the level not registering as finished on legendary or anything for that matter.
Where you at patch.
SameWhere the fuck is the patch
Running into a cheater on Halo 3 was extremely rare, Halo 2 was basically every game past a certain level.
Didn't know you have MCC. Add me broWhere are you patchhhh
That's what I've been thinking as well. Also add me too fellow mlb-gaf bro.They've been saying late-afternoon/evening pacific time. I've been taking that to mean around 8pm ET/5pm PT.
Where are you patchhhh
Didn't know you have MCC. Add me bro
That's what I've been thinking as well. Also add me too fellow mlb-gaf bro.
Got a prompt to update MCC after powercycling XB1.
Have to call bullshit from first hand experience mate, ranked objective playlist at 50 for years was a haven to host cheating and booting. Also remember in the lobby how your yellow boxes would disappear and then magically all fill up and the game would start or the search would take a long time?...yep bridging host at its finest before the game even started. How about so many quitters? A large percentage of quitters was in fact host booting at work. Don't kid yourself at high levels in almost any playlist it was rampant, not so much at launch but the longer Halo 3 was out the worse it got. Also you couldn't bridge host yourself in 3 but could in 2. How about bought accounts? How about boosted accounts? How about DDOS? I could keep going.
How many players bridged host to stop the cheaters? Therefore cheating themselves and cheating players/teams like me out of any chance to get Aussie host.
If I am I must have never added you back then. What's your gt?I think you're on my list already. Need to check in a bit.