Just quickly checking, how broken is this still?I haven't upgraded to Gold yet but I've been looking to try some Halo Mp, is it actually anywhere playable (less than 5 minutes to get into a game).
Just quickly checking, how broken is this still?I haven't upgraded to Gold yet but I've been looking to try some Halo Mp, is it actually anywhere playable (less than 5 minutes to get into a game).
I'm now just terrible terrible terrible at MP now. I use to have 2:1 KD in most of my games. Now, since I last played, I did have some problem with my eyes and it's much harder to see then say a year ago, but that can't be all of it. When I have someone from behind and I start shooting them, many times they are able to turn around and kill me.
The only change from my prior MP experience is that my new place's cable wiring won't let me use Ethernet connection and I have to rely on wireless connection to the router. Can this change have enough impact where I was pretty decent before to now just awful? I can imagine that wireless connection could add several ms of latency. Is this possibly where I'm getting annihilated?
What is the latest update from 343? I know they were giving updates out on their site. Going to be a bit ridiculous if they keep repeating their patch notes.
What is the latest update from 343? I know they were giving updates out on their site. Going to be a bit ridiculous if they keep repeating their patch notes.
I'm german, add IHaveAnIceYeah, that's whats most frustrating :/
Are there any germans here up for some customs until this mess is over? GT: Guerrilla M6
Had the game since launch and still yet to play an online game
(i've played private matches but thats all)
This makes me sad.
At least I suck at Halo online so it hasn't been frustrating me like others since I haven't really tried too much to get into a match.
Two weeks since launch, almost no media coverage. No wonder they shipped this game. They got away with it.
corruption in games media?
Honestly the fact that not a single news outlet has picked up on this is shameful.
Pretty sure Gamespot review was always a 6, they don't change their scores AFAIK. It's Polygon's that dropped from 9.5 to 8.0.
corruption in games media?
Honestly the fact that not a single news outlet has picked up on this is shameful.
They did a review in progress, and then the final score was 6. You can see that even in the oldest comment on the review page:
And Metacritic grabs the first score and never changes it, and it's a 6 there.Was not expecting that... I would have guessed it would've been the average of all previous Halo games combined... Guess that broken MP is a big let down, in all honesty, but still... Could not have guessed the 6, I'm surprised by that
corruption in games media?
Honestly the fact that not a single news outlet has picked up on this is shameful.
corruption in games media?
Honestly the fact that not a single news outlet has picked up on this is shameful.
Giantbomb has posted an article and discussed it on the podcast.
Other outlets have also done articles.
They aren't going to keep posting articles saying "still broken".
I love how in Halo CE grenades can cause chain reactions.
it leads to hilarious situations like this:
I don't know of any other game that has used grenade chain reactions since as part of the gameplay. It's just so fun when you know a group of grunts has dropped a few plasma grenades to launch a rocket into that mess and watch everything go flying.
Worst change they made from Halo CE, imo.
this is how i feel.
but at least I have a new pkmn game
Day 1 article: "MCC is broken"corruption in games media?
Honestly the fact that not a single news outlet has picked up on this is shameful.
Driveclub had multiple patches in a short time, postponed a launch of the PS+ version and had the developers talk more. So more to write about. If 343 had daily patches, every one of them would probably be reported also.They didn't seem to mind talking about Driveclub, I saw quite a few articles about it.
corruption in games media?
Honestly the fact that not a single news outlet has picked up on this is shameful.
The Master Chief CorrectionsOT2: The Ma$ter Thiefs Collection
The sound mixing is totally broken in Halo 3 multi, there was a dude shooting to the left of me but it came out of the right speaker in my headset. It's all backwards. Super confusing haha
I'm finding that some halo 2 games (especially ascension) are laggier than others, whereas the H2A games are fine generally.
In halo 2 I can definitely see smoke trails from the sniper that should be a direct headshot but they don't hit, its almost like its 10/20th of a second out. I'm having to lead in more than I used to.
In halo 3 however (specifically high ground) the game is just more tight and I'm landing head shots instantly.
I'm hoping its down to p2p kicking in instead of dedis, hate for it to be a game problem.
I'm finding that some halo 2 games (especially ascension) are laggier than others, whereas the H2A games are fine generally.
In halo 2 I can definitely see smoke trails from the sniper that should be a direct headshot but they don't hit, its almost like its 10/20th of a second out. I'm having to lead in more than I used to.
In halo 3 however (specifically high ground) the game is just more tight and I'm landing head shots instantly.
I'm hoping its down to p2p kicking in instead of dedis, hate for it to be a game problem.
So last night I had something happen that not only hadn't happened before, but was beyond the scope of what I thought possible.
Trying to run some customs, after 4-5 smooth matches the party breaks up. nbd, right? I was the host, so I made a new custom game lobby. After 2-3 people rejoined, I got the dreaded "connecting to game" message, so I hard quit MCC. Rebooted it, and before I could even push the "menu" button, I was thrown into a matchmaking lobby with 13 or so people. That's right, I completely fresh booted the game and the moment the title screen came up I was immediately in a large MM lobby. I immediately hard quit again, rebooted again, and the exact same thing happened once more. After another reboot, it stopped, but the only thing I can infer from this is that some of the issues the game has seems to be tied with how and when you are connected to lobbies and disconnected from them- or not, in this case.
Anyone else seen this?
There is also a Forbes article talking about it here
Shouldn't be quick to shout corruption without doing the research.
Edit: Beaten by HappehLemons
Arrived home from university, played 2 Halo CE games, and now Im having a hard time finding another match.
343 needs to fix that ASAP. I totally can se myself giving up in not much longer. So I hope they tell us something good or hopeful today!