OT2: The Ma$ter Thief's Collection

OT2: The Ma$ter Thief's Collection
That's not a Forbes article. That's a blog post written at Forbes.com by someone with no affiliation to Forbes.
Arrived home from university, played 2 Halo CE games, and now Im having a hard time finding another match.
It's one of the first non gaming websites I've seen write about it.
That's not a Forbes article. That's a blog post written at Forbes.com by someone with no affiliation to Forbes.
You can't just become a Forbes contributor. This guy is an official blogger for them.
Bro once you give up its a pretty good indicator everyone is giving up.
It helps when you quit the game and start again. At least it worked for me a few times.
I basically "reset" the game every few matches.
You could also wonder why if someone likes Halo and CoD why they wouldn't like a Halo game that was closer to CoD?
Also, if the Halo fans that loved Halo moved back to Halo 3 then why wasn't Halo 3 suddenly on the top 10? Why is it then that the game that "ruined" Halo, Halo Reach, was still popular 2 years after the fact?
In so far as science fiction games. Follow the bodies of games that didn't sell well. Or easier, try to find the ones that did.
H3 MP > H4 MP > Reach MP
fight me
You can't just become a Forbes contributor. This guy is an official blogger for them.
Anyone can become a blogger on Forbes. Anyone.
I get that 3 minutes is not ideal, but people are acting like the game is worse than it was at launch. It's clearly not, for me at least. I don't get why this is happening for some people though.
DriveClub OT2: Maybe after a few Evolutions we can get a good game
Please don't be mad
I'm having a hard time with this game, especially in Halo 2.
The checkpoints don't seem to always save so I had to repeat extensive parts of a mission several times which can get aggravating quite fast.
Also, I'm stuck on part 10 where the Arbiter needs to find something and goes down some pylons. I will have a pylon go down so I can go down the hole and then, there's another pylon to activate which make the other one go up and leave me stuck there.
Wow, I'm really mad so far in Halo 2. I didn't remember it to be this dull.
This is great.this is how i feel.
but at least I have a new pkmn game
Arrived home from university, played 2 Halo CE games, and now Im having a hard time finding another match.
343 needs to fix that ASAP. I totally can se myself giving up in not much longer. So I hope they tell us something good or hopeful today!
This game is incredibly fun when everything is working as advertised
so, play customs, campaign, forge something, or play something completely different until this -behemoth of a game- is fixed.
Played some 4 player split screen this weekend. The game if fun as hell, but we get stuck on the aftermath screen and can't back out for like 5 minutes after each match...
How do I know if I got the update? My son plays the X1 most of the time so I have no idea if it updated. I asked him, "I don't know...." Is there a way to tell? Is it a mandatory update so if I was playing it, then it means it already updated?
If you're connected online it will prompt you to download the update if you don't have it.
Yeah I am already having a great time with it as well. It is such a great experience when it works that I am totally patient waiting for them to get it fully fixed.This is why I haven't given up / traded in my copy of the game. Last weekend one of my friends and I played MCC together (split screen) and had a nice run of about 10 straight match made games with minimal issues and it was seriously the most fun I've had in a good while with a video game.
When MCC is fixed it will be worth it.
Rare to hear Jeff go into high pitched mode. That can't have been a good sign lol
I have a copy still sealed. Never played a Halo before, any issues with the campaigns or is it just the online that's busted?
I have a copy still sealed. Never played a Halo before, any issues with the campaigns or is it just the online that's busted?
In retrospect this must be a pretty harsh experience.I sold my 360 copies thinking this would be a good replacement...
Since the update, my game won't even launch the main menu anymore. It just sits on the asteroid belt with the music playing. Nothing else.
Anyone else have this problem?
I did had to re-download
Nobody should ever assume people will come back.
None of the population that bled out while people waited for 343 to fix Halo 4 came back, either.
Halo 4 was never 'fixed' to the extent those people would have wanted (IE, massive changes to the core systems and maps to turn it into halo 3).
So yes, if you get a strong, consistent H2A and H3 multiplayer, they will come back. I'm fairly certain.
Microsoft isn't issuing refunds for digital purchases, are they?
Cause I really don't want to deal with this right now. Would rather play Sunset Overdrive, or something.
I don't think we'll have to worry about people buying this game at Christmas.The games i did get to play have been a blast...hope this gets sorted out before the Xmas rush, because the servers ALWAYS get worse around that time
Whatever happened to the supposed "compensation" that was mentioned by the microsoft support rep last week? any updates regarding that would be appreciated.
If this was BF4 we would've gotten at least two silver battlepacks already!Whatever happened to the supposed "compensation" that was mentioned by the microsoft support rep last week? any updates regarding that would be appreciated.
There were other problems than 'not Halo 3'. My thread has the data and the history - the Turbo update to Halo 4 that addressed many of the glaring balance issues and removed most of the ordnance BS with the game actually stabilized the population. They just took their sweet time getting to it, and didn't even get the update for it deployed in any manner until months after the TU that added the support for Turbo to happen.
This time that isn't going to fly, so now they're actually all hands on deck trying to put out the fire. Their behavior before is the reason they have so little crumple zone for trust now.
Halo 4 was never 'fixed' to the extent those people would have wanted (IE, massive changes to the core systems and maps to turn it into halo 3).
So yes, if you get a strong, consistent H2A and H3 multiplayer, they will come back. I'm fairly certain.