Shpeshal Nick
aka Collingwood
Roster still busted.
got no time to play, is the CE hitsound back?![]()
I've seen this mentioned a few times, how is it done?
With an already 4v4 Team Slayer playlist laid out, the Slayer weighting in the Halo 2 and Halo 3 playlists should be extremely low; same for the eventual Halo 1 2v2 playlist. Halo 2 has far better variety for its gametypes than Halo 3, so you should see more things like 3 Plots Turf, 1-flag Zanzibar, Multi-bomb Colossus, etc. I've seen this coming since they sort of dropped interest in objective modes since taking over Reach.Blood Gulch and Sidewinder CTF, Headlong 1 bomb, Waterworks multibomb, Ivory Tower and Zanzibar 1 flag... I haven't had the pleasure of revisiting any of those experiences yet.
Sad times, 343. Sad times.
First match today is 4 v 5, is it that hard to get balanced teams now? really?
First match today is 4 v 5, is it that hard to get balanced teams now? really?
So people stopped playing this game, that reduced server load and now its smooth? Or did the patch actually do something?
The patch helped, it's not the user count.
In-game lag is purely down to who is hosting and their location to yourself.
Sucks that we are nearly in 2015 and still playing high budget games on peer to fucking peer connections.
I've definitely had experiences playing on both in MCC. Some games are pretty easy to tell if there's a player host vs dedis.Im having no lag at all (apparently) in most of my matches. I wonder if Im really not playing dedis.
I really don't like BR in Halo 3.Feedback is really weak.I never know if my shots connect and it also sounds weak.AR is really great though.
Halo 2 BR is completely different and anniversary version is even better with its meaty sound.
Still getting lag in Halo 4 BTB.I can kill with no problem but there is rubber banding.I am afraid that it will stay that way :/
I wonder when matchmaking is going to start properly matching players of similar skill.
Still had issues matchmaking this morning with my brother one party two separate XB1 over XBL. Got into one match and then got disconnected after playing that one match... :/
Okay so matching times are fixed but teams and balancing need to be fixed still right?
After the few games I had tonight, H1 is fun but 4v4 is far too many people on most of the maps
Lost my progress twice on Outskirts.
Throughout my playthrough of CE, I never encountered this lost checkpoint glitch. It's annoying. :/
Okay yea, this makes a ton a sense and I see why 343 initially had Halo CE set as a 2v2 playlist. I never got to play Halo CE MP on the OG Xbox but I've been playing team slayer this morning and after playing on several Halo CE maps, I was left wondering how this game ever got praise as a multiplayer game.
It just doesn't play well with 8 people on a map. I was constantly being betrayed by my teammates own grenades and killed right at spawn since the maps are so small. Definitely a better experience at 2v2.
Overall matchmaking has improved though. However, this game needs to switch to a veto system ASAP. I was sold on, and paid for, 100 maps and I'm consistently only getting the same 5-10 and they're almost always Slayer BRs.
It did happen to me in CE, twice.Its only Halo 2 that has the checkpoint glitch. Always finish the level.
Fuck Halo 3 feels weird at the moment. Can't get my aiming right at all.