Man that's really disappointing to hear about matchmaking being busted. Was hoping to play a couple matches before work.
If you go into Options screen you can change the controller button layout, the 2nd preset adds LT to ADS and right bumper to grenade. Works really well. Also allows you to change it in all the games.
Can you combine that with left bumper to jump and right stick click melee?
Glad to see it's up. Took quite a while to really look over all four of the games across different modes.
Well, installing off the disk and then downloading the patch wasn't too bad. 15 minutes for the intial download, and 10 minutes for the patch. Don't see why so many people had trouble with it. is it the digital version that's having download and update issues? If so, kinda glad I went the boxed route!
setting up another Custom lobby. GT: Broadbandit
It's a 15gb patch, you're on fast internet.
Standard UK internet. Which is a step up compared to a bunch of countries I guess. I thought Xbox Live in general was having issues though? Or is that over now? May explain why the live update went along with no issues or stalling.
Custom game?No matchmaking for me
Matchmaking is broken.
Online co-op uses MS's dedicated server?
I'll customs KingxGeedorah
Doesn't appear to. Peer 2 Peer, and judging from people who managed to set up co-op, it's still a laggy delayed mess, like the original releases of each game.
adding and sending invite now, HMU for invites now! In lobby! GT: Broadbandit
Doesn't appear to. Peer 2 Peer, and judging from people who managed to set up co-op, it's still a laggy delayed mess, like the original releases of each game.
Never played it before, but I've heard bad things about it. Well, thats sad!
Up to the arbiter missions on h2a with online co-op. No lag issues tbh.
Never tried 1-3 on co-op but 4 was fine connection wise, going to test it later.
Up to the arbiter missions on h2a with online co-op. No lag issues tbh.
Id like to know it aswell!Playing with people locally, country-wide, or in another country completely? Would be interesting to get info. Online co-op was kind of the main reason I got this.
Standard UK internet.
Can anyone Answer??Is there a way to play co campaign with random people?
Or is it invite only from friend list?
Can anyone Answer??
Playing with people locally, country-wide, or in another country completely? Would be interesting to get info. Online co-op was kind of the main reason I got this.
Well, installing off the disk and then downloading the patch wasn't too bad. 15 minutes for the intial download, and 10 minutes for the patch. Don't see why so many people had trouble with it. is it the digital version that's having download and update issues? If so, kinda glad I went the boxed route!
Standard UK internet. Which is a step up compared to a bunch of countries I guess. I thought Xbox Live in general was having issues though? Or is that over now? May explain why the live update went smoothly with no issues or stalling.
My experience with Classic mode (30 second clip).... Hmmm
The ui is really unintuitive. Why couldn't they just copy halo 2 menus.