It just looks really amateur with the heavy gradients and glossy effects.
It's almost PlayStation All-Stars levels of bad. Okay maybe not THAT bad
well past a couple of dozen believable (I don't personally believe them, but better safe than sorry) death threats.
Death threats, stay classy man babies, ugh.
I thought NeoGAF was better than that.![]()
Whoever did the Elite models in H2A did a great job. I hope it isn't the last time we get to play as an Elite.
Does this happen to anyone else when they're not the host in coop?
Note about the clip:
The first section is Halo 2 and I grabbed that while I was up visiting my brother for Thanksgiving. So we had our XB1's going in the same house. This section was taken after the 500MB patch.
The other 2 areas I took were from Halo 4 and we were playing with a friend but we were all in our different houses.
Feels like it completely freaks out with syncing and appears to happen when all hell is about to break loose.
welcome to lockstep
Is anyone able to play online co op? Ive tried several times just now to invite and join my friends game so we can do campaign co op but it won't let us join each other.
Your best bet is to restart your Xbox and restart halo itself. This seemed to work for me during coop sessions.
I was in a 2 vs 4 game, with me being on the side with 4... and we lost. I swear some of these people who play are absolutely horrible, and this is coming from someone who is really bad at Halo games. I put up 20 kills and 7 deaths, while my team was barely pushing 5 kills. Kids need to learn that this isn't COD, and rushing isn't going to give you the absolute advantage.
Heh, I didn't even know there was a term for it. We were hoping to tackle these games on Legendary but trying to deal with this while some of the enemies can one shot you, it feels like a no go until 343 attempts to fix it.
I've read some people in this thread state that there were problems with the Halo Anniversary on the 360. Was this one of them?
I think one of the things that irks me is that I was listening to Major Nelson's podcast and he was talking about playing coop on Legendary and having a great time with someone else on the podcast. Right now I'm just thinking "BULL SHIT YOU WERE!"
It can't really be fixed, it's just a limitation of the networking model. Major Nelson wasn't lying if he was playing with another MS employee, since they'll both probably have really good ping to each other.
lockstep/campaign co-op is very, very latency dependent on how smooth it will be.
The problem is that with the Halo 2 clip I showed, I was in the same house and using the same modem/router.
The problem is that with the Halo 2 clip I showed, I was in the same house and using the same modem/router.
I'm finally going to open my new Xbox one and MCC in a few weeks and I'm really excited.
However, I watched some twitch streams of this game and something is really bothering me...
It just looks really amateur with the heavy gradients and glossy effects.
It's almost PlayStation All-Stars levels of bad. Okay maybe not THAT bad
It may still be routing over the Internet, back to you.
That's what I'm thinking. The only thing I can possibly see is that there's loading with the arenas and there's some havoc. As you're backing up or moving forward, mobs are getting spawned and getting deleted as you're making your way through the level.That's really strange then. It's possible to get hitches when a lot of frame-droppy stuff happens on the host box (because their networking update also hitches along with the framerate). Wonder if the MCC is actually sending co-op over the LAN or is sending it all the way up to LIVE and back.. it should never be like that on the same network.
If the game is p2p for coop and our connection actually had to force the modem to go out to the internet to resolve where my connection is coming from instead of realizing that it just had to send the information to a different local connection, then they have very large problems.
I believe Halo uses the Internet IP (via NAT) for co-op rather than LAN IP. You can test - unplug internet connection from router during co-op session. If it drops, it's routing to your ISP and then back to you. If it still works but lags, then it is local networking or netcode.
Killing the entire other team right before they score the flag to force a tie.
Feels good man.
Wait! So Halo 3 MP is not running smoothly? I just bought this for that. :'(
rank went from 10 to 3 after a 6v2 game, pretty annoying. Tried to wait till this game was fixed to try get a good rank, should've waited longer.
Hey guys, a recent Xbox one owner. I literally bought the Xbox one to play halo and exclusives. I did not buy MCC yet since I am kinda poor after Black Friday. So I hear there are issuses with the matching correct? Can someone fill me in on what's the problems are currently?
Ranks will be reset anyway after the n-th patch:
relevant @Halo Tweet
Not really. A modem should understand when a request comes from a 192.168 or a 10.0 or a 172.16 that it's coming from inside the building and direct it appropriately. Modems have been able to handle it for a long time.
I would believe you if we hadn't tested Destiny. But we did. If there's lag, it's imperceptible with that game.
We tried it to make sure that it wasn't us.
Hey guys, a recent Xbox one owner. I literally bought the Xbox one to play halo and exclusives. I did not buy MCC yet since I am kinda poor after Black Friday. So I hear there are issuses with the matching correct? Can someone fill me in on what's the problems are currently?
Wait! So Halo 3 MP is not running smoothly? I just bought this for that. :'(
So still not fixed? I really want to come back to this.
^ lol
I've had little to no trouble with matchmaking recently aside from the ocassional failed game or uneven match. It's improved a lot for me. Don't take whiny anecdotes at face value.
Not sure about parties though.
It's not "whiny anecdotes", read the thread or read what 343 themselves are posting (sometimes in this very thread). The game is very broken for a lot of people. It's gradually getting better, though.
I didn't mean to downplay people's problems with the game. I meant it varies per user and it's more broken for some than others. Saying "nothing works in this piece of shit" is a whiny anecdote and not representative at all of how my own or many others' personal experience has been. It varies, is my point. YMMV.
It's worked well enough for me lately but I can agree it's certainly not at an acceptable condition yet.
So still not fixed? I really want to come back to this.
I didn't mean to downplay people's problems with the game. I meant it varies per user and it's more broken for some than others. Saying "nothing works in this piece of shit" is a whiny anecdote and not representative at all of how my own or many others' personal experience has been. It varies, is my point. YMMV.
It's worked well enough for me lately but I can agree it's certainly not at an acceptable condition yet.
Its ironic that you want people to consider your or others experience when talking about the game's quality and at the same time are dismissing others opinion as whining.
For a lot of people nothing worthwhile is working. MM is still broken, you either cant find games at all or takes forever, parties get split up into opposite teams on the rare occasions it does work, getting kicked from a game which took 5 minutes to find is all to common, customs are a pain in the ass cause the game keeps kicking people out post game, joining others works as often as it doesnt, campaigns still wont save progress, game crashes randomly. And all of that happened in one single evening to me. And no, thats not bad luck. Its been like that since release. For me and for everyone I have tried to play with.
The thread is full of posts from people who are having every QA issue you can imagine. Advising someone to buy this game in the sorry state it is in because it happens to work for you despite all of that is terrible advice.
Bullshit. I wait 20+ minutes to find a match and nothing. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Parties dont work, checkpoints are broken, framerate is awful in split screen, and the list goes on and on.
Slow matchmaking times and a buggy UI are my main issues. Hooking up with a party, backing out after a game leaves you separated but then its a pain getting everyone back in since the halo player browser doesn't show your friends despite them being on line.
Its bad enough that I've stopped playing it for now in my main daily gaming time slot. Still waiting for these to be corrected.
Thanks for the info. Meh disappoint since me and my bf were planning on getting a Xbox one for halo.. Hopefully the issues will get fix soon.It doesn't work.
I mean it might for you, if you are willing to wait 5....10...15...20 minutes maybe for a game.
I was able to find a few matches the first few days with long wait times, then after that I haven't been able to connect to a mp game since.