Complex Shadow
Cudi Lame
Anyone wanna group up on PC? I would love to get some co-op gaming or team up for Blitz!
I am down to team up for firefight later tonight
Anyone wanna group up on PC? I would love to get some co-op gaming or team up for Blitz!
I'm on mission 11 right now. I'm so frustrated.Only got to Mission 11, but this is where I stop today, because the mission is unfair and terribly designed. Playing on Normal and this shit is absurd.
Also, the game delivered on my fear that SP is overfilled with MP modes. That is your mission design? Because that is just awful...
Really missed playing RTS games. Good to be back.
that command and conquer feel
No, there's only 7 in the game, with a huge gap between the 3rd and 4th.I'm about six or seven missions into the campaign.
Is it all the Starcraft talking heads style thing?
The first Halo Wars had cutscenes between each mission, and so far I've only seen 3... i think.
Have I accidentally unticked a 'display cutscenes' somewhere?
No, there's only 7 in the game, with a huge gap between the 3rd and 4th.
Also, it doesn't apply to this game alone, but much like Halo 4 to 5, Halo Wars to 2 with going from talking heads on the HUD to static images is cheap as fuck, especially since both games (4 and HW1) ran on older machines.
Yup, hated it in that game, too, made worse as everything else was a step up in their campaign.Yeah, Titanfall 2 did the same thing. A bit disappointing.
So I never played Halo Wars and I have the option to buy the Ultimate Edition for £50 and I am going halves with my brother aswell as he has xbox one and I have PC, is this a good deal?
So, what's everyone's consensus on the story thus far? I don't have the means to play the game myself, but from everything I've watched, it just seems... passable at best. Not particularly good, but not embarrassingly bad like Halo 5.
The characters are just archetypes for the most part, which is disappointing, since they were that way in the first game (although the Spartans have a bit of actual personality this time around, which is nice). You don't really get to Know Your Enemy at all, either. Atriox only really displays his physical and strategic prowess in that initial encounter, where he effortlessly took on Red Team and had them completely surrounded. Other than that, it's just, "Yeah, we're going to deploy here, but Atriox predicted it, be prepared." We really don't get to truly know him or the Elite Shipmaster, Let. It makes them feel more like background players even though they're crucial threats. I found the ending rather disappointing as well. On that note...
How on Earth is Halo 6 gonna juggle all these plot threads? They've got the UNSC on the back foot, the Swords of Sanghelios, the Prometheans (ugh) and the Warden Eternal (ugh), Cortana (uuuuggghhh) and the Created (uuuuggghhh), Atriox and the Banished, Cutter and the Spirit of Fire crew, the Ark, Installation 04C, Osiris, Blue Team, etc. It's looking like a mess, and I feel like this is the downside of 343's need to always tie everything to the main games. It makes it less approachable to fans who only play the mainline games, and it makes it harder for them to create a cohesive narrative.
You would have to sign in with his xbox account on your PC (tie it to your windows account) to be able to play I believe. That may be a deal breaker for you. And you could not play at the same time.
I'm on mission 11 right now. I'm so frustrated.
Phantoms dropping troops right on top of your points every minute... are you kidding me? This game has been ridiculous with these late-game levels.
And you nailed it too with the MP in SP thing. I hated it in Gears 4 and I hate it here too. God damn.
Aren't all ultimate editions supposed to come with all of the leaders from the first game? I don't think I got them in my physical copy.
Did you download it?I'm trying to play halo wars 1 again before jumping in on 2 but I can't find out how to start up halo wars 1. Can you not play it early anymore?
That just means you've already downloaded a portion of it and it has been subtracted from the total thus that number is just the remaining data amount to be downloaded.
So, if you download say another 5 GB and need to turn your PC off, reboot, etc when you go to start your download again it will say the total amount is 13.62 GB. The Windows 10 Store is very odd but I've dealt with it enough to know what's going on. It also likes to download a lot of data before updating the download progress at times as well.
Did you download it?
Still?Oh that's what you think is it? It does sound logical....
Small files like that is usually for pre loading. Not quite sure.It said I did,but it's only a 10mb file.I dunno what I'm doing wrong.
It said I did,but it's only a 10mb file.I dunno what I'm doing wrong.
I'm trying to play halo wars 1 again before jumping in on 2 but I can't find out how to start up halo wars 1. Can you not play it early anymore?
Did you download it?
Is that 10MB file under Halo Wars 2 -> Manage Game? Because that's probably only a verification file that you own the HW2 UE and are granted a HW DE copy.
The way the Halo Wars DE version works is waiting 7-10 business days for a code, which lets you download the full game, once you redeem it.
When did you buy the HW2 UE?
Small files like that is usually for pre loading. Not quite sure.
Is that 10MB file under Halo Wars 2 -> Manage Game? Because that's probably only a verification file that you own the HW2 UE and are granted a HW DE copy.
The way the Halo Wars DE version works is waiting 7-10 business days for a code, which lets you download the full game, once you redeem it.
When did you buy the HW2 UE?
Surely I don't have to wait 7-10 days for a code to download a game the Windows Store already knows I own?
Yeah it seems like you have to wait, everyone did for the last two months HWE was available. The assumption I've seen is they sent out the codes delayed like that to prevent people from doing the whole order from Amazon, get code, cancel 10 seconds later thing but there is no reason it should still exist with the game actually out now.
XB or W10?Anyone want to team up and play some multiplayer. Doesn't seem that many people got the Ultimate Edition.
Uh how do I pause the game on PC?
Single player obvs
TyF10 I think?
XboxXB or W10?