How do you set the AI difficulty in Skirmish?
God this UI is terrible...
3. How long is the campaign on normal?
There's the standard Skirmish available in two flavours: Deatmatch and Domination (Capture and hold the most points for X time to win) with up to 5 AI players. In addition to that you can play Blitz Firefight solo against the AI.Three questions:
1. Can you play vs A.I in singleplayer battles (outside of the campaign ofc)?
I haven't encountered game breaking bugs yet. It doesn't feel as polished as it should though.2. Are there a lot of bugs in the Xbox One version (singleplayer stuff)?
My first walktroutgh was 6 hours 55 minutes.
There's the standard Skirmish available in two flavours: Deatmatch and Domination (Capture and hold the most points for X time to win) with up to 5 AI players. In addition to that you can play Blitz Firefight solo against the AI.
I haven't encountered game breaking bugs yet. It doesn't feel as polished as it should though.
Three questions:
1. Can you play vs A.I in singleplayer battles (outside of the campaign ofc)?
2. Are there a lot of bugs in the Xbox One version (singleplayer stuff)?
3. How long is the campaign on normal?
Valhalla...New Map?
Wow, One Three Zero on Legendary. What a dumb fucking mission. Defend this piece of shit area for no reason for 20 minutes with little to no resources.
Pretty poor campaign so far compared to the first game.
So frustrating that I just can't play the game currently, but could easily replay Halo Wars 1 several times Solo and Co-Op on all various difficulties. Heck even Legendary was a non-issue for me and I helped several people with it and even 100%'ed the game again from December to January.
In Halo Wars 2, you are just getting fucked by the cheap and unbalanced AI even on Normal. I feel like the biggest casual admitting this, but I couldn't even beat Mission 11 in co-op on Normal and to save us frustration, we switched to Easy and still weren't able to get the Bonus Objectives done.
Feel so disappointed in this game, because it's just not a good sequel. So many disappointing things about it.
Dunno much about game dev, but seeing the files context, it rather seems like a codename or something. Like, what's in that xsd?Valhalla...New Map?
Think I'll wait to pick this up with Scoprio, what are the main differences between PC and Xbox versions?
Really enjoying team deathmatch. Been some crazy games, definitely starting to hit my stride with Atroix. However, that sentinel strat is fucking bonkers. Ran into yesterday and one person sweeped all 3 of us. Unless you have all anti air you are gonna have a bad time.
Also, am I the only one who misses controlling covenant leaders?
Exactly vampires and cryo bomb were great counters to stuff like this. Similar to when Hawks ruled the meta until they buffed cryo bombs.Yeah I've been getting hit with the Sentinels a lot, and even prepping with Wolverines and marines I feel like I still get stomped. Wishing I had Vampires in this game because there's no way to beat the Sentinel mobility. Feel like you're better off hoping the Sentinel's teammate hasn't been doing what he should and going on the offensive and hope they either pull back the Sentinels or commit and you wipe them faster.
Let's keep perpetuating the lie that the Blood Gulch bloodline is the best BTB map.
Sidewinder >>>> Blood Gulch
Avalanche >>>>> Valhalla
Let's keep perpetuating the lie that the Blood Gulch bloodline is the best BTB map.
Sidewinder >>>> Blood Gulch
Avalanche >>>>> Valhalla
Just watched the first cutscene. About to dive in.
Already got chills... This is one of the top mysteries in the Halo universe for me, what happened to this ship and its crew. Excited.
I keep hearing about how awesome these cut scenes are, but I'm what appears to be half way through and I've only seen one so far...
And to be perfectly honest it didn't look up to the standard of Blur's previous Halo work.
Aren't there 3 cut scenes right at the start of the game? One opening cinematic, one right after the first tutorial part, and then another after
Unless you mean awesome cut scenes and not cut scenes in general. I enjoyed them all however.
I'm already riveted. Can't wait!Wait til you get closer to the end of the game. This one cut scene will blow you away, best cinematic in a Halo game in a very long time.
Yeah, ok. But since then there's been nothing.
Got my rear-end handed too me on the 3rd mission (Heroic)
Gotta get back into multi-tasking better
Also, I finally understand LOCAL UNITS, ALL UNITS
Also, the art style is glorious.
Yeah, ok. But since then there's been nothing.
There definitely aren't as many as Wars 1.
If it was all on budget I do think they would have been better off pulling a minute or two of cinematic here and there to have something in between around missions or 4-5. The gap is conspicuous. And the consistent structure in HW1 was more enjoyable overall despite the cutscenes here still being very good and similar total length.
I would have appreciated getting a look atafter the first set of cutscenes.Atriox reacting/planning or something, he's not a big enough part of the game
Exactly vampires and cryo bomb were great counters to stuff like this. Similar to when Hawks ruled the meta until they buffed cryo bombs.
They should also add a leader disruption bomb like hw1 to reduce the reliance on leader powers as a crutch.
She will be mine.This is a few days old but I haven't seen it posted here yet:
First DLC commander is Morgan Kinsamo. Apparently her abilities are focused on fire based anti-infantry, which makes sense as she appears to be a hellbringer.
These achievements for her were also revealed in the prima guide:
Twisted Firestarter - 10GS: Play three matches as Morgan Kinsano (Multiplayer, Skirmish, or Blitz).
I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire - 10GS: Burn 50 infantry units with Kinsano's Flamewall ability (Multiplayer, Skirmish, or Blitz).
The Roof Is on Fire - 10GS: Kill 100 units with Inferno (Multiplayer, Skirmish, or Blitz).
Just played some 2 v 2 Blitz games with my brother currenlty on a 4 win streak. I am enjoying Blitz much more than I expected.
Apparently they removed the AI rush ones from the system for now.
This is a few days old but I haven't seen it posted here yet:
First DLC commander is Morgan Kinsamo. Apparently her abilities are focused on fire based anti-infantry, which makes sense as she appears to be a hellbringer.
These achievements for her were also revealed in the prima guide:
Twisted Firestarter - 10GS: Play three matches as Morgan Kinsano (Multiplayer, Skirmish, or Blitz).
I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire - 10GS: Burn 50 infantry units with Kinsano's Flamewall ability (Multiplayer, Skirmish, or Blitz).
The Roof Is on Fire - 10GS: Kill 100 units with Inferno (Multiplayer, Skirmish, or Blitz).
Do they hold up vs banshee with plasma upgrade?Sentinels are broken af, started using them. Took down 3 scarabs and only lost about a handful of them. Only takes 10 minutes to build a fully upgraded army capable of killing everything, especially bases. They are like the hawks of yesteryear.