Prinz Eugn
i would rather not deal with people killing me because i didn't fire fast enough for random bullets to kill them.
"It's so random and FUN"
i would rather not deal with people killing me because i didn't fire fast enough for random bullets to kill them.
Right now! Playing 4.No expert at flirting with boys but lets just say one of us was more eager to reach the climax as it were whilst the other was dragged kicking and screaming (me if you aren't following).
I'd love to when are you free?
i would rather not deal with people killing me because i didn't fire fast enough for random bullets to kill them.
Should have RoF locked the DMR instead of reducing the bloom then, while not touching the rest of the sandbox.
The Reach TU feels unfinished and the population numbers speak for themselves.
Plus most playlists are still pointlessly duplicated, so even if you were ignoring the actual gametype settings, would you rather play High Population Team Slayer or Low Population Team Slayer?
Should have RoF locked the DMR instead of reducing the bloom then, while not touching the rest of the sandbox.
The Reach TU feels unfinished and the population numbers speak for themselves.
Plus most playlists are still pointlessly duplicated, so even if you were ignoring the actual gametype settings, would you rather play High Population Team Slayer or Low Population Team Slayer?
It's nearly half one in the morning. Your six hours behind me so we can do something this Friday or weekend?Right now! Playing 4.
Sure =)It's nearly half one in the morning. Your six hours behind me so we can do something this Friday or weekend?
The populations speak for themselves because "Team Slayer" is at the top of the list, while "Super Slayer"(who really wants to play a playlist called super slayer?) is hidden in the TU stuff.
neither because team slayer has armor lock and jetpack, the two most unholy things in the existence of halo.Plus most playlists are still pointlessly duplicated, so even if you were ignoring the actual gametype settings, would you rather play High Population Team Slayer or Low Population Team Slayer?
Budgeting?When the time comes...............i need to convince the wife to get me this collection and a XB1.....uhg.
neither because team slayer has armor lock and jetpack, the two most unholy things in the existence of halo.
i only play objective.
neither because team slayer has armor lock and jetpack, the two most unholy things in the existence of halo.
i only play objective.
If there was only a unique Slayer playlist that had armor lock removed
say, a Squad based one, that was just Slayer
Check your PM's please.Sure =)
Bulletin is live, many questions answered within.
Thanks for the link.Bulletin is live, many questions answered within.
I think 60% of the answers were "We'll talk about that in the future" tho
Q: What version of Halo 2 will be included? Is it "pre-patch multiplayer?"
A: We are making huge investments to deliver a premium experience at 1080p, 60 fps. Having said that, the original game had a lot of dependencies running at 30 fps so we are focusing on making sure Halo 2 plays the way it did post-patch. Gameplay will feel the way you remember it.
Did no one ask about system link/LAN? Or is 343 dodging the question?
Just in case anyone cares if they were going to fix button combos or not.Q: Will Halo 2: Anniversary have button combos, such as BXR?
-KitKat The Fox
A: The original Halo 2 multiplayer and campaign will still have BXR and similar button combos. The 6 new maps are built upon a modified engine for Xbox One, so some of these button combos/glitches will not work as they did in the original. Rest assured, we are working very hard to match the original experience as closely as possible on this engine.
Pretty sure ghosts has it on Xbox one.I don't think Xbone officially supports it. Can't provide it if the console doesn't support it.
Q: How long has The Master Chief Collection been in development?
-TeK x Fernplant
A: We started thinking about exactly how we were going to debut on Xbox One several years ago, prior to releasing Halo 4.
Frankie said they are working on trying to get it in, but said it's complicated. It's not concrete at this point if all/any versions will have it. But for fuck's sake, Halo 1-3 need to have it. I'm sure MLG is harping on them about it if they plan on holding any tournaments for MCC.
Where did they talk about this "special blend"? Certainly it would be nice if the game wasn't another butchered HPC port.Halo: Combat Evolved
- 1080p, 60FPS
- Dedicated Servers
- Anniversary-build Campaign including back-button Anniversary / Classic Mode switching
- "Special Blend" tech-spec feature set using the original Xbox build as a base, with some PC assets included
- All maps, including PC maps such as Gephyrophobia and Infinity.
No join in progress.
Q: Will you be tracking game statistics for Halo 1, 2 and 3? If so, will they be separate and viewable on Halo Waypoint?
A: We aren’t revealing all details just yet, but yes, Halo Waypoint will support stats for all games.
Err, I wonder what they mean by that. The original Halo 2 uses different split-screen views depending on whether you console is set to 4:3 or 16:9. The 4:3 is a top-bottom split which isn't great but is somewhat serviceable. The 16:9 split is a left-right split with a tiny FoV.Bulletin said:A: Yes, campaign co-op play will be supported across all four titles, both online and split-screen. In addition, we will be changing to a horizontal view for the split-screen multiplayer for Halo 2: Anniversary.
Q: Will you be adding a spectator mode to The Master Chief Collection?
A: By leveraging the Xbox One platform were able to take advantage of Twitch functionality to provide a spectator experience that will allow online players to stream their matches, speedruns, Forge sessions and more. However, there is not a dedicated in-game specific spectator mode. While we understand the importance and versatility of a dedicated spectating system, were confident that Twitch functionality will make it easy for anyone to share gameplay at any time while playing The Master Chief Collection.
Small glimmer of hope on an official API.
Well, that answers a lot.
The only reason I can see LAN not being present when the original games had it is because they have new dedicated server netcode is entirely built around well.. dedicated servers, meaning they're not leaving any processor power on the table for client-hosted games in the game itself. Or you'd need an extra One to host games on LAN.
It should definitely still be in though. LAN Halo > online Halo. 2, 3, and Reach all had much better feel on LAN
Also, it appears the Collection doesn't use any of the games original matchmaking playlist code, but rather a new playlist functionality specifically for it. Hence why there's no Join In Progress for Halo 4.
I've been working on a project where I've been looking at a large sample size of Halo 4 matches.
The 'Join In Progress' statistics are disgusting.
Small glimmer of hope on an official API.
Ain't happening in the 343 era. They closed off the Reach API to the general public even though it was still functional and working. And then they required you to log in to even view stats to make it more of a pain in the ass to even scrape the stats.
Bungie era Halo was about letting the community do what they wanted to with the game. 343 era Halo is you do it 343's way, or you don't do anything.
Quitting is the real culprit here, take the quit option out of the game and don't let players join another game until that quit one has finished. Quitting screws with rank, stats, player pools and forces Xbox/developers to attempt to deal with such issues through features like reputation, JiP etc.
Err, I wonder what they mean by that. The original Halo 2 uses different split-screen views depending on whether you console is set to 4:3 or 16:9. The 4:3 is a top-bottom split which isn't great but is somewhat serviceable. The 16:9 split is a left-right split with a tiny FoV.
Does "horizontal" mean a left-right split? If they do that, hopefully the FoV isn't trash.
Players will be starting fresh in terms of rank, stats, armor, and more on Xbox One. Well have more specifics at a later date.
Ain't happening in the 343 era. They closed off the Reach API to the general public even though it was still functional and working. And then they required you to log in to even view stats to make it more of a pain in the ass to even scrape the stats.
Bungie era Halo was about letting the community do what they wanted to with the game. 343 era Halo is you do it 343's way, or you don't do anything.
But Join in Progress is poopNo join in progress.
Nah, you can't remove the Quit Game option, only Souls games get to do that. I do like the option of preventing you from starting another game until the one you quit finishes for Ranked. But, I feel if you quit a ranked game, you can go join a social game, but not vice versa. If you quit two Social games in row, then you have to wait until the one you just quit finishes before you can start again. That might help a little bit, but people are gonna quit regardless.
Most important thing is to make quitting always a worse penalty than staying for your Rank in Ranked matches. If someone quits, then any subsequent quits by players shouldn't be penalized though, the match is essentially invalid toward any proper Ranking at that point.
There also needs to be a Surrender voting option for longer objective games, or sessions that go over 12-15 mins.
Quitting is the real culprit here, take the quit option out of the game and don't let players join another game until that quit one has finished. Quitting screws with rank, stats, player pools and forces Xbox/developers to attempt to deal with such issues through features like reputation, JiP etc.
Either a daily deal or a community deal, yeah. If that doesn't happen by the final day, go nuts.I'm thinking about getting Spartan Assault on Steam, since it is 33% off. $3.24.
Should I wait for a daily deal?
goes a lot further than that.
having a bad or no ranking system is a far bigger culprit.
If matches are balanced and there is an engaging ranking system in place people are far less likely to quit. There was no true skill in H4 so matches were often heavily lopsided. You can't fault people for quitting when the game matches them with people at a far higher skill level then them.
Hell, its gotten so bad in games i have actually stopped playing games because they are just too easy.
The current API for Halo 4 is great.
Some of the endpoints are public, the rest require a 'SpartanToken' via Microsoft OAuth.
EDIT: Public Endpoint 'playercard' (you can request JSON too)
From all I've looked up, this is just like the Reach 343 era API - unsupported, undocumented, and was accomplished by poking around and seeing what 343's official apps were doing. It's still limited compared to the fully functional Bungie Reach API.