So this is my current Freeze Mage, based on Trump's selection (Few cards missing) I've currently got 620 dust with the option to disenchant "Deathwing" for 400, bringing my total to 1,000.
Is there anything you would suggest for my Mage or Miracle Rouge? or just cards that would fit into any deck?
or should I hold out for another 500/600 to get a decent legendary?
btw, druids haven taken over the ladder. Of my 140 games this month 25% were against druids and only 19% against warlocks (there are quite a few paladin around now as well)
I've also got Edwin for my Rouge. Would you suggested taking him out to afford Alex?
I've also got Edwin for my Rouge. Would you suggested taking him out to afford Alex?
De'ing a great Legendary for 400 dust sounds like an absolutely terrible idea.
I refuse to DE even The Beast.
I refuse to DE even The Beast.
btw, druids haven taken over the ladder. Of my 140 games this month 25% were against druids and only 19% against warlocks (there are quite a few paladin around now as well)
I notice a lot of Druid too. I think it's just because it is easier to play than Miracle and stuff and also it has a pretty decent match up with basically everything out there.
Druid has always been a very consistent class.
I haven't even dusted my Millhouse Manastorm.
I refuse to DE even The Beast.
I have never dested anything I didn't have extras of. Both my Millhouse and Nozdormu get used everyday when I play with my Randuin deck to close out a gaming session heh!
I would have kept my Noz if he was 8 mana. Fuck Noz.
Hater! It is one of my most played legendaries, a staple in any true Randuin deck.
Here is the current Enrage Warrior I threw together because I don't have the cards for control. Any obvious changes needed? I was thinking about throwing out the smith for Leeroy considering his synergy with whirlwind or as a finisher.
Here is the current Enrage Warrior I threw together because I don't have the cards for control. Any obvious changes needed? I was thinking about throwing out the smith for Leeroy considering his synergy with whirlwind or as a finisher.
The fact of the matter is, the days of personal invention, in games, is dead. The idea is now little more than romanticism and nostalgia. The internet has made individuality exceptionally difficult to establish unless you have a truly pioneering spirit. In any game, particularly competitive ones, there will be forerunners, and followers, the latter of which will always grossly outnumber the former. It was different when your gaming circle would consist of maybe 4-5 people you played games together with, and perhaps 15-20 in your city/county. In those days, you could explore, invent, amaze people with something new, because no one had any idea what they were doing. But now? You're effectively up against a collective of thousands, sometimes tens of thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands.
To think that you, alone, would be able to out-think such a hivemind is... arrogant, to say the least.
Knife juggler + mirror image is cute but it didn't amount to much.
The fact of the matter is, the days of personal invention, in games, is dead. The idea is now little more than romanticism and nostalgia. The internet has made individuality exceptionally difficult to establish unless you have a truly pioneering spirit. In any game, particularly competitive ones, there will be forerunners, and followers, the latter of which will always grossly outnumber the former. It was different when your gaming circle would consist of maybe 4-5 people you played games together with, and perhaps 15-20 in your city/county. In those days, you could explore, invent, amaze people with something new, because no one had any idea what they were doing. But now? You're effectively up against a collective of thousands, sometimes tens of thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands.
To think that you, alone, would be able to out-think such a hivemind is... arrogant, to say the least.
I have a Paladin deck that I've filled with "value" cards that I'm trying to get to work. I don't have Tirion or Cairne yet so I have no idea if the deck is necessarily viable once I've optimized it, but I'm trying at least.
How about Knife Juggler + Sorc + double Mirror Image? Against an aggro Warrior. I would have facedesked so hard if I was on the other side of that.
And if everyone thought like that, the world would never evolve. Don't see your point.The fact of the matter is, the days of personal invention, in games, is dead. The idea is now little more than romanticism and nostalgia. The internet has made individuality exceptionally difficult to establish unless you have a truly pioneering spirit. In any game, particularly competitive ones, there will be forerunners, and followers, the latter of which will always grossly outnumber the former. It was different when your gaming circle would consist of maybe 4-5 people you played games together with, and perhaps 15-20 in your city/county. In those days, you could explore, invent, amaze people with something new, because no one had any idea what they were doing. But now? You're effectively up against a collective of thousands, sometimes tens of thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands.
To think that you, alone, would be able to out-think such a hivemind is... arrogant, to say the least.
Pretty sure you can get higher than rank 18 with a deck made out of random cards if you let the game make a deck for you.
To make an original deck that is also effective takes a great amount of skill and knowledge that most Hearthstone players just don't have. Anyone who rolls into Ranked with their own decks will quickly realize this, which is why people tend to gravitate toward the popular options. Making your own deck for the sake of making your own deck is just handicapping yourself, so unless you don't actually care about winning games, or are supremely confident in your play, it doesn't make any kind of sense.
Look at it another way. Making your own decks in a vacuum is a recipe for disaster. When creating a deck, you take into account many factors like decks in the current metagame, combos available to your class, curves that play to your classes strengths, so on and so forth. All this knowledge is available out there on the internet, and not taking advantage of all the resources you have at your disposal during the process of deckbuilding is, again, misguided. But if you keep taking bits and pieces from the internet, eventually, you'll arrive at a deck that is not so different from one of the pro builds anyway. So netdecking merely skips the process of slowly iterating on your own build until it reaches maximum efficiency, because someone better than you already did it.
In short, why reinvent the wheel?
It comes down to whether you want to win or if you want to have fun deckbuilding. You can't have it both ways, unless you're a very talented player. I say this as someone who has slapped together a lot of janky MTG decks over the years for my own amusement, but never once did I fool myself into thinking any of them would be competitive, nor would I hold it against others for netdecking in a competitive environment. I would be more bitter if someone rolled into kitchen table Magic with Death and Taxes, but there really isn't an equivalent of kitchen table Magic in Hearthstone. Even Casual matchmaking is mostly a testing/training ground for aspiring Ranked grinders, or people who just want to get their dailies over with (usually by netdecking a fast and efficient build).
I wasn't making a point, I was making an observation. This is just the direction gaming is heading in due to internet proliferation, and you can see this in any game with a powerful theorycrafting contingent like WoW, Souls, Pokemon, Magic, DOTA2, etc, etc.And if everyone thought like that, the world would never evolve. Don't see your point.
Mind sharing the decklist? It sounds interesting, and I'm curious to see if it's not just a variant of Tempo.I've been working on and evolving my own rogue deck since I started the game. Making a good deck just takes a lot of time, patience, and testing.
I've been building and working on my own personal deck for the past two months or so now. It hasn't been wildly successful, but it's the most fun I've had with the game by far. It just started with a simple idea and has been slightly changed to work better within the meta or just by improving it overall. Of course the deck has changed in overall tone / play style or whatever, but the main idea is still there.
It's main the reason I'm really excited for Naxx, once new cards get out, the meta shifts, and all that jazz, there will be more ideas to consider out there.And I can't wait for the Triple Leeroy extravaganza.
never found the appeal in netdecking.
Its like taking steroids in pro sports.
Mind sharing the decklist? It sounds interesting, and I'm curious to see if it's not just a variant of Tempo.
I wonder what it's like to fight a class that isn't druid.
More fun.
People are realising druid is ez mode and op. Not as hard to play as zoo to boot :b