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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Trying to construct a miracle shaman for the lols. Windfury double rockbiter + Leeroy is a lot of damage, so I figure there could be a way to do it. Although Auctioneer doesn't work out that well with a shaman, I feel like mana tide totems and some other cards could give you enough draw for it to work. It's a dumb idea, but funny nonetheless if you can get the 24 damage combo off.


Thanks for the great responses guys. I more or less agree with everything you all said. Following established, successful archetypes absolutely is essential if you want climb ladders, particularly given that everyone has access to these successful archetypes. I don't dispute the inevitableity of this, I'm just really bummed it can't be another way. I wish that people cared more about being unique than having the best chance to win. I wish people cared more about having fun than about being competitive (of course, this is a very flawed statement, given that winning is fun).
It's not just about "winning". The way I see it, putting together the best currently-known netdecks and playing them exclusively is the best thing I could possibly do at this point to learn to be a better deckbuilder.

It allows you to develop and verify your proficiency at piloting a deck. Without the skill to at least drive a known-good deck to high levels, how would you recognize a good deck even if you somehow came up with one?
Continuing from that point, getting up the ladder means you have access to a steady supply of good opponents with good decks. Without that environment you also can't verify your deck is actually good. Like Haly said, deckbuilding in a vacuum ends up in disaster.
Furthermore, using those known-good decks and playing against them will expose you to their strengths and weaknesses and get you to really understand them. Some of the ideas can transfer over to other decks, and some can let you build or modify other decks to beat the deck. So you can spend your energy on things that are actual innovation instead of reinventing the wheel, and have much better intuition for what is actually promising and what is probably not going to work.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
3 Guardian of Kings
2 Avengers Wrath
1 Sword of Justice
Tirion Fordringe
2 Hammer of Justice
2 Yetis


So when is Blizzard changing the name of this game to Facestone: Heroes of Shitcraft?

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
3 Guardian of Kings
2 Avengers Wrath
1 Sword of Justice
Tirion Fordringe
2 Hammer of Justice
2 Yetis


So when is Blizzard changing the name of this game to Facestone: Heroes of Shitcraft?

How many turn 1/2/3 drops did you have?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I've actually posted many iterations in the past. But it is always changing, even in minor ways. Even this season I have made several small alterations to accommodate trends.

Cool, it's definitely pretty unique and kudos for making it to Legend with a deck of your own.


I haven't even got the cards to netdeck outside of basic decks. =/ Had to find substitutes.

Reason people netdeck is though, if you don't have much knowledge, netdecking and then playing is probably the best way to get it. After all you need a lot of knowledge and experience of the game to know what cards are good, what work well with each other, and how you can mitigate other peoples combos to make a good deck.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
3 Guardian of Kings
2 Avengers Wrath
1 Sword of Justice
Tirion Fordringe
2 Hammer of Justice
2 Yetis


So when is Blizzard changing the name of this game to Facestone: Heroes of Shitcraft?

I don't know. When are you going to stop blaming Blizzard for your own failures?


Netdecks aside, HS isn't a hard game to make your own decks. Try innovating in magic and then come back to the 30 slot tiny card pools of HS.

Sounds like someone got beat by druids lately?

Well my warrior is not too miserable against druids, I'd say it's close to 50/50. But yeah it's a stupidly safe and boring deck to face. Here's a pile of fat minions deal with them or perish.


I make my own decks because deck building is 80% of the fun. I love to see combinations I thought of working in a real game. Or tweaking my deck when it doesn't work as well as I thought it would.

I win about 50% of my games so it's not like I'm doing terrible. I'm sure a lot of it is because my opponent has no idea what I'm playing though so they're not sure how to play against me. "Element of surprise" I guess.

Netdecking is like playing with a strategy guide. Boring.
I don't care about winning so much to ruin a huge part of the game experience for myself.

I do netdeck sometimes just to get ideas though. And also to see how the deck is played so I know how to play against it. But that's like 15% of my games. I mostly use my own, though my own can be inspired by popular decks.


When Hearthstone gets more cards I think we can see a lot more originality in deck building. The card pool is so limiting and even 30 cards from Naxx is a drop in a bucket.


Netdecks aside, HS isn't a hard game to make your own decks. Try innovating in magic and then come back to the 30 slot tiny card pools of HS.

Well my warrior is not too miserable against druids, I'd say it's close to 50/50. But yeah it's a stupidly safe and boring deck to face. Here's a pile of fat minions deal with them or perish.

I just dont think its fair to call the class ez mode and op when most other classes are exactly the same. Each month a new class with be FOTM and that special deck will seem OP until its found out and the meta shifts.


I just dont think its fair to call the class ez mode and op when most other classes are exactly the same. Each month a new class with be FOTM and that special deck will seem OP until its found out and the meta shifts.

it's just that the FoN + roar combo is probably the best combo finisher in the game (ridicules when you already have minions on board) and they have highly efficient class minions with keeper, druid of claw, ancient of lore

token druid will make a comeback in Naxx with poison seeds, mark my words


I make my own decks because deck building is 80% of the fun. I love to see combinations I thought of working in a real game. Or tweaking my deck when it doesn't work as well as I thought it would.

I win about 50% of my games so it's not like I'm doing terrible.
Everybody tends to win about 50% thanks to matchmaking. Who you are winning/losing to is how you determine whether you are doing well.

I'm sure a lot of it is because my opponent has no idea what I'm playing though so they're not sure how to play against me. "Element of surprise" I guess.
It's very cool when you can purposely give them a wrong idea and then spring a trap on them, but that doesn't happen if they have no idea and just see some random stuff coming out right off the bat; then they'll have to play the averages like on arena. Having strong, frequently encountered deck archetypes is necessary for really fun mindgames, IMO.


This game needs more defensive options. After playing against the army of zoolock/murlocs and ridiculous combos something has to change. I shouldn't lose the second I end my turn when i'm around 20 hp and completely dominating the board (no minions on their board).

The autopilot warlock decks that happens to be 90% of my matches are complete bullshit. If I can't draw multiple of spells within the first 3 turns, GG. My reward for keeping the board clear is losing most of my hp via charge or not being to take out all those minions in a single turn then losing to doomguard/soulfire /other spells.

It feels completely pointless to not use an arrgo deck when this is the cycle.
opp summons minions => lose hp => try to get rid of the minions => opp summons more minions => lose hp
Oh, you survived all of that? Now you have to win before they draw their spells or high att charge minions. There's a good chance you'll be under 10 hp at that pont. Good luck!


Everybody tends to win about 50% thanks to matchmaking. Who you are winning/losing to is how you determine whether you are doing well.

It's very cool when you can purposely give them a wrong idea and then spring a trap on them, but that doesn't happen if they have no idea and just see some random stuff coming out right off the bat; then they'll have to play the averages like on arena. Having strong, frequently encountered deck archetypes is necessary for really fun mindgames, IMO.

I guess I should say that I'm able to climb the ladder just fine. I'm sure I grind more than others to do it but it's working well enough for me.

I'm not really even into the mind games. I just like to see something I thought of working well. If I was just playing the popular decks someone else created I wouldn't be having any fun. That basically totally removes the point of playing a card game like this at all to me.

Also it's not completely random stuff. There are a lot of cards that are just bad (or not as good) in this game so even custom decks tend to look similar to the netdecks.

But whatever. Netdeck all you want. I have no problem with it. But I'm not going to sacrifice my fun just so other people can have their mind games or whatever.


RNG is the best. Storytime, apologies.

Secret / Freezie Mage versus my Control Warrior. Feeling good, obviously. Handling him, armoring up. The secret guy who gets +2/+2 every turn? BGH him into oblivion as soon as he hits 7 attack. Execute Ragnaros when he appears. Life is good.

Alexstracza hits and lowers me to 15, but I had been expecting it, no problem. 15 life + 12 armor. I can't immediately deal with her, though. Frustration!

I have an armorsmith and a taskmaster out, say F it, attack face and then Brawl. 33% chance Alex lives, right? Of course she does. Mage has been emoting "Hello" the whole game. Play the remaining armorsmith from my hand and armor up in an annoyed fashion, internally debating whether I should've played her first to reduce Alex's chances to 25%.

His turn, he goes face with Alex and plays Hogger. 4 minions on the board now, so I say screw it again. Now she has a 25% chance to live! Play my second Brawl.

Alex lives again. Expletive Deleted. I actually have a second BGH in the deck, but of course he doesn't show up yet. Play my Abomination (added it to my control warrior deck, love it). Hit end turn, waiting to see what he does.

He pauses for a very long time, considering. Alex kills the Abom, she's down to 2 life now due to 4/4 + deathrattle. He pings me and plays f'ng Antonidus. Ends turn.

I draw cleave. Play cleave, kill Alex finally, draw a deep breath and play Ragnaros. I know if he has one turn with Antonidus alive, I am done. RNG has screwed me two times in a row, will a third?

Ragnaros blows Antonidus the hell up, I let out a breath, and his game is thus doomed.


This game needs more derensive options. After playing against the army of zoolock/murlocs and ridiculous combos something has to change. I shouldn't lose the second I end my turn when i'm around 20 hp and completely dominating the board (no minions on their board).

The autopilot warlock decks that happens to be 90% of my matches are complete bullshit. If I can't draw multiple of spells within the first 3 turns, GG. My reward for keeping the board clear is losing most of my hp via charge or not being to take out all those minions in a single turn then losing to doomguard/soulfire /other spells.

It feels completely pointless to not use an arrgo deck when this is the cycle.
opp summons minions => lose hp => try to get rid of the minions => opp summons more minions => lose hp
Oh, you survived all of that? Now you have to win before they draw their spells or high att charge minions. There's a good chance you'll be under 10 hp at that pont. Good luck!

There are usually some anti-aggro options you can swap in if needed. I moved out wild growth/harvest golems and put in wild pyros/farseers for my token druid deck and I love seeing zoo now.


Ancestral spirit shamans would probably destroy aggro decks that don't have hard removal. I ran into one last season while playing zoo lock. Took one look at his ancestral spirited Earth Elemental and conceded. Wouldn't work against rogues since sap gets hyper value there.

But what do I know.


He needs to learn how to deal with people hitting him in the face.



I just dont think its fair to call the class ez mode and op when most other classes are exactly the same. Each month a new class with be FOTM and that special deck will seem OP until its found out and the meta shifts.

Miracle Rogue is not ez mode. Control warrior and handlock are not ez mode. You can screw up your plays in many ways on any turn when you play these decks. The older midrange hunter was pretty tricky to pilot as well, the new version is a bit simpler to play.


Miracle Rogue is not ez mode. Control warrior and handlock are not ez mode. You can screw up your plays in many ways on any turn when you play these decks. The older midrange hunter was pretty tricky to pilot as well, the new version is a bit simpler to play.

Zoo is easy and so is all the "to the face" decks


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You can play Zoo like that, but you'd be missing out on a lot of the flexibility the shell has, and you would pretty much roll over to any competent Druid/Warrior player.

The real skill in Zoo comes from being able to eke out wins against those awful awful matchups without nutty hands, which Zoo can do, if you know how to do it.

Likewise, I find a lot of Zoo players ironically have a hard time against my Face Paladin deck, because they don't realize they need to play a controlling game against me, and they just keep hitting Lifetap without thinking about the consequences of 2 damage per turn against aggro.


Zoo isn't just a "to the face" deck.

You can play Zoo like that, but you'd be missing out on a lot of the flexibility the shell has, and you would pretty much roll over to any competent Druid/Warrior player.

The real skill in Zoo comes from being able to eke out wins against those awful awful matchups without nutty hands, which Zoo can do, if you know how to do it.

Likewise, I find a lot of Zoo players ironically have a hard time against my Face Paladin deck, because they don't realize they need to play a controlling game against me, and they just keep hitting Lifetap without thinking about the consequences of 2 damage per turn against aggro.

Lol. Zoo taking thinking. Man you guys give me a good chuckle sometimes.


Isn't Zoo more about value trades and board control? Tapping just lets you keep a steady flow of minions on the board.

I don't think it's a "to the face" style deck at all. I thought you only go to the face if their board is clear or the trades are just terrible for you.


Isn't Zoo more about value trades and board control? Tapping just lets you keep a steady flow of minions on the board.

I don't think it's a "to the face" style deck at all. I thought you only go to the face if their board is clear or the trades are just terrible for you.

There are zoo decks for both styles as far as I know.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wait, did someone just try and tell me that I need to get used to the feeling of being hit on the face? And that reality bombs can be harsh?

Bros.... Say my name. SAY MY NAME.


There are zoo decks for both styles as far as I know.

I see. I thought people playing "to the face" style against me with Zoo were just doing it wrong. Maybe it's just the way I tend to build my decks but "to the face" Zoo always runs out of steam and can be completely stopped just by a few taunts. Meanwhile my board continues to grow since they're not trading and it just ends up being a quick game as they take face damage from my minions + tap damage every turn.

I don't think a tapping warlock can race very well.

So "to the face" Zoo seems like a terrible idea to me.

(Assuming Zoo lock of course)


Lol. Zoo taking thinking. Man you guys give me a good chuckle sometimes.

Eh, I think you're both right.

They're primarily saying Zoo is not a 100% to the face deck and they're right.

I don't think it requires that much thought, though, compared to some other decks. You can play it incorrectly, but the deck itself is good enough where you can make a mistake and not be doomed by it.

i.e., it's rare I've lost to a Zoo or won with Zoo and gone "Nice job".


If zoo didn't require thinking, every player using the deck would be at the same rank.

But they aren't.

That's because zoo is for fast cheap wins, not for constant wins that allow you to rank up constantly.

Heck everytime I see the high end pros using zoo it's only to experiment and they lose ranks while doing so. The decks that take skill trounce them unless zoo gets perfect draws.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Wait, did someone just try and tell me that I need to get used to the feeling of being hit on the face?

No, I believe I said you need to learn how to deal with it.

Arena is about trying to establish an advantage over your opponent, and then exploiting that advantage. You shouldn't treat every minion like it has taunt. Just because your opponent is exploiting their advantage and forcing you to make the trades instead of them, doesn't mean they're being greedy. Arena is predominantly about minions so "answer" cards like spells are more rare.

The first couple of turns in arena are some of the most important. You need 2 drops. You need 3 drops. Make sure you have them.


That's because zoo is for fast cheap wins, not for constant wins that allow you to rank up constantly.

the #1 ranked player in US last season was using zoo. Saying that zoo is not viable in the higher rank is completely false
Earlier in the day I played some control hunter and handlock without a major streak. When I hit around rank 150 I went 8-0 with druid, lost two games, then went something like 14-1 with Zoo. Towards the end of the streak my rank went from 25>25>25>21>21>16>9>4>1


I see. I thought people playing "to the face" style against me with Zoo were just doing it wrong. Maybe it's just the way I tend to build my decks but "to the face" Zoo always runs out of steam and can be completely stopped just by a few taunts. Meanwhile my board continues to grow since they're not trading and it just ends up being a quick game as they take face damage from my minions + tap damage every turn.

I don't think a tapping warlock can race very well.

So "to the face" Zoo seems like a terrible idea to me.

(Assuming Zoo lock of course)

I haven't looked into the variations myself but Trump called a deck he was going against as aggro zoo when they opened with leper gnomes.


With Zoo a lot of people try to play it as a pure or heavy aggro deck instead of a low mana cost deck built around managing board control through creatures that trade very well from a value perspective.

The idea is to overwhelm like you would in an aggro deck, but you want to do so by wiping the enemy off the board each turn and then still having a lot of creatures left over to do damage.

The biggest issue you run into is board wipe spells, but you can usually recover at least once or twice from that and by then you've either won or gotten in the hole enough that you're not going to recover. It's not a flawless win every match deck obviously, but nothing is.

You can watch Reynad explain how to properly play zoo here along with a deck list that's actually built around efficiency: http://tempostorm.com/articles/modern-zoo-reynad-s-guide-to-the-new-zoolock

That said I currently like Tempo Warrior more since it's a very similar concept, but deals better with the large amount of burst damage style decks you see in play these days. Also the creatures are a little meatier and you can use weapons for removal, so it can deal with board wipes quite well too.


The biggest advantage of zoo is that since all of your cards are low mana, you have a higher chance of mulliganing into useful cards unlike control decks where you can easily end up with a hand full of 5+ mana cards from turn 1-4.


I've net decked since the game releases officially when I got it.

I still can never get lower than 15. I'm going to start making my own decks to see if I can do it now that I have some experience.


I've net decked since the game releases officially when I got it.

I still can never get lower than 15. I'm going to start making my own decks to see if I can do it now that I have some experience.

try druid if you have the cards. Most solid class in the game currently


I've net decked since the game releases officially when I got it.

I still can never get lower than 15. I'm going to start making my own decks to see if I can do it now that I have some experience.

I went to rank 8 last season purely by doing my dailies on ladder if I couldn't do them in arena.
Sudden maintenance shortly after an update announcement on a new feature... We may be seeing Naxx today, or possibly an update that's a setup for it.

For reference, they did the same thing with several major patches (the big mage nerf for example), going into open beta, and going into release.

But then again, it's Blizzard and it could still be a month away :)


Maybe it was because it was the end of the season, but I started playing ranked and got up to 15 pretty smoothly with my priest deck (season ended, I don't know how far I could've gone). I changed the deck afterwards and i'm having more of a difficult time now but I'm not sure if that's because all the ranks reset or if my deck's a bit more shit now.
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