RNG is the best. Storytime, apologies.
Secret / Freezie Mage versus my Control Warrior. Feeling good, obviously. Handling him, armoring up. The secret guy who gets +2/+2 every turn? BGH him into oblivion as soon as he hits 7 attack. Execute Ragnaros when he appears. Life is good.
Alexstracza hits and lowers me to 15, but I had been expecting it, no problem. 15 life + 12 armor. I can't immediately deal with her, though. Frustration!
I have an armorsmith and a taskmaster out, say F it, attack face and then Brawl. 33% chance Alex lives, right? Of course she does. Mage has been emoting "Hello" the whole game. Play the remaining armorsmith from my hand and armor up in an annoyed fashion, internally debating whether I should've played her first to reduce Alex's chances to 25%.
His turn, he goes face with Alex and plays Hogger. 4 minions on the board now, so I say screw it again. Now she has a 25% chance to live! Play my second Brawl.
Alex lives again. Expletive Deleted. I actually have a second BGH in the deck, but of course he doesn't show up yet. Play my Abomination (added it to my control warrior deck, love it). Hit end turn, waiting to see what he does.
He pauses for a very long time, considering. Alex kills the Abom, she's down to 2 life now due to 4/4 + deathrattle. He pings me and plays f'ng Antonidus. Ends turn.
I draw cleave. Play cleave, kill Alex finally, draw a deep breath and play Ragnaros. I know if he has one turn with Antonidus alive, I am done. RNG has screwed me two times in a row, will a third?
Ragnaros blows Antonidus the hell up, I let out a breath, and his game is thus doomed.