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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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The key to making taunts effective is using early removal so the warlock is forced to eat through the taunt inefficiently. Relying on taunt/aoe is exactly what the zoolock wants you to do because the taunts/aoes people rely on are too high in mana to be used early.

Yeah, if you don't have any minions in play, you can't make value trades via battlecry buffs. You get mad value if your 3 attack minion eats through a 5-6 hp taunt while you continue to flood your board.


Not to hijack the thread, but I just started playing today and am trying to unlock all the classes. I keep beating them in Practice, but it's not unlocking them. Is there something special I have to do?

Also, any general advice for someone just starting out at this point in the game? I'm playing a Druid right now, just because I always play Druid classes in games. I also loved my Druid in WoW. Are they over/underpowered?
What OJdaKiiller and Mobius said.

Druid is going to be a bit weak before you get the epics for it, though, and that takes a good while if you don't spend money. Easier to put together strong decks early with some other heroes. Even if you main druid, you'll want to play multiple heroes to do the daily quests. I'd suggest investing in neutral rares first (much cheaper than epics, and you get to use them with many heroes and decks). Azure Drake and Argent Commander are some that are used by pretty much all heroes for some decks. Violet Teacher is good too. You'll get strong Mage and Shaman going with those cards and not much else, and they are good for Druids too especially once you have some of the Druid epics.
Can you think of any other 6 drop that poses a greater threat on Turn 2?

The Beast is a bad card only because of the deathrattle. At Turn 2, you aren't going to punch through 7 HP. You'd need hard removal.

So basically, no other 6 drop in the game is more likely to force an auto concede on turn 2. Probably ran it just to make the video.

That's such an unlikely scenario, that it can't be counted on. Most of the time you are just including a bad card into your deck

So, this happened to me.

Should I disenchant that Crab? Since I won't be running 'Locs anytime soon.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Cut Alexstrasza for another Argent Commander or a Stormwind Champion.

Certainly Alex will probably get cut once I get other cards, as I mentioned.

I would take out the SoJ for a Blood Knight and Redemption in favor of Argent Squires.

Absolutely not. SoJ is rich and juicy with value. Argent Squires and Blood Knight sounds like a good combo, but I generally don't like the idea of putting Argent Squires into what is ultimately a mid-range deck and I'm not cutting Redemption under any circumstances. Having Blood Knight sack a divine shield on any friendly that's not argent squire is also generally a bad idea because then those cards lose a significant amount of their value. The whole reason I'm making a value deck with Paladin is because of that card. So many cards in my deck are built around it. Harvest Golem. Scarlet Crusader. Sunwalker. Argent Commander. Possibly Cairne and Tirion once they go in. Redemption is money, and most folks don't expect it in the current meta.

And since you already have other minions that are hard to remove, DoA should be stronger for you than Sen'jin Shieldmasta.

DoA is certainly a nice card, but I already have 2 sunfury protectors to work within my curve, and having 4 taunt givers is excessive unless I'm putting something like Ancient Watchers in my deck. Plus Sen'jin is good in almost any situation, while DoA is more situational.

That's such an unlikely scenario, that it can't be counted on. Most of the time you are just including a bad card into your deck

I agree. LIke I said, he was probably running it just to make the video.


So, this happened to me.

Should I disenchant that Crab? Since I won't be running 'Locs anytime soon.

Even if you did run murlocs, Hungry Crab is a bad card. It's only good to keep enemy murloc decks in check. You really only get value of it when saccing a friendly murloc scout. And since murloc decks aren't strong in the current meta, neither is it.
I am still working on getting golden yetis by leveling up warrior... it just seems to take forever to just grind levels in this game... I even have a pretty good winrate in casual but still.... forever.

At least I can play some naxx for leveling and hopefully it'll be somewhat fun to grind. Playing against other people to grind levels is just so boring as they take forever on their turns.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I barely even get to use my golden yetis. Maybe if I made a druid deck.
WOW people still play earth elemental?

Such a rare card to see.

I played this same shaman twice in a row. Turn 7 earth elemental + ancestral spirit. I had cairne on the board. I BGH one, cold blood cairne to kill the second.

Okay, it got pretty good value that game.

Second game, this guy knows I run cairne (and he knows I run sylvanas) yet uses hex on a yeti and an azure drake. Turn 6 I drop cairne after thanking him for wasting both hexes. He again turn 7 earth elemental + ancestral spirit.

This time I have sap in my hand. And when he replays it, I already have my BGH hunter.

Instant concede for him lmao.

Why do people think this card is playable again? lol


Just seems I rarely get High Cost cards in the few turns, even when I made a deck that had a lot of them.

Short answer: Yes, the random number generator is truly random.

Long answer: Technically the short answer isn't true—it's impossible for a computer to generate truly random numbers. That's irrelevant, though. In practice, the RNG is indistinguishable from truly random numbers.

Every single game in which the RNG plays a significant role will have a large group of players who question whether it's working properly. No exceptions. That's because humans are terrible at recognizing random distributions.
People who play at a glacial pace piss me off. Hearthstone has a very limited amount of reasonable decisions in a given turn for most decks (mostly Miracle, Handlock aside). It's like dude, you really need to think about that 2 mana for 3 minutes?
People who play at a glacial pace piss me off. Hearthstone has a very limited amount of reasonable decisions in a given turn for most decks (mostly Miracle, Handlock aside). It's like dude, you really need to think about that 2 mana for 3 minutes?

I agree with you..

If you feel they're taking too long, or somehow it's intentional, just take the full time on your next turn and see, typically, how much quicker they move on their next turn.

If they don't play any faster, then they're just dumb and you should pity them.
Here is the current Enrage Warrior I threw together because I don't have the cards for control. Any obvious changes needed? I was thinking about throwing out the smith for Leeroy considering his synergy with whirlwind or as a finisher.


So i never played Warrior before but i got Hellscream so i might aswell try this. I changed the smith for a big gamehunter, dont have Bloodhoof and only one frothing berserker so i put in two acolytes of pain and removed one whirlwind for Hogger (dont know why but i like Hogger)

Now, how do i play this deck? I won vs a hunter, rouge and a mage then lost twice vs a druid. What i been doing is getting board control with a combination of minions and weapons and only going for the face once i have it. Like i said i dont know how to play warrior, any tips would be appreciated.

Edit: Removed one amani berserker for a Cleave.
Edit2: Did i fuck up?


This is not the kind of board you want to see when playing against a Mage in Arena. The secret was Counterspell, and they tried to play Flamestrike. I actually feel sorry for them.

Finished with 9 wins.


Neo Member
Are there any Warlock decks in the current meta that actually run Jaraxxsus? I mean, I guess I've seen him in a couple handlock decks but he's not a consistent presence like Edwin is for miracle rogue or Antonidas is for freeze mage.

I love Jaraxxus! He's hilarious. I got him a little while back and I wanted to build a deck around him especially since I hate Handlock and Zoo but I otherwise still have Warlock quests and it's the only class I've managed to open all the cards for. I've been working on it for the last couple of months. It took me a while before I actually got something that could successfully fight its way up the ladder. I'm not sure how high you can get with it. I used him exclusively last month/season but I didn't get a chance to play much so I don't know how far he'll go.

I'm trying to finish getting my golden warrior this month before Naxx comes out and everything goes out the window so I'm not playing him this season. If you're interested in trying it out, let me know and I can post it. It's actually kind of a fun deck to play IMO. I'd still be playing it if I wasn't polishing off my warrior. I figure once Naxx hits the Meta will completely change so if someone wants to get some use out of it before that happens then all the better.
Currently have just over 1600 dust, looking to craft a Legendary. Currently the only Legendary I have worth mentioning is Alexstraza. Thinking either Rag or Grommash. I am currently a low level player playing pretty casually. Only using a Warrior, Hunter and Priest deck.

Anyone more knowledgeable care to offer some advice? Much appreciated.


Feeling really unlucky right now, I'm drawing the worst possible hands for every matchup even against classes where I'm favored to win.


Currently have just over 1600 dust, looking to craft a Legendary. Currently the only Legendary I have worth mentioning is Alexstraza. Thinking either Rag or Grommash. I am currently a low level player playing pretty casually. Only using a Warrior, Hunter and Priest deck.

Anyone more knowledgeable care to offer some advice? Much appreciated.

Rag sounds better to start with since he works for more than Warrior.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Happy to say I was there live when Reynad became the greatest legendary of all time.


I don't get the current meta - I am getting my but kicked into oblivion atm..

Granted, I draw horrible cards during the matches and I am not a great player. Still, what.the.eff...


I don't get the current meta - I am getting my but kicked into oblivion atm..

Granted, I draw horrible cards during the matches and I am not a great player. Still, what.the.eff...

The current meta is everyone is using netdecks and everyone still playing on ladder has all the cards needed.


I don't get the current meta - I am getting my but kicked into oblivion atm..

Granted, I draw horrible cards during the matches and I am not a great player. Still, what.the.eff...

druid - pray for turn 2 ramp
zoo - pray that the druid doesn't get the turn 2 ramp
handlock - pray that your opponent doesn't have BGH
miracle rogue - your soul shall suffer
freeze mage - see above

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Did this lead up to anything worth watching? I was watching his stream live because he played a Zoo and he usually explains his plays well, and it ended up being high school level "drama".

(these people are all young and unemployed... like high school)

If you're fans of any of their streams it's fun to watch. Reynad's is obviously better because while he's talking all this shit he's getting legendary effortlessly with zoo.


druid - pray for turn 2 ramp
zoo - pray that the druid doesn't get the turn 2 ramp
handlock - pray that your opponent doesn't have BGH
miracle rogue - your soul shall suffer
freeze mage - see above

Netdecking and ^this - yeah makes total sense.
Time to make a totally stupidly bad deck because hopefully no one knows how to deal with it (this happened in Arena when I had such weird draws for a Lock that I just ended up randomly choosing cards - was my best Arena run ever (something like 7:1 when I started losing, which was not too shabby for me).

For the record, netdecking helped me to understand the synergy behind cards but right now it feels like everyone and their mother is playing them. I even know what's coming but without a counterspell the right moment or any other draw that cancels the moves-to-come it's quite frustrating. Going to spend a lot of time to file on my own decks.

(these people are all young and unemployed... like high school)

If you're fans of any of their streams it's fun to watch. Reynad's is obviously better because while he's talking all this shit he's getting legendary effortlessly with zoo.

Haha yeah, while watching the only thing that really impressed me was his multitasking. He kept blabbering while effortlessly keeping up with the game. I have problems watching a TV show while playing..


Can you think of any other 6 drop that poses a greater threat on Turn 2?

The Beast is a bad card only because of the deathrattle. At Turn 2, you aren't going to punch through 7 HP. You'd need hard removal.

So basically, no other 6 drop in the game is more likely to force an auto concede on turn 2. Probably ran it just to make the video.

I always mulligan for hard removal against Druid, if I have it. Hex, Poly, Deadly Shot, Big Game Hunter, and Sap is fucking outstanding in that situation. If I don't have one of those options, then I probably don't have much of a chance against Druid anyway.



So I finally gave in and decided to try zoolock. I'm on a 7 game win streak and it doesn't feel like I'm doing anything. Little to no thinking required.

I feel sorry for my opponents.
After much tweaking... I finally found a priest deck that is VERY good against the current meta. Zoolock especially is weak against it (pyromancer + healing + cheap spells = constantly cleared zoo board).

In fact, the only class I'm having a significant problem against right now, is other priests. And I figure as I climb I'll see less and less of them :)


Reynad is a terrible story teller. He takes 20 minutes to tell a 2 minute story that isn't even interesting (at least to me). It's probably because he was trying to play at the same time but still that was annoying to watch.

Young people getting into temporary relationships. So exciting...!
Just seems I rarely get High Cost cards in the few turns, even when I made a deck that had a lot of them.

since they need so many random numbers they're probably not using true random number generators but some sort of hardware that generates quantum randomness that is used to seed a psuedoranom number generator. which, for the purposes of a card game, is adequate.

the unluckiness you're experiencing is simply a product of a small sample size and isn't statistically significant. remember that luck is just probability taken personally.

So I finally gave in and decided to try zoolock. I'm on a 7 game win streak and it doesn't feel like I'm doing anything. Little to no thinking required.

I feel sorry for my opponents.

it's actually a pretty okay deck in the current meta because everyone is either miracle rogue, decks that beat miracle rogue, or decks that beat decks that beat miracle rogue.

and since zoo draws can be insane because of the low curve a lot of the times you're going to just outdraw miracle, handlock, druid, priest, etc before they get their more valuable cards out.


Tried out an arena because I got the win 7 quest. That went like shit T_T

I swear I have the worst mulligans in arena, not drawing any of my 2 drops while the opponent drops a goddamn yeti on turn 2.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I always mulligan for hard removal against Druid, if I have it. Hex, Poly, Deadly Shot, Big Game Hunter, and Sap is fucking outstanding in that situation. If I don't have one of those options, then I probably don't have much of a chance against Druid anyway.

Most of those cards you can't play on Turn 2, save for sap. And as stated, the only chance of a Paladin against that would have been humility or Aldor Peacekeeper. Even with equality he probably would have taken 18 damage.
Are there any new bugs or exploits out there? In a current frozen match, or whatever, with a Murlock. I don't think he did it though, he traded with a minion, and now it's frozen.


Was hoping things like this were correct themselves now, but maybe it's just really rare.

Edit: Should also add, when I copied his Murkeye, it first put a Murkeye down next to a Faceless, and then only the Murkeye remained.


I'm at Rank 5 now with my Control Warrior deck and I just faced a Golden Druid who had 2 Molten Giant's in his deck, I really didn't expect to see them in there at his level.

It was effective for him though as I completely didn't expect to see them in a Druid Deck and this burned my Executes and Shield Slams on his Lore's. :(


I only watched the Reynad video for a minute or so (and the parody video posted above), basically he's just saying that he's got game?

Naxx can't come out soon enough

I'm at Rank 5 now with my Control Warrior deck and I just faced a Golden Druid who had 2 Molten Giant's in his deck, I really didn't expect to see them in there at his level.

It was effective for him though as I completely didn't expect to see them in a Druid Deck and this burned my Executes and Shield Slams on his Lore's. :(

probably the deck from tides
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