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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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I don't see any ways for an agressive deck to be harder to pilot than a reactive deck which control decks tend to be.

You get to turn 6 and your entire hand is 0, 1 and 2 cost cards. you have a lot of options and if your opponent is any good there isn't going to be an obvious one. and even a small mistake usually means you lose since you have no late game cards and poor removal.
He should feel bad for playing it at all when aop is on the board.

This... that's just poor decision making.


Got my first Lord Jarraxxus from bi-daily gold bought pack. That brings my total legendaries up to 10... still no goldens. Still can't really complain I guess :)
It's killing me that Blizz isn't giving release dates for Hearthstone on iPad, Diablo 3 on PS4 or Warlords of Draenor in general.

You've got people running around Stormwind on their new WoD pre-order mounts and no indication of when (or if!) the game is going to be released. And I'm dying to play D3 on a comfy couch with local wife co-op on the PS4.


I think the better way to put aggro difficulty is that it's harder to pilot to a win when every deck has an anti-aggro plan and you have limited card choices to influence it. This is mostly more notable with Hunter which has a bunch of control pieces and multiple combos where it's a question of how to maximize your mana across the turns to reach the goal.

Control is mostly about how to maximize your threats across multiple turns. Aggro is maximizing damage instead.


You get to turn 6 and your entire hand is 0, 1 and 2 cost cards. you have a lot of options and if your opponent is any good there isn't going to be an obvious one. and even a small mistake usually means you lose since you have no late game cards and poor removal.

How does that change anything. Every deck has those same choices. For control decks there are a lot more good combinations and unexpected synergies in which to use the cards.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I get 3 laughing sisters in a row, he gets 3 ysera awakenings

Oh this game


How does that change anything. Every deck has those same choices. For control decks there are a lot more good combinations and unexpected synergies in which to use the cards.

It's more that their line to victory is usually a bit tighter.
I hate being rank 14 and too nervous to drop a rank

With ranks resetting tomorrow, this should be the day to go balls to the wall honestly. You aren't going to make legendary in one day, and you wouldn't get any rewards for it either way (card back rewards start next month).


Why would you be nervous about that?
Because I'm trying to get rank 14 set in stone for this seasons end. I'm at 0 stars so I have no room to lose. I also suck at this game so 14 is an awesome rank.

Btw I run no units lower than 4 mana. My deck is a defense deck. Out survive your opponent and make them fatigue first. I killed a Mage btw hitting them, they ice blocked. Ended my turn and BAAM they got hit with 1 fatigue


Because I'm trying to get rank 14 set in stone for this seasons end. I'm at 0 stars so I have no room to lose. I also suck at this game so 14 is an awesome rank.

Btw I run no units lower than 4 mana. My deck is a defense deck. Out survive your opponent and make them fatigue first. I killed a Mage btw hitting them, they ice blocked. Ended my turn and BAAM they got hit with 1 fatigue

What class and what do you do for turns 1-3 typically?


What class and what do you do for turns 1-3 typically?


Turn 1 I normally don't do anything. I always save in innervates/wrath/nourish to hit mana cap early. I also take a lot of damage as I added a molten giant and have quite a few heals.
I need some tips from Miracle Rogue players.

I just started playing one and it's been fun. I've done the big dmg, pulled out crazy wins, drawn 6-7 cards a hand, but I'm having some basic problems. I think I'm starting right by prioritizing removal/dmg cards and discarding acolytes, buffs, card draw type stuff.

1. How to do decent dmg when i don't have Leeroy, 2 shadowsteps, and 2 cold bloods. Obviously, when I have this and 10 mana I do fine, but it's almost like I don't know how to prioritize and do much dmg before the game is that far gone. How do I attack my enemy without having the homerun cards and homerun mana?

2. I run out of cards. I get the auctioneer out there, and I draw so many cards but I run out, or I get close and they throw out some taunt characters and I'm screwed. By this point, I just haven't done much dmg to my opponent and I have to blow my big guns on minions.

3. I tend to blow a number of cards keeping the board clean and by turn 5-6, I don't have much and feel like I'm playing catch up..

Basically, I want to know some tips on how to win without it coming down to just having Leeroy, shadowsteps, and cold bloods all in one turn once I have 10 mana. I should be able to do decent dmg and win before it gets to this point, right? Almost feels like I need more minions and less spells.

P.S..I don't have VanCleef or Pagle..I use a Questing Adv and Coldwater Oracle instead.
When they say android, do they mean phones as well as tablets? Please do.

Yes, they mean both.

I need some tips from Miracle Rogue players.

I just started playing one and it's been fun. I've done the big dmg, pulled out crazy wins, drawn 6-7 cards a hand, but I'm having some basic problems. I think I'm starting right by prioritizing removal/dmg cards and discarding acolytes, buffs, card draw type stuff.

1. How to do decent dmg when i don't have Leeroy, 2 shadowsteps, and 2 cold bloods. Obviously, when I have this and 10 mana I do fine, but it's almost like I don't know how to prioritize and do much dmg before the game is that far gone. How do I attack my enemy without having the homerun cards and homerun mana?

2. I run out of cards. I get the auctioneer out there, and I draw so many cards but I run out, or I get close and they throw out some taunt characters and I'm screwed. By this point, I just haven't done much dmg to my opponent and I have to blow my big guns on minions.

3. I tend to blow a number of cards keeping the board clean and by turn 5-6, I don't have much and feel like I'm playing catch up..

Basically, I want to know some tips on how to win without it coming down to just having Leeroy, shadowsteps, and cold bloods all in one turn once I have 10 mana. I should be able to do decent dmg and win before it gets to this point, right? Almost feels like I need more minions and less spells.

P.S..I don't have VanCleef or Pagle..I use a Questing Adv and Coldwater Oracle instead.

1. I've been experimenting with some other cards available... I've been trying wolf rider (3/1 with charge) as a mini-Leeroy. Arcane Golem would also work pretty well, might replace both of those with them. I'm also experimenting with putting Rag in my deck just as a last ditch 8 damage attack. Still not getting ideal results yet, going to keep tweaking myself. Aside from that Questing Adventurer is your other "big" card. Played against a class that doesn't have access to easy hard removal it can have pretty glorious results.

2. Running out of cards is normal, happens about half the time I run the deck.

3. Don't worry about keeping his board spotless. Take out what you can within reason... but try and leave your shadow steps available (basically multiplies the damage Leeroy does) if you can. Save saps for taunt removal as you charge into something.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Nothing like topdecking two innervates in a row to lose the game
Yes, they mean both.

1. I've been experimenting with some other cards available... I've been trying wolf rider (3/1 with charge) as a mini-Leeroy. Arcane Golem would also work pretty well, might replace both of those with them. I'm also experimenting with putting Rag in my deck just as a last ditch 8 damage attack. Still not getting ideal results yet, going to keep tweaking myself. Aside from that Questing Adventurer is your other "big" card. Played against a class that doesn't have access to easy hard removal it can have pretty glorious results.

2. Running out of cards is normal, happens about half the time I run the deck.

3. Don't worry about keeping his board spotless. Take out what you can within reason... but try and leave your shadow steps available (basically multiplies the damage Leeroy does) if you can. Save saps for taunt removal as you charge into something.

Thanks for the tips. I'm glad running out cards wasn't me doing something inherently wrong..lol..

I do have Leeroy so I don't need to change that, but I'm considering changing an Acolyte of Pain for a Mana Addict...I'm running two of them, and right now I kind of feel I need another punisher, versus just a card draw as, as we noted, typically I have more cards than needed, but not enough middle game stuff to do 5-6 dmg here or there...I just don't want to rely on needing to do 20+ dmg in a turn to win the game.

Keep us updated.


Miracle Rogue is usually VC + Leeroy as the staple threats with the last spot as one of the following: Questing (more mid-game robust threat), Mana Addict (more of a spike threat), or Assassin's Blade (generic threat).
the client isn't the issue its the fact that its low resolution.

True, I just play in windowed in games like this so I don't even notice anyway.

I guess higher resolution is still on its way though. I remember them mentioning they'd be adding it a while ago when I used to follow updates and stuff.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
Did anyone else not get a new daily quest today (EU)?

nvm - I was forgetting about the clocks going forward affecting server times.


Sup HearthGAF ... can I get some feedback on this deck?

I've been really happy with it so far ... ranked up from 25 to 16 effortlessly. It seems like I struggle vs some Mages, and die helplessly to a good Hunter rush. But in general, I feel like if I'm even by turn 5 I can close it out. I am thinking about removing the Demolisher and adding a 2nd Shattered Sun Cleric ... other thoughts welcome.



Gold Member
What will be included in Adventure Mode? Will that be like story mode in a fighting game?

Will it include any sort of ongoing rewards?? When is this supposed to come out?

It will be player vs AI content... released in chapters or some sort - expect maybe 3-10 "adventures" a year once they get going I'd say. They will reward unique cards that cannot be crafted, only obtained from playing adventure mode. Each adventure should introduce a dozen or so new cards along with it. We'll probably hear more about the mode after the iOS version is out, as that's next on the list once we have the iOS release.
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