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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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The amount of armor (40+) that Trump allowed the Warrior he's playing on his stream to get is... so beautiful.

Shield slammin' bitches into oblivion.
Maybe. I think priests golden stealing stuff generates golden cards so if it uses the same mechanic under the hood then yes.

Thanks! I'll work on crafting them right away then. They're in 100% of my Hunter decks and I just love their golden animation to begin with. Maybe you can give me some more advice?


I keep getting goldens of epics/rares that I don't necessarily use. Is it generally a smart idea to disenchant these for building other decks or to save them due to their rarity/dust cost?


I keep getting goldens of epics/rares that I don't necessarily use. Is it generally a smart idea to disenchant these for building other decks or to save them due to their rarity/dust cost?

If you're thinking of crafting one specific card to complete your deck, then I think it's OK. Or if you have their non-golden versions already. Or if the card is worthless (Molten Giant isn't).

I dusted a bunch of golden cards that I would never use and had the normal versions already, but I have saved some golden cards that I might use in the future.


Neo Member
Thanks! I'll work on crafting them right away then. They're in 100% of my Hunter decks and I just love their golden animation to begin with. Maybe you can give me some more advice?

I keep getting goldens of epics/rares that I don't necessarily use. Is it generally a smart idea to disenchant these for building other decks or to save them due to their rarity/dust cost?

If you're really hurting for cards. I disenchanted my golden spells mainly when I first started playing so I'd have enough dust to get some of the cards I wanted. I figured spells don't sit on the board looking cool like minions. Also gold minion duplicates so I'd keep at least one to look at. Once you're getting close to completing your collection, getting golden cards is the only real goal to achieve and they're a lot more rare to unpack than the regular versions. I sort of regret dusting some of them since I now have multiple copies of the cards I originally spent the dust creating. But then again, there's nothing really worthwhile from having a golden card other than it looking cool. I guess it depends on how much of a collector you are versus how quickly you want to be competitive on the ladder.
Thanks guys. Since it's golden and I get more dust out of it, I'll disenchant it. Keeping the regular ones. Got 2 Knife Jugglers for now, saved the rest of my dust. (They went in my Hunter and Rogue decks.)


Man, don't even say that. If enough of the community treats the shittiness of the card animation as a hilarious in-joke, Blizzard will just run with it instead of improving on it. >_>

This has always already existed as "it's not a bug, it's a feature".


Gold Member
The best thing about Stalagg being 7/4 is he counters Doomguards (and they cost the same amount of crystals, which is rare for a 5-drop to have 7 attack I think) if you don't have a Shadow Word Death. Even better if you do, because they'll go to the face with the Doomguard thinking you'll trade, then you get to hit to their face for 7 which is pretty brutal against a Zoolock who's already done 5-10 damage between draws and imps. Also works pretty nicely in a priest deck as an extra activator for Undertaker.


ok real talk

best golden card animations in the game:


Captures the creepy underwater nature really well.


Simple effect like most others, but fits the best.


Love the rain effect.


Overall the best golden card animation, imo.

And if you want "swag", look no further than Felguard.




I shouldn't watch Trump anymore. Made warrior look like fun so I ended up buying some decks. Rng was not kind. :( Only 1 warrior card and 128 duplicates. At least got enough dust to craft Hellscream. So have a basic warrior deck now.


I shouldn't watch Trump anymore. Made warrior look like fun so I ended up buying some decks. Rng was not kind. :( Only 1 warrior card and 128 duplicates. At least got enough dust to craft Hellscream. So have a basic warrior deck now.
Yeah, Control Warrior doesn't come cheap and banks on multiple legendaries more than any other deck. You'll get the cards eventually.
This game Trump is in right now, the warrior v warrior one, is the dumbest match I've ever seen.

Funny cause I think I was watching him play earlier and I felt like he was making a lot of small mistakes and just got bored and turned it off.

He kept playing too fast like attacking with deathbiter before dropping grommash and losing out on 6 damage.


Yeah, Control Warrior doesn't come cheap and banks on multiple legendaries more than any other deck. You'll get the cards eventually.

Trump's is especially legendary heavy... I'm only missing 6 lol...

It's sad, golden Grommash was my first legendary and I've yet to use him, the poor guy. :(

I've actually got enough dust to craft a legendary. Missing all of the useful neutral ones so could go for any. I have been considering Leeroy with the rise of midrange hunters though. Decisions decisions.


Yeah, Control Warrior doesn't come cheap and banks on multiple legendaries more than any other deck. You'll get the cards eventually.

Yeah. I'm trying out this deck out I found on hearthpwn that's only 4080 crafting cost. Have everything but a black night for it. Would love to try out Trumps but don't have any of the legendary's besides Hellscream lol
So I've had at least 4 people in a row disconnect early on me in ranked games and 3 of those were in the first turn. Is there some b.s. that players are pulling that I don't know about or is it just a shitty matchup?
miracle rogue doing well on ladder

spoiler: the deck is still broken

running double blade flurry and double ERF has been helping with all the hunters and zoo
Will golden Webspinner generate random golden beasts?

Golden cards that generate anything will also produce golden cards. Things like Polymorph and Hex will make golden tokens, same with golden hero powers that generate anything as well. It's pretty cool how it works.

What's also cool
is that if you have an all golden deck, you get a golden coin.


Neo Member
So it seems the next expansion will focus on adding new booster packs rather than a solo adventure.

I can understand the complaints about Naxx, but I can't see new booster packs not being purchased in full by the competitive day one. Barriers to entry and what not.

I saw that. I'm glad they'd be adding new booster packs rather than just adding new cards into the already existing pool like some people in the thread said they were planning. Though I kind of don't mind the mini-expansion with Naxx. I think I'd rather have 3 to 4 regular card updates of 30 or so cards a year rather than waiting a full year for a full fledged expansion and having to pray to RNGesus to get the ones I want out of packs. I also imagine it's easier to balance 30 cards against the current meta than dumping 100 or more cards into the playing pool and trying to guess the impact they're going to have.
They actually have been quite clear since before we even knew naxxramas would be the first adventure that they would have more dcg/ccg/tcg sized expansions delivered via packs. They'll do adventure addons for small additions to the card pool alongside bigger 100-300 card expansions.

I think I'll like the variety of release methods.


100-300? Wow man 150 cards or so newly being introduced would blow my mind

Ill bet they will disenchant into higher level dusts and take the higher level dusts to create also.
I keep thinking on how historically Blizzard has been all about low barriers to entry. The days of the Vanilla "you had to have been around for A to do B so you could qualify for C in order to be competitive in D" are long gone in WoW. It'll be interesting to see how they handle a full 100-300 expac, because there's no way as a new player I'd look at the existing expert set, Naxx and a new set almost as big as the existing one and say "yeah, sure, sign me up".

If enough people are willing to fork over 200 day one I guess that doesn't matter much though.


I came up with a different kind of deck archetype about a month ago, which I call Fury Tank. It's an aggro Warrior deck that uses Shield Block and Shield Slam for low-cost removal. I'm struggling to find any Naxx or good tech cards to fit in there, because most of them are just not aggro-friendly. Death's Bite is OK, but so many of my minions are squishy as shit. Any ideas? I seem to have an OK win rate on ladder as is, as it doesn't stall out as fast as the old Reynad deck did.

I used to have Bloodmage Thalnos for the 2-power board AoE, but he usually just ended up being a weak Loot Hoarder so I put one of those in, instead.

I came up with a different kind of deck archetype about a month ago, which I call Fury Tank. It's an aggro Warrior deck that uses Shield Block and Shield Slam for low-cost removal. I'm struggling to find any Naxx or good tech cards to fit in there, because most of them are just not aggro-friendly. Any ideas? I seem to have an OK win rate on ladder as is, as it doesn't stall out as fast as the old Reynad deck did.

I used to have Bloodmage Thalnos for the 2-power board AoE, but he usually just ended up being a weak Loot Hoarder so I put one of those in, instead.


If I were to run something like reynad's old burn warrior deck it would be something like this: http://www.hearthpwn.com/deckbuilde...42:2;632:2;643:1;7734:2;7737:2;7746:1;7756:2;

I cut nightblade out for loatheb and since I think captain greenskin is gonna contribute much more than a single nightblade would.

I don't see why you would run leeroy jenkins over mortal strike btw. Mortal strike is pretty key to aggro warrior and leeroy will often just become worthless as a finisher due to taunts. The deck has a pretty hard time dealing with them.

I also went with execute over shield slam, cut out bloodsail raider cause I feel he barely ever gets value except in the rarest circumstances, and I put coldlight oracle in which my opinion is a severely underrated card for most aggro decks. Instead of bloodsail raider I put in haunted creeper. One choice I made is to not run faerie dragon and instead run the coldlight oracle for aforementioned reasons (biggest problem imo with the old old list is running out of steam). Undertaker instead of argent squire due to synergy with most of the low drops.

Deathbiter is just too good to pass up and the synergy it creates makes execute and grommash work very well. And since it is a 4 drop I don't feel like arathi weaponsmith is necessary and arcanite reaper, while great for hitting face, is just not good enough compared to deathbiter.

For my mulligan I would go for undertaker, leper gnome, fiery war axe, haunted creeper, maybe harvest golem if my other cards fill the curve already.

There were a couple of choices I made that could be easily changed. I chose black knight over gorehowl since gorehowl is slower and I already have 4 weapons, I chose not to take argent squire because undertaker has 6 minion cards to proc off of.

I think I might eventually give it a shot.



Interesting take. I have all of the cards I need to do it, so I'll give it a try. On the plus side, my deck is super cheap and as you said Mortal Strike is a nice replacement for Leeroy. I liked the Leeroy - Whirlwind synergy for buffing Frothing Berserkers, but that's always a long shot.
Interesting take. I have all of the cards I need to do it, so I'll give it a try. On the plus side, my deck is super cheap and as you said Mortal Strike is a nice replacement for Leeroy. I liked the Leeroy - Whirlwind synergy for buffing Frothing Berserkers, but that's always a long shot.

If you do try it, lemme know how it works out. I'd try it right now if I didn't choose to swear off playing hearthstone for the weekend lol... just playing too much I don't want to burn out.


The best thing about Stalagg being 7/4 is he counters Doomguards (and they cost the same amount of crystals, which is rare for a 5-drop to have 7 attack I think) if you don't have a Shadow Word Death. Even better if you do, because they'll go to the face with the Doomguard thinking you'll trade, then you get to hit to their face for 7 which is pretty brutal against a Zoolock who's already done 5-10 damage between draws and imps. Also works pretty nicely in a priest deck as an extra activator for Undertaker.
Haha, I know right. I love the moment when you decide: mmm, nope, I'm done trading and just start racing and suddenly face-Zoo players and hunters are like... wait, wait.... you're supposed to trade! Then they need a full turn to remember how trading even works.

Then you have people who are too dumb and lazy to bother and like, could've defended against lethal but still went for face and I'm like, dude, this board right here is lethal.


If you do try it, lemme know how it works out. I'd try it right now if I didn't choose to swear off playing hearthstone for the weekend lol... just playing too much I don't want to burn out.

I'll give it a shot tomorrow. I loved playing aggro Warrior and I was sad when my win rate went to nothing overnight, with the rapid rise of Zoo and ramp druid. That Fury Tank deck works great against Miracle Rogue and generally anything that runs without taunts, and has surprisingly consistent board presence.. and if there are taunts, Shield Block + Shield Slam will take down a Sludge Belcher. The real problem is that he is 2 cards in one, but the deck also has a bunch of 2/3's that can take care of that..

I get the sense just from reading the list that your deck might not be fast enough unless you get a dream pull. That's not a problem I've been having so far with mine. Also, there is no easy way to activate Grom. Relying on the deathrattle from Death's Bite seems a little clunky.


I find it uncool that Duplicate doesn't trigger if you "Leeroy" one of your deathrattle cards into death..the secret should imply that imo..

On other news: Singing Trump What's up with his singing videos? 0_o
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