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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Special C

I did it! Finally got to 12 wins. When I drafted this deck I knew it would be solid but I Didn't 't feel like it was a 12 winner. Can't quite explain why it was so good.



remember me
I did it! Finally got to 12 wins. When I drafted this deck I knew it would be solid but I Didn't 't feel like it was a 12 winner. Can't quite explain why it was so good.

I bet Tirion Fordring had a lot to do with it. He destroyed me when I played against a deck with him. Would have otherwise won if he hadn't played that.
I did it! Finally got to 12 wins. When I drafted this deck I knew it would be solid but I Didn't 't feel like it was a 12 winner. Can't quite explain why it was so good.


Decent curve with a couple very solid paladin cards like hammer, truesilver champion, and argent protector.

Oh, didn't even notice you got a tirion in there and a molten giant. That is really a superb draft. Nice luck :D
New season, "new" deck for me. Same class as always (rogue).


It has a pretty good mana curve (peaks @2 so pretty low but still enough late game drops to be competitive in longer matches). Lots of decks are running ragnaros and other big heads due to the tinkmaster nerf so BGH is fitting pretty well. I have a lot of removal I realize, but I kinda like it. It isn't all clustered around 1 type of removal. If I'd remove anything, it would probably be BGH for another 3cc. Just not really finding one that hits that sweet spot that harvest golem does. Maybe scarlet crusader.

I am thinking about changing squire to abusive sergeant (to combo BGH on) but I am not sure if it is worth the potential tempo loss to have 2 situational cards in my hand. The other option would be cold blood.


Sailor Stevenson
totally screwed myself in arena when I had lethal, attacked with everyone except my last character who I was going to Rockbiter to get to the magical number... and then realized it was my Faerie Dragon who couldn't use Rockbiter.

Fortunately i had just drawn a spellbreaker, silenced my own faerie, and rockbitered for the win.

dat sinking feeling though!


Wish I could play Hunter rush deck and get some easy ranks, but I'm missing Leeroy. :(

I've played all kinds of aggro decks without having Leeroy. He's not an auto-win card, just a win-more card. If you want to play a rush deck that has two better versions of Leeroy, you can just take the neutrals from any of the typical rush decks and drop them into a Mage deck, along with two Fireballs, Frostbolts and Arcane Missiles.


I am playing against a Shaman Merloc deck and my oppenent played a bloodlust when he had no minions on the field... why?!?


Ahhhhhhhhhh damn damn damn damn. Nothing sucks worse than laying down a Ysera in turn 9 of Arena, taking a pyro to the face, drawing Ysera's Awakening when at 5 HP, and then taking another pyro to the face next turn finishing me off. I baited out three polys, fireball, and two frost bolts too.

So frustrating.


Ahhhhhhhhhh damn damn damn damn. Nothing sucks worse than laying down a Ysera in turn 9 of Arena, taking a pyro to the face, drawing Ysera's Awakening when at 5 HP, and then taking another pyro to the face next turn finishing me off. I baited out three polys, fireball, and two frost bolts too.

So frustrating.

nothing worse is losing to two pyro blast when u had 20 hp extreme map control and he had nothing :/
who the hell draft 2 pyroblast in arena :/


I decided to make a Hunter deck. "Wait," you say, "Hunter decks are scum!"

Not so, friends. This deck takes advantage of the assumed wisdom of not playing more than two minions against a Hunter. It's a control-y Hunter with a mission akin to a Warrior control deck's. But, what about heals? No armor? No lifegain? It's okay. Careful play of the secrets here means you pretty much never get hit.


And that's not hyperbole - see the below aggro Warlock game where I finished him off with never taking damage.


Last season I started using it at Rank 13 and was doing pretty well, and this season I haven't lost once with it.

Knowing when to play what secret and how many (often no) minions on board is the key here. Even if it levels out at higher ranks (and I suspect it will and that I'll be running for the comfort of my Warrior control deck eventually), it is super fun to play if only because it counters expectations of the meta and other players.


Hogger and Sylvanas seem like weird choices, but bear in mind that A) misdirection means people often hit Sylvanas when they're trying not to and B) people play so few minions on a board against Hunter that Hogger can really be a pain to get rid of. He's more often useful here than in most decks, at least.
Granted I have only about 6hrs in THIS game. But I had 4 matches in a row with people playing orange after orange. Whatever the case, it ended my interest.

It isn't p2w to have legendary cards in your deck by this point. People have been building up their card libraries for months now. My deck I just posted has thalnos, black knight, sylvanas, leeroy, and ragnaros. I didn't pay to get any of those. I grinded all those out or got lucky in packs. Actually, the only one I got in a pack was sylvanas. I crafted thalnos, black knight (today), leeroy, and ragnaros.

Also, you don't need these cards to win. Back in the day when I had no legendary cards in my rogue deck I still got very far against a lot of control and legendary heavy decks.

And just one last thing to note is that the ranks reset today so you may be playing opponents of higher caliber than you should be.
It isn't p2w to have legendary cards in your deck by this point. People have been building up their card libraries for months now. My deck I just posted has thalnos, black knight, sylvanas, leeroy, and ragnaros. I didn't pay to get any of those. I grinded all those out or got lucky in packs. Actually, the only one I got in a pack was sylvanas. I crafted thalnos, black knight (today), leeroy, and ragnaros.

Also, you don't need these cards to win. Back in the day when I had no legendary cards in my rogue deck I still got very far against a lot of control and legendary heavy decks.

And just one last thing to note is that the ranks reset today so you may be playing opponents of higher caliber than you should be.

Maybe thats it, I never played before today...am rank 20 but the cards people have are ridiculous against me...just started today. Eh maybe this kinda game isn't for me.
Maybe thats it, I never played before today...am rank 20 but the cards people have are ridiculous against me...just started today. Eh maybe this kinda game isn't for me.

Honestly I would just wait it out and play casual for a while. Let the ranks settle themselves so that you actually play rank 20 decks in rank 20.


I just want to say that playing against Priests is the most un-fun thing possible in a game. Mind control, infinite health buffs, thought steal...

I'm gonna go play a card game I can actually win, like solitaire.


Maybe thats it, I never played before today...am rank 20 but the cards people have are ridiculous against me...just started today. Eh maybe this kinda game isn't for me.

I hit the same kind of realization last week, gave the game a couple days break. Came back to three lined up dailies, two of them gave me gold to get into arena. Now, I've just let the dailies grow for the occasional arena run and built up packs that way.

It takes time to get those big cards, I've only gotten one legendary and it was Nozdormu lol. Only had the game for about a month though.

Watch Trump stream. I've also used his free to play shaman (aka mostly basic cards, with the first couple packs you get from the quests and free arena run) deck to good success, personally.

Card Boy

i love playing Warlock purely for Blood Imps. I coined double blood imps and the poor SOB was fucked from the get go. Not even 2 consecrations helped him.


Gold Member
Maybe thats it, I never played before today...am rank 20 but the cards people have are ridiculous against me...just started today. Eh maybe this kinda game isn't for me.

Ranked isn't really for new players. It's the game's most competitive mode, you shouldn't be expecting to get any where in ranked without building a deck that can handle it (net deck) or owning a large number of cards, doubly so if you're new. If you have 100s or 1,000s of hours of experience and know the ins and outs precisely, you can probably get much further in ranked, but it still is a battle. Rank 25-20 is fine for new players, because people who've been playing a long time / have bought cards can't stay in rank 25-20. But rank 20 is a different story.

You have two things going against you now. 1, the PVP season just started yesterday. All the better players are going to be at much lower ranks for the next week or two.

2, Blizzard made it so it's beneficial for the better players to farm the weaker players at rank 20 (for quicker wins), so it's the easiest place to earn the golden portraits and 100g daily money.

Edit: Also 3, every month playing ranked mode will get harder, especially for new players, as the average player's card pool gets better each passing month the game is out. So four months from now, Rank Season 5 will be a lot harder than this current one just by default, as everyone will have an extra 5-10 legendaries from what they have now.
Granted I have only about 6hrs in THIS game. But I had 4 matches in a row with people playing orange after orange. Whatever the case, it ended my interest.

You don't need legendary cards to counter them though, you just need experience playing against them and realise that because they are there doesn't mean game over.

My best deck is a shaman deck that only has 1 legendary and 1 epic card, the rest are rare or normal shaman cards.

On the other side I have a Paladin deck with 6 legendaries in it and it's terrible and loses over half it's games!


Rogue has my highest winrate for Arena personally at around 76%. They get to prey on poorly constructed decks better than most other classes which bloats their winrate to the 5-7-9 range. When facing other well constructed Arena decks, it's a lot harder for them to do well so they tend to fall off at the 10-12 win area.

Essentially, they're really consistent for getting to the mid-range number of wins.

I just don't feel it personally. When I build Rogue, it feels like the hardest classwith Priest to pull off a good deck. With other heroes I just need a decent curve and off I go to 7 wins minimum. With Rogue, if the stars align and I get off sweet combos and fancy plays I win for sure, but how often can you make those plays happen in Arena where your combos are never guaranteed.

My best Rogue deck felt like a finely tuned F1 engine, yet it barely got to 7 wins because the cards are too context sensitive.


Gold Member
UTH isn't even that bad. I find it much harder to beat hunters that go first and have two leper gnomes than UTH. Just lost to one horribly with such a combo, the leper gnomes traded my removal for him to play other charge minions that I couldn't answer immediately so they got to hit twice in combination of his hero power, while still damaging me, definitely had a bigger impact on my game than game winning UTH that came later creating two wolves followed by a double timber wolf for 6 damage... I wouldn't say the UTH really killed me any more than the leper gnomes early on did.

Some games you just won't win no matter what, and the card that kills you at the end really isn't any worse than the cards that did the rest of the 80% of your life total.

Edit: Actually the exact order was they went 2nd, did a Leper Gnome turn 1, I had no answer (of course no earth shock), so I mistakenly use my lightning bolt on it to limit the damage from it to just 2, rather than 4 or 6, then next turn they coined a 3/1 charge wolf thing, bringing me to 25, and my hand was so bad I didn't have an answer for that right away on my third turn, so then their third turn they did another attack from the wolf, with a 2nd leper gnome and hero power brining me to 20 already, just at turn 3, with a leper gnome on the board again. Fourth turn I get rid of the wolf, but still no heals or earth shocks, and they continue on with the rush damage/hero power, game over turn 6. Really just one of those games with little hope based on their draws/hand and my draws/hand.


"Give a minion 'Deathrattle: summon a 1/1 skeleton.'" This could work for a necromantic class (Death Knight) it would have class cards based on skeletons or undead.
This is a cool idea. Maybe it should be a 1/2 or a 2/1, though... Otherwise it would almost always be worse than the paladin hero power, wouldn't it?

"Give a minion +1 attack." Could instead be +1 health or even +1/+1, but I think attack would be the most balanced. This ability could also be targeted to a keyword, only working on murlocks or dragons for example.
This sounds neat too.


UTH isn't even that bad.

Well bad or not, it's the deadliest card in Hunters arsenal still. It has broken qualities in various situations and can work as a massive damage spike, board wipe or card draw. Only a few cards in the game offer such potential.

I'm not saying it's OP btw, just essential to any hunter strats.
Remember when people said Unleash the Hounds was broken / a 1-turn-kill, then it got nerfed into oblivion, and then it came back to being claimed as broken?

Probably the most controversial card in the game, even more so than Tink/Pagle ever were. Seems like UTH discussions have been going on for months upon months now. I think the real issue isn't with the card itself, but with the Buzzard/Hyena/Wolf/what-have-you combo. By itself, UTH is average at best, but with another specific card or two in-hand, it becomes a pretty powerful card draw/board clear/finisher.


Gold Member
Well bad or not, it's the deadliest card in Hunters arsenal still. It has broken qualities in various situations and can work as a massive damage spike, board wipe or card draw. Only a few cards in the game offer such potential.

I'm not saying it's OP btw, just essential to any hunter strats.

To use it as card draw, they have to pay 4 mana to draw with it, and spend (and have) 2 cards. Mage's is draw 2 cards, spend 1. So to get anything out of it, they have to draw 3 cards with it before it pays off, if your opponent only had 1 or 2 creatures on the board, the card draw is not doing much (just replacing the cards they cast). It also carries the penalty it can't be used early game well, generally UTH won't pay off until mid-late game, so it could be a dead draw early on. It's pretty balanced outside of specific situations where your opponent played in to it I think, or when used as a finisher with Leeroy.

Like I mentioned earlier, UTH hitting for 6 isn't that much worse than most of the other minions used to kill you before UTH was played.

Would UTH kill you if you didn't take ~15-20 damage turns 1-5? Why not blame those turns.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
It has broken qualities in various situations and can work as a massive damage spike, board wipe or card draw.
Ummm... That's not a broken card. That's a situational card. I can think of plenty similarly punishing mechanics (mostly with warrior and pally as I play them the most). If you get utterly devastated by UTH then... Clearly you either forgot you were playing a hunter or you miscounted the number of times he played it.

I'm not saying it's OP btw, just essential to any hunter strats.
Eh, not really. Hunters always keep it because because inevitably they'll play some noob who forgets he's playing a hunter and they'll get 3-5 doggies as a result. But as a hunter at higher ranks (low teens) there have been PLENTY OF matches where I never had a chance to use it effectively. I'm actually thinking about removing it after getting past the noobs this time around as I'm thinking there will be better options for both control and aggrieved decks as most mid-level skill and higher players at this point run low minion counts on their side to not open themselves up to it. Or run high minions as long as the are 4 hp or higher.
To use it as card draw, they have to pay 4 mana to draw with it, and spend (and have) 2 cards. Mage's is draw 2 cards, spend 1. So to get anything out of it, they have to draw 3 cards with it before it pays off, if your opponent only had 1 or 2 creatures on the board, the card draw is not doing much (just replacing the cards they cast). It also carries the penalty it can't be used early game well, generally UTH won't pay off until mid-late game, so it could be a dead draw early on. It's pretty balanced outside of specific situations where your opponent played in to it I think, or when used as a finisher with Leeroy.

Like I mentioned earlier, UTH hitting for 6 isn't that much worse than most of the other minions used to kill you before UTH was played.

Mage: 3 mana, 1 card, 2 card draw
Hunter: 4 mana, 2 cards, 1-6 card draw, deal 1-6 damage
Alt. Hunter: 5 mana, 3 cards, 1-6 card draw, deal 2-12 damage
Alt. Hunter 2: 7 mana, 4 cards, 1-6 card draw, deal 2-10 damage, summon a 12/7 minion

I'm not saying UTH is broken, but it certainly is a very strong and flexible card. Even in the first of the Hunter scenarios I mention above, if you get 2 cards drawn out of it you're also getting 4/3 worth of minions including 2/2 worth of charge that can probably take down a small or damaged minion at no major cost to you. It seems less effective at high-level play, but ranks 25-5 (even closer to the 5-side) there are quite a few players that make the mistake of placing down 3+ minions.


Gold Member
Mage: 3 mana, 1 card, 2 card draw
Hunter: 4 mana, 2 cards, 1-6 card draw, deal 1-6 damage
Alt. Hunter: 5 mana, 3 cards, 1-6 card draw, deal 2-12 damage
Alt. Hunter 2: 7 mana, 4 cards, 1-6 card draw, deal 2-10 damage, summon a 12/7 minion

I'm not saying UTH is broken, but it certainly is a very strong and flexible card. Even in the first of the Hunter scenarios I mention above, if you get 2 cards drawn out of it you're also getting 4/3 worth of minions including 2/2 worth of charge that can probably take down a small or damaged minion at no major cost to you. It seems less effective at high-level play, but ranks 25-5 (even closer to the 5-side) there are quite a few players that make the mistake of placing down 3+ minions.

Now start listing other 3 and 4 card combos, I dunno... Leeroy + shadow step + shadow step + cold blood. Leeroy + windfury + rockbiter + rockbiter. Most 3-4 mid-late game card combos can be devastatingly good.

I think the normal UTH gain is 2 or 3, unless it's combo'd with Leeroy to get 4 or 5 out of UTH. Very rare do you see UTH played in to a board of 6 minions, because the other side is expecting that.


There doesn't seem to be much speculation in this thread, but here goes. I've been curious about what other heroes could be announced, and what kind of hero power they could have. Right now they're all more or less distinct and fairly balanced, but what other kinds of abilities may be possible for 2 mana? I haven't played WoW, but I'm just thinking in terms of fantasy staples and Hearthstone's dynamics.

"Give a minion 'Deathrattle: summon a 1/1 skeleton.'" This could work for a necromantic class (Death Knight) it would have class cards based on skeletons or undead.

"The first enemy minion to attack next turn attacks the hero instead." I was trying to come up with a creative idea for a Monk, and I thought of something along these lines.

"Do 1 to 2 damage to a random enemy character." The ability to do 2 damage to minions outright would just be too strong, even if it's random. However, just 1 damage to a random minion would be far weaker than the Mage's ability. This would be pretty balanced; potentially powerful but dependant on RNG. Would go well with a chaotic type of hero.

"Give a minion +1 attack." Could instead be +1 health or even +1/+1, but I think attack would be the most balanced. This ability could also be targeted to a keyword, only working on murlocks or dragons for example.
Love these kinds of discussions.

I think the Death Knight idea would be too weak (compared to a Paladin, who can always summon a 1/1). Maybe a "summon a 2/1 skeleton that dies at the end of the turn" kind of deal?

I also like the +1/+1 buff idea. Might be too strong, although you'd need a minion on the board. That said, I think the idea behind the hero abilities is that the player can always do something, so a hero ability dependent on board presence wouldn't gel with that goal.

What are other unused classes in World of Warcraft? I'm not familiar.


Love these kinds of discussions.

I think the Death Knight idea would be too weak (compared to a Paladin, who can always summon a 1/1). Maybe a "summon a 2/1 skeleton that dies at the end of the turn" kind of deal?

I also like the +1/+1 buff idea. Might be too strong, although you'd need a minion on the board. That said, I think the idea behind the hero abilities is that the player can always do something, so a hero ability dependent on board presence wouldn't gel with that goal.

For the first one, a 2/1 skeleton with charge that die at the end of the turn would be really nice.

As for the +1/+1, maybe put it like you can target your hero as well, so if you don't have minions you can still use it. The /+1 would be armor, but since Druids have 1/1, make the armor disappear after the turn ends.


To use it as card draw, they have to pay 4 mana to draw with it, and spend (and have) 2 cards. Mage's is draw 2 cards, spend 1. So to get anything out of it, they have to draw 3 cards with it before it pays off, if your opponent only had 1 or 2 creatures on the board, the card draw is not doing much (just replacing the cards they cast). It also carries the penalty it can't be used early game well, generally UTH won't pay off until mid-late game, so it could be a dead draw early on. It's pretty balanced outside of specific situations where your opponent played in to it I think, or when used as a finisher with Leeroy.

Like I mentioned earlier, UTH hitting for 6 isn't that much worse than most of the other minions used to kill you before UTH was played.

Would UTH kill you if you didn't take ~15-20 damage turns 1-5? Why not blame those turns.

Like I said I don't think it's op, but you seem to forget that UTH often does one or more of the things I listed. And if the opponent is playing around it every turn it's already acting as an exceptionally strong card.

Eh, not really. Hunters always keep it because because inevitably they'll play some noob who forgets he's playing a hunter and they'll get 3-5 doggies as a result. But as a hunter at higher ranks (low teens) there have been PLENTY OF matches where I never had a chance to use it effectively. I'm actually thinking about removing it after getting past the noobs this time around as I'm thinking there will be better options for both control and aggrieved decks as most mid-level skill and higher players at this point run low minion counts on their side to not open themselves up to it. Or run high minions as long as the are 4 hp or higher.

Ok so good players don't use or need UTH on high level play? I doubt what you are saying
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