I made a new rogue deck today. I am pretty happy with how it is performing so far on ladder. I only lost to a handlock but I feel like that was more of an oddity, although I don't think I am favored by much, if at all either way.
This deck is tooled to overcome an aggro heavy meta. Being a midrange deck, it is very flexible in that you can grab board using the low curve, with backstab, si7 agent, defias ringleader, echoing ooze or you can play more control like with eviscerate, shiv, fan of knive, backstab, and blade flurry. So vs aggro you have pretty good options, and defender of argus to seal off a win late game (like I just did vs a warlock when I used DOA on ragnaros and an azure drake on turn 9).
Vs control decks you play like an aggro or tempo deck by getting board and making it difficult for them to take back. Defias ringleader, argent squire, and echoing ooze, as well as harvest golem, all synergize really well with cult master. Then you use cold bloods, eviscerate, shiv, deadly poison, and blade flurry + sometimes ragnaros, to deal a lot of damage. Dropping loatheb on a decent board, even early on, is incredibly strong due to cold blood.
An alternate build could include a charge minion to make cold blood usable off an empty board.
You might be tempted to think the deck is too centric around cult master, but azure drake x2, shiv x2 and fan of knives take the load off of that. Plus the deck is just filled with many high value cards. Being capable of putting 4 attack power off 2 mana from defias ringleader is pretty good. But the card is pretty bad midgame, and best used to repopulate a board after a sweeper. And ragnaros does his job. It is the only card above 5 cost, so don't expect to win if you're not ahead in a control match, unless you've somehow baited out a lot of removal.
Still pretty early to tell how robust this deck is, but I feel like it is robust because it doesn't have a hard time getting tempo due to a decent low curve, the ability to snowball and even burst an opponent down due to 2x cold blood. Echoing ooze + doa synergy allows it to make big taunt walls to swing against aggro. Cult master allows for great card draw. Just don't expect to win any fatigue wars.
Guess we will see. I just hope they don't bring back TotalBiscuit.
I am with you on that 1000%.