Best game so far today.
Who's the big guy on the left? His laugh is amazing.
Who's the big guy on the left? His laugh is amazing.
hahahaha. the smash cut of ben brode laughing.
Oh god, someone will have to remake that Big Bang Theory Tidus Laugh video with Ben.Ben Brode as the new laugh track for every sitcom.
Oh god, someone will have to remake that Big Bang Theory Tidus Laugh video with Ben.
Trump is playing priest in contructed on his youtube channel. So many knockoff decks in my climb...
edit: I've played like 4 control priests in a row lol...
My last match was interesting as hell. Vs a hunter deck that played ETC. I got murlocs so I played it... into an explosive trap. Was pretty damn close, unlike most of my other vs hunter matches with this deck.
Also looking at my stats for the night, my rogue deck went 17-4 (80.1% win/loss)
druid 1-0
hunter 7-0
mage 0-0
paladin 1-0
priest 3-2 (all control)
rogue 0-1 (I think my deck wins hard against miracle I just dropped this game and drew badly mid game)
shaman 1-0
warlock 4-1 (loss to handlock)
warrior 0-0
Ugh, stupid 100 gold cap. I want to get more priest wins.
Also is it just a coincidence or did tides viewers drop a ton after he left tempostorm? He used to hit the low teens, but now he's capping out at 3-4K. And he's still getting ddosed or something.
Man I am sick and tired of playing vs all these braindead undertaker decks. Nerf him and lets move on to a more interesting meta please.
Can someone explain the prison Trump thing. He wears a ski cap and sunglasses, and acts just like normal Trump. I don't get it.
Can someone explain the prison Trump thing. He wears a ski cap and sunglasses, and acts just like normal Trump. I don't get it.
He'll trash talk, bm, and drop bits of prison wisdom. But yeah, it's still just trump.
I got 500 ranked wins with rogue, there is no ranking involved.
The ENTIRETY of the Hearthstone World Championship day 1 in one VOD!
He means in what rank levels you played it, since climbing the ladder is different based on what range you're playing at.
He'll trash talk, bm, and drop bits of prison wisdom. But yeah, it's still just trump.
The two players facing each other is awkward as hell. They can't even look at each other. They should put them in different rooms.
Blizzcon '15 Update: Kinect mod has enabled us to allow control of cards and attacks with gestures! Opponents will stand facing each other in an arena and sling attacks and throw down minions to win! Excite!