Yeah a DK hero would have to be Arthas.
Brought to you from the bnet forums
Could easily be faked though.
Reynad talking shit on Tides on stream. That didn't take long.
i'd argue gaara is better.
kitkatz would be better if he didn't focus so much energy on warrior.
Grimdark deluded Death Knight players.And who gives a shit about Koltira Deathweaver?
Legendary control warriors be everywhere.
Legendary control warriors be everywhere.
Yeah. I had to give up playing my beloved mid-range druid on ladder because I just couldn't keep up with the flood of legendaries. Even running 3 silences wasn't enough to deal with it all. I could neutralize most of them, but would end up losing on fatigue or my deck would just run out of reach in the late-game.
Had to switch to an aggro hunter deck because the only way to win against all the control warriors is to kill them before turn 6. It sucks because I much prefer playing a mid-range/control type of deck. Aggro decks make me feel dirty. But it's the only viable deck type I have for ladder until I build up a stable of legendaries.
I feel like Ramp Druid is letting me down in the current meta, always on the defensive / waiting till I can get a big taunt out just to see it silenced.
Control Priest fairs better but everyone seems to have a variant on the deck so I am never sure which one will serve me best.
Didn't he kinda transcend being just a death knight when he became the lich king?
Also, maybe arthas is a legendary card.
That is like how ramp is designed though and the primary reason I don't like it much. Your ideal opener is on turn 3 with a 4 drop or 5 drop depending on whether you get wild growth or coin, and that is really strong. But the times you get neither is very punishing.
So even when you get wild growth on turn 2, you're still often on the defensive already. It is too much tempo cost imo against more aggressive decks. Awesome against slower decks though. Granted, innervate helps out alot as well.
Legendary control warriors be everywhere.
Hmmm, may have to leave Druid alone for a while, shame as it is the only class I have a hope of gold portrait any time soon.
Any good Druid builds right now? I have access to most of the good neutrals / class cards.
Hmmm, may have to leave Druid alone for a while, shame as it is the only class I have a hope of gold portrait any time soon.
Any good Druid builds right now? I have access to most of the good neutrals / class cards.
Brought to you from the bnet forums
Could easily be faked though.
The Maddest Bomber100 new Bomber cards, all RNG based
I love this.letting the rope run out deals damage
100 new Bomber cards, all RNG based
I don't even care about the card back, the fact that you're playing Hunter and that you have undertaker/leper gnome on the board mildly infuriates me
That's probably one of the best things in this game, and any match making PvP game really, but beating someone bad who you just lost too, especially if it was because of bad draws.And against a priest who I just lost to
I love this.
That's probably one of the best things in this game, and any match making PvP game really, but beating someone bad who you just lost too, especially if it was because of bad draws.
Of course, just like anything else, it works inversely as well, so it can make you feel really bad.
wait Hearthstone for android is confirmed for december?! FINALLY
Yeah, it appears no news about android phone release date. FML.
I do own a tablet, but its a blackberry tablet. It does have an android emulator, but I am not really counting on that working out. Plus it only has like 1gb of RAM...
I don't even care about the card back, the fact that you're playing Hunter and that you have undertaker/leper gnome on the board mildly infuriates me
I don't even care about the card back, the fact that you're playing Hunter and that you have undertaker/leper gnome on the board mildly infuriates me
Can't Android's easily sideload anything though? I doubt there'd be an issue... after all people are running the iPad release of Hearthstone just fine on iPhone 5's (5, not 5S, though 5S obviously would be fine too).
Just download the .apk and install it yourself, until it's officially made for phones, hopefully.
You can thank blizzard nerfing buzzard for that.
I suppose that could be possible. I didn't know you could load a tablet app on a phone though. My phone is a galaxy s4 so I should be capable of running on it at least.
I actually got an undertaker to a 6/7 yesterday.