I'm thinking that any mechanic centered around the "rope" might not be a good idea for a set mechanic. It's basically mitigated entirely by expedient play, which is great for speeding people up I guess, but if they play quick enough it effectively does nothing.
If it is a thing, it's probably going to be limited to just a few cards.
Nozdormu just needs spell immunity like the Faerie Dragon and suddenly Noz would at least have a shot of fitting into some decks in Constructed... Even if only for fun. Ramp Druid turn 3 Coin, Innervate, Innervate, Nozdormu would be the new meta.
Nozdormu just needs spell immunity like the Faerie Dragon and suddenly Noz would at least have a shot of fitting into some decks in Constructed... Even if only for fun. Ramp Druid turn 3 Coin, Innervate, Innervate, Nozdormu would be the new meta.
Giving a huge minion spell immunity isn't a small thing like you make it sound though. That is a huge deal.
An 8/8 with spell immunity is crazy good. Spell immunity gets stronger the more powerful the minion is. If they made an 8/8 with spell immunity at 9 mana, that'd be crazy strong even without any extra time effects.
So basically whenever priest thoughtsteals... the rule is... get eviscerate, assassin's blade, and loatheb or another combo card. I am beggining to despise that card.
There is something about this game where it just decides to never give me card draw... 2 azure drakes, 2 ancients of lore, 20 cards in... none of them.
The same thing with my rogue deck. 2 azure drakes, 2 cult masters, and so many games I don't pull a single one.
I know it is kinda stupid, but I put sprint in my rogue deck. Now I have 5 card draw cards... starting to become a bit ridiculous though and maybe even hurts myself.
I know it is kinda stupid, but I put sprint in my rogue deck. Now I have 5 card draw cards... starting to become a bit ridiculous though and maybe even hurts myself.
You can't read into RNG. The game is 100% random in terms of what cards you pull, so making a narrative based on it will just frustrate you.
This is exactly what you shouldn't be doing. It's COMPLETELY RANDOM, eventually the RNG will swing your way, don't add draw cards based on a small sample size of not drawing.
Math warrior is so good. I like it a lot better than control warrior. Though really it's just a variation on tempo warrior. Those turn 4 handlock kills.
Math warrior? turn 4 handlock kills? Gimmie
oh this one? http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/106438-razors-math-warrior-legend
Another thing about penalizing your opponent for taking longer to play is that it inherently is advantageous towards aggro/easy-to-play decks and becomes yet another nerf towards control, and I really don't think HS needs to give rush decks yet more buffs.
Another thing about penalizing your opponent for taking longer to play is that it inherently is advantageous towards aggro/easy-to-play decks and becomes yet another nerf towards control, and I really don't think HS needs to give rush decks yet more buffs.
Lol. You disconnected. It's a common bug. Just restart the game.This guy is still stalling. Almost 30 minutes now.
Lol. You disconnected. It's a common bug. Just restart the game.
How many matches would you guys say you play in a given day? Not counting arena. I think I do between 3-6. Once I lose a couple in a row I stop for the day so I don't get upset.
The hell is that card back? It's not listed in the Wiki.
: Huh, the wooden planks and metal frame are the Warlords of Draenor's, but the logo at the top is different and his hand cards are somehow glowing red?
I saw a blue post mention it's a screw up on their end. They used some beta artwork for the card back by mistake and are fixing it... some people were upset that their card back look so much worst than advertised and Blizzard admitted they messed up and will improve it in the next client update.
I'd hope so. Frodan who cracks genuinely decent jokes coupled with those hilarious laughs is fucking perfect. With games like Dota or Starcraft I prefer more analytical casts but Hearthstone being the simple and easy to follow card game that it is entertainment is key. I've even had the rebroadcast running in the background when I could and still haven't gotten tired of it.Are we going to get the Artosis/Frodan/HAHAHAHAHA combo at the Blizzcon main event? I enjoyed those casts way more than I thought I did.
Are we going to get the Artosis/Frodan/HAHAHAHAHA combo at the Blizzcon main event? I enjoyed those casts way more than I thought I did.
Casters & Hosts[edit]
USA Dan "Frodan" Chou
USA Ryan "Realz" Masterson
USA Rachel "Seltzer" Quirico
Only at the Group Stage:[edit]
USA Dan "Artosis" Stemkoski
Canada Isaac "Azael" Cummings-Bentley
USA Ryan "Realz" Masterson
USA Ben Brode
Only at BlizzCon:[edit]
USA Marcus "djWHEAT" Graham
Poland Marcin "Gnimsh" Filipowicz
Hong Kong Jason "Amaz" Chan
USA Nathan "ThatsAdmirable" Zamora
Gnimsh instead of Brode, worst trade ever.![]()
I see so many hunters Turn One Flare when I'm playing Mage. Is that not a terrible play or am I missing something?
I'm sure Brode has a lot to do at Blizzcon so I don't blame them... But... I will join the Twitch chat riot.
Gnimsh instead of Brode, worst trade ever.![]()
If they run 2 they might value the card cycle to have better other early game over potentially popping a secret turn 3-5. You can always draw into another.
That's a refrigerator magnet that you stick a picture on.