Those are probably cards generated by some other minion.
Please no randomorino anymoro Blizzardio.
I think they are the spare parts cards by Clockwork Gnome.
Those are probably cards generated by some other minion.
Please no randomorino anymoro Blizzardio.
Those are probably cards generated by some other minion.
Please no randomorino anymoro Blizzardio.
It is early days and there will be lots of cards.
But I like the "summon a minion" RNG. Nothing beats a random King Crush.
There's a big difference between "put a random minion into your hand" and "put a random minion into play" though. Webspinner is a fine, fun card. Mad scientist...much more frustrating.
I have to assume they're going to put some anti-death rattle stuff in though. I remember one of the developers saying they didn't want to flood the game with silence as a counter, so hopefully they come up with something good.
Someone is doing live updates here:
You can disenchant or CRAFT the new cards with old arcane dust. Some new cards:
I'd imagine those 3 cards aren't collectible but are received through using other cards. They are way too weak on their own.
I wonder how Ogre Warmaul interacts with Taunt.
Can it bypass taunted duders? Can you face attack a Rogue but switch to the Concealed Auctioneer?
Someone is doing live updates here:
You can disenchant or CRAFT the new cards with old arcane dust. Some new cards:
The worst card in the game is Magma Rager, only winning 29% of the games its in
Bouncing blade is a neat card. Don't know how well it fits warrior though. Their big weakness is lots of small creatures, which this would do very little against.
Bouncing blade is a neat card. Don't know how well it fits warrior though. Their big weakness is lots of small creatures, which this would do very little against.
Wonder if there's only one minion on the board and you play it, if it'll just die. Unless if it requires multiple minions to bounce off of.
Arena will only reward G&G packs after the expansion is live. Single card drops of old cards still possible.
Yeah, they're (hopefully) not intended as competitive cards. You want to keep RNG very restricted in that sphere because it's just going to tick off that type of player. The game naturally has a ton already - it's not like you need to add more.I think the important distinction is that they summon random minions, not "a random minion from your deck/hand". The former is probably a ton of fun for ladder/arena and clowny as fuck yet too unpredictable to necessarily be viable, but the latter would be immensely broken for competitive play.
I like the solution. It's probably the best they could do without making things complicated. More people are likely to want the new cards over the old anyway.
Arena will only reward G&G packs after the expansion is live. Single card drops of old cards still possible.
I dunno, it kind of screws those of us who joined the game late, or will be joining from then on. Arena is the best way to get packs if you're decent at it after all.
Wonder if you can get Jarraxus' fists. Would be cool too. And don't forget Captain Greenskin!My favorite card so far.... the blingotron 3000 dude.
If I'm at Blizzcon, I'm doing Panels/Demos all day, I can catch tournament replays at home.Geeze, the hall where they are playing Hearthstone is empty
Well, being able to choose is the best choice, and I don't get why they didn't bother doing that. It adds a bit of complexity, but surely that kind of thing should have been thought about when originally programming the game. I can't imagine Blizzard went in thinking that there was going to be no new packs. It just seems poor to me.Well, if you don't have either, you can use either unless the new cards end up being crap in the meta. It'll only be an issue when newer players have a lot of the new cards and want to go grab old ones. The only other solutions are to always give old ones, which would be causing the same issue for a much larger group of players, give random ones which has the same problem but is lessened by being able to grind it out. These solutions also cause more issues going forward as there are more expansions to choose from. If it stays with expert packs, it's going to be a problem for most players as expansions continue to come out and arena is still Expert packs. It's also a problem for random as the chance of getting the pack you want will drop as more types are released.
Another option would be to let players choose, at least for the guaranteed one. The last one adds a level of complexity that I don't think they want. I'd personally prefer to choose, but of the simple solutions I think the one they chose will cause the least problems. There's no perfect solution to it though.
If I'm at Blizzcon, I'm doing Panels/Demos all day, I can catch tournament replays at home.
Understood. I would totally go there just for the Hearthstone tourney.
I would check it out but seriously, the tournament lasts for hours and hours and hours. You'll find some time you just wanna chill a minute and catch a match or two... I'd imagine.
Yeah I would watch one match or the final. But otherwise you can watch handlock later.
Clockwork Giant *faints*oh mah gah
Well, being able to choose is the best choice, and I don't get why they didn't bother doing that. It adds a bit of complexity, but surely that kind of thing should have been thought about when originally programming the game. I can't imagine Blizzard went in thinking that there was going to be no new packs. It just seems poor to me.
I think Blizzard wanting to keep it simple is more of a design decision than programming limitations. Making things more complex tends to make them less accessible, and they seem to be going for a wide audience. I think they've erred a little too far on being simple, but that may be because what I really want is F2P Magic with Hearthstone's monetization practices.
I don't think it was realistic to expect to get a choice when that complexity goes against what they're trying to do. I'm happy with their choice because it seemed to be the best out of the simpler ones.
So I'm in a Priest vs Priest mirror, and to be quite honest I'm getting my ass handed to me. I'm down to single digit health, my opponent will kill me on his next turn. Meanwhile, he has 27 health.
On my board is a dark cultist and an injured blademaster. In my hand is Mind Blast, Coin, Mind Blast.
And that's when I topdicked Prophet Velen.
So of course, I double pyroblast his face and swing in with my minions for 27 damage and exact lethal.