Didn't Blizz dislike one turn kills? This + rockbiter alone is 28 damage...
FakeSeems pretty hard to summon
You need 3 mechs and head of Mimiron on the field at the beginning of your turn. Seems like something only Rogues can pull off.
Legit or fake?
Strifecro has it in the bag.
His plane ticket home? I would hope so.
Fuk u buddyKinda glad the Cloud 9 guys have been elimintaed
Who's left in the semifinals? I went to sleep after Kolento's game.
T Celestial,Firebat,Kranich and Dtwo
GOLEM BOYSDang! StrifeCro's and Kolento out!?!
Celestial looking strong for sure.
At 6 minutes, Kibler confirms he talked with Ben Brode about the RNG and Ben confirmed that they revealed the RNG cards for the demo because they're fun. The bulk of the set is not RNG crazy. This post ought to be upvoted just to get that to the top so people stop freaking out about RNG.
It's still a fuck ton of rng..
Do you expect RNG to go away from HS sometime soon?
Yes. I thought with this expansion they would totally get rid of it.
I thought they'd make Tinkmaster say "choose a creature and make it a 1/1 or 5/5, your choice"
And then Rag would be "choose a target every turn, deal 8 damage to it"
Also animal companion would say "which one?"
Lol at Brode constantly praising Kolento's skill at the Fireside chat only to have him eliminated by some trashlord enrage deck topdicking exact lethal
"RNG makes Hearthstone fun!"
I must be the only one that enjoys the RNG.
Full Huntard-mode in Arena. My apologies.
Second 12-win run in 2 days!
Kolento made a huge mistake not playing loatheb imo.Lol at Brode constantly praising Kolento's skill at the Fireside chat only to have him eliminated by some trashlord enrage deck topdicking exact lethal
Kolento made a huge mistake not playing loatheb imo.
Did you emote sorry, thank you, well played after? Did you then friend request him 100x until he accepted and then write "#getrekt nub" and then unfriend him right away?
I was right for a change?!From Reddit:
Okay, I'll calm my tits and wait until all cards have been revealed.