All the Firebat salt in here. He won, deal with it. It was awesome to be in the crowd.
All the Firebat salt in here. He won, deal with it. It was awesome to be in the crowd.
Admirable is still annoying. He doesn't have to point out that black knight is a huge draw... anyone can already see that.
Hadn't seen this before:
Hadn't seen this before:
I don't even get the joke.
I don't even get the joke.
Will the Mechanical Dragonling become a Mech after the expansion is launched? I'd think so if Harvest Golem is a Mech.
Now, is Goblins/Gnomes going to need a purchase like Naxx did? Like an initial gold or $$ buy-in?
Or will it effectively instantly and freely expand the card base and be available to everyone, and people will just need to spend gold/$$ on acquiring the cards as they do now with the vanilla set?
Now, is Goblins/Gnomes going to need a purchase like Naxx did? Like an initial gold or $$ buy-in?
Or will it effectively instantly and freely expand the card base and be available to everyone, and people will just need to spend gold/$$ on acquiring the cards as they do now with the vanilla set?
Is there an actual dates for GvG? They just said next month so far, right?
yeah, next month. nothing concrete.
Should've just said "December". People would go mad thinking they could mean "December 2015" because Blizzard.
Awesome... I had to eat through 6 fucking sludge belchers in a freeze mage deck...
Lol thats brutal you win?
Artosis was definitely hitting the pipe on that one. The only question is what was in the pipe.
Man, the current face hunter is so disgusting if you aren't a warrior or priest. I actually hadn't played it, but obviously had played against it tons. Easiest 5 wins for my quest ever.
Seriously. And If you can get a Turn 1 Undertaker to 3/4, you're basically guaranteed the win. I seriously can't think of a game where I got a Turn 1 Undertaker to 3/4 and I didn't win.
It's a deck that never falls behind. If it is behind at any point, than it's only on like the last turn just before it loses the game. Mad Scientist and Undertaker just make the deck too damn consistent. Mad Scientist probably needs to be nerfed to 3 mana, and then something needs to happen to Undertaker. I'm not quite sure what, but the health boost seems the most problematic to me.
Have undertaker gain attack but not health
or embrace the RNG and have it randomly gain +1/+0, +0/+1 or +1/+1.
I'd definitely try and make room for a second power word shield, that card is excellent. Maybe only 1 holy smite.So I've been messing around with this spell damage Priest deck and it has been, so far, surprisingly successful. Here is my current decklist:
I am 22-8 with it so far and 10-4 in ranked play. The double Mind Blast gives me reach that no one expects from a Priest. Add a Geomancer and/or Azure Drake to that and it's better than a Pyroblast. So many games have ended with that combo. My initial version of the deck didn't have Undertakers or Zombie Chows, but I has having a lot of trouble in the early game. Since I've added them in I've been able to hold my own in the early game and can start whittling my opponent down for my late game Priest Pyroblast.
I'm guessing this deck might not continue to be as viable as I climb higher on the ladder (currently only rank 16), but I'm having fun with it for now and we'll see how it continues to play in the current meta.
So I'm planning on saving all my daily gold from now until GvG release and just splurge on packs when it's out. Is this a good idea? Mind you I play pretty sporadically so I dont have all the core expert/classic cards, though I figure if I really need anything specific I need from them I can craft it.
Yeah, I'm doing the same. If you don't have Naxxramas you probably want some of those cards, but otherwise I think saving for the new packs is the best idea.