I'd find it hard to play that even if it were 3/2 for 2, let alone for 3cc.
If it were 2 mana, that would be INSANE. If the chicken is 1/1 for 0 mana, that would be like a 3/2 Razorfen Hunter at 2 mana if it grabs a minion (worst case), or a 3/2 with card draw in best case (lol 1/1 novice engineer). In any sort of aggro deck, that'd be HUGE. Hell even in arena that would be a huge tempo advantage.
Well you would still be sacrificing a card to play a... razorfen hunter heheh.
You must be one of those people who thinks tracking is a bad card too.
Also, razorfen hunter would be everywhere if it cost 2 mana.
what the fuuuuuu
what the fuuuuuu
You must be one of those people who thinks tracking is a bad card too.
Also, razorfen hunter would be everywhere if it cost 2 mana.
Looks fine for a Bloodlust minion flood deck. Just a bunch of low cost minions that summon more minions and this helps with cycling and let's you keep your Bloodlust (and help you get it faster while not losing tempo). Also doesn't eat up Spirit Wolves.Even if some of the new cards we've seen so far are super random, I still see potential uses for them. Except one.
Unless I'm misunderstanding how this works, why the hell would you use this? Maybe if it made the opponent draw I could see a use.
Wonder if there's a chance it could "accidentally" attack a stealthed minion like a Gadgetzan or if the target has to be valid.super good early game.
Wonder if there's a chance it could "accidentally" attack a stealthed minion like a Gadgetzan or if the target has to be valid.
Wonder if there's a chance it could "accidentally" attack a stealthed minion like a Gadgetzan or if the target has to be valid.
Usually any sort of random effect has a chance to attack stealthed minions. Flamecannon and Bomb Lobber, in particular, seem like direct counters to a stealthed Gadgetzan.
Miracle rogue and handlock
What's the card that lets you play a giant for free? I saw it happen a lot in the zillion hours of HS I watched this weekend.
What's the card that lets you play a giant for free? I saw it happen a lot in the zillion hours of HS I watched this weekend.
Not sure how I feel about this new set of cards. Super RNG.
Haven't played since the last wing of Naxx, how are Control Warriors these days? Still middle of the pack?
Both of these can be played for free given the right circumstances. You most likely saw Handlocks decreasing their own health low enough to play Molten Giants for 0, which happens as soon as you're at 10 or lower.
Haha DeerNadia showed that Pistoletov Gladiatar video on stream, penis and all.
NSFW http://www.twitch.tv/deernadia/b/578627006?t=4h25m30s
Not having choice of X-Pack as Arena rewards is a game-killer long term because it increases barrier to entry exponentially. I don't understand how they don't see this.
Not sure how I feel about this new set of cards. Super RNG.
Haven't played since the last wing of Naxx, how are Control Warriors these days? Still middle of the pack?
Not having choice of X-Pack as Arena rewards is a game-killer long term because it increases barrier to entry exponentially. I don't understand how they don't see this.
Arena is set to convert to ONLY new packs as rewards.wait what do you mean, I haven't read anything in the past 2 days. we won't any of the new packs in arena?!
Arena is set to convert to ONLY new packs as rewards.
This is a disastrous decision if it goes live. There are far fewer cards in the expansion and it will lock new players out.
Not having choice of X-Pack as Arena rewards is a game-killer long term because it increases barrier to entry exponentially. I don't understand how they don't see this.
Arena is set to convert to ONLY new packs as rewards.
This is a disastrous decision if it goes live. There are far fewer cards in the expansion and it will lock new players out.
Pretty sure it's gonna be for a limited time and then switch to mixed packs, anything else is way too dumb.
The new cards should be better overall, so more desirable. You can still buy the older cards with gold or craft them with dust, and new players will need both sets... I don't see how that locks them out, it makes more sense to get the newer cards first anyway, as they're going to be more relevant.
I imagine the highlights of this expansion will only be matched by a few cards from the original set. For example, a rare in G&G gets you a 5 mana 5/4 minion that deals 6 damage to opponent minions (when you cast it on an empty board on your side). That's going to be a game changer I think. It kills a turn 4 Yeti on a clear board you've been fighting over, or an entire board of say a 3/1 (divine shield), 1/1 (divine shield), 3/2 while getting you a 5/4 in the process. It is begging to be combo'd with equality too.
If the power creep is real, the new set of cards will be more desirable, then you can use dust to make up a few select cards from the original set you want.
Or it could just switch to the next ~120 card expansion when it releases.
Or it could just be a blood imp on steroids that does 6 damage to your face.
Here's the issue: You should not have to crack packs. Period. Arena is 100000% better than spending money directly on packs, and they're about to make that not the case for players. (As GvG will be "completed" and start going right to dust relatively quickly.) They're about to blow open their entire model on the F2P side.The new cards should be better overall, so more desirable. You can still buy the older cards with gold or craft them with dust, and new players will need both sets... I don't see how that locks them out, it makes more sense to get the newer cards first anyway, as they're going to be more relevant.
I imagine the highlights of this expansion will only be matched by a few cards from the original set. For example, a rare in G&G gets you a 5 mana 5/4 minion that deals 6 damage to opponent minions (when you cast it on an empty board on your side). That's going to be a game changer I think. It kills a turn 4 Yeti on a clear board you've been fighting over, or an entire board of say a 3/1 (divine shield), 1/1 (divine shield), 3/2 while getting you a 5/4 in the process. It is begging to be combo'd with equality too.
If the power creep is real, the new set of cards will be more desirable, then you can use dust to make up a few select cards from the original set you want.
Here's the issue: You should not have to crack packs. Period. Arena is 100000% better than spending money directly on packs, and they're about to make that not the case for players. (As GvG will be "completed" and start going right to dust relatively quickly.) They're about to blow open their entire model on the F2P side.
If they do that sort of power creep, they'll kill their game off long-term.
Think long term if this pattern continues. It radically increases the barrier to entry to new players.I really don't think it is as bad as you're making it sound. After a short while in the game most of your packs even with the classic set is just dust anyway. Pretty fast new players are dusting most of their packs regardless of new or old sets.
If the average dust of the new set is higher than the old set, it'll probably balance out. We'll have to wait and see how this turns out. Even in the worst case scenario doing arena is still faster for new players to build up a collection, regardless of which pack they get. Plus as a starting player, you shouldn't be going for every card, not until you've really fleshed out a couple strong decks.
Think long term if this pattern continues. It radically increases the barrier to entry to new players.
I really wanted a strong mid-range Warlock and I think I finally found a good one that still uses the Warlock hero power in good synergy.
See here, my divine spellpower Warlock! Having some really nice results with it.
It makes it near-impossible to do so without spending money.Not really much more than it already is set. You'll never need to collect all the good cards.
It makes it near-impossible to do so without spending money.
You're vastly underestimating how much dust is saved from people busting rares/commons hard-way out of packs.How? Competitive decks still only take 30 cards...
The dust on decks is still probably gonna be about the same too. You really don't need every card from the original set, probably a small portion if we're seeing cards like shrinkmaster in the new set.