Shamen. You have only one hex, you do not have silence, and you are facing this board.
Which one do you hit? Tirion, or Kelthuzad?
I feel like Hearthstone jumped the shark.
Shamen. You have only one hex, you do not have silence, and you are facing this board.
If only there was actually a shark card. A Vash'jir expansion would be great.I feel like Hearthstone jumped the shark.
i wonder would shawomen would do
I have never seen this before... apparently I am in a 20 minute queue to log into Battle.Net and play?
Is it like this for everyone else?
started at 18 min and now at ~34 and climbing
Make it three mana just like Unleash.
I don't know either though, but arguably no class has benefited from Naxx as much as the Hunter class. This is probably worse than the Hunter meta with the two mana UTH.
Why is Hearthstone so popular tonight? I just had a 15min queue, got in, had one laggy ranked game which told me "Recorded, just reconnect to game". Back in queue for another 9min. is down whoa is down whoa.
Servers are getting DDOS'ed.
After clearing all of Naxx, I don't really feel compelled to keep playing Hearthstone. There just isn't anything to work for. I know I shouldn't need anything to work toward, but apparently I do.
My goal is always to climb the ladder using decks I have made, overcoming the netdeckers, bots and flavors of the month.
He is..?Yeah but the only point to play ranked is to get legendary. And for that you need to consider the meta.
Doesn't mean you have to become the meta to overcome the meta.
This is so fucking dumb how many bots I'm playing, how is there no report function in this game? Blizzard really are skimping on basic shit.
Of course it does.
I have maybe seen one or two bots ever.
Then you're very lucky, I've seen 3 already today. It's not like it's hard to spot them either. Plus add in all the derogatory names and abuse people give if you accept the requests then there really should be a report function. Releasing a f2p online competitive game without the support to back it up is amateur hour.