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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Jesus at this tournament. Dude just played a KT and on next turn facelessed it behind a taunt + a Loatheb drop. Instant concede by Reynad. They need to start banning some cards from tourneys to increase watchability
Some of this shit is absurd.
I just pissed away my rank with a KT rogue deck. :DDDD

it works okay when people mulligan for miracle and i can get some early minions down.
Shamen. You have only one hex, you do not have silence, and you are facing this board.

Which one do you hit? Tirion, or Kelthuzad?

Depends on what else is in your hand. Clearly you hex tirion if you can also kill kelthuzad in the same turn. But if you have an ooze or jones... tirion isn't as much of a problem.
Jeez, a Shaman and I (Mage) just had the most ridiculous back and forth. He plays Sylvannas, I copy it with Mirror Entity. A couple Baron Rivendares, Ancestral Spirits and Reincarnates later and there are Sylvannas (Sylvanni?) trading all over the place. When it was all said and done I ended up with a Sylvannas and a Baron and he ended up with just a Baron. I couldn't even keep track of what was happening. Really wish I had been recording it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Shamen. You have only one hex, you do not have silence, and you are facing this board.

Tirion. Punching through Tirion and Sunwalker is damn near impossible, and would eat up so many cards you wouldn't be able to do anything afterwards anyway. But a single Sunwalker and a 0/1 frog is much more manageable. Kel is a non-issue, since he will not actually risk trading it with anything, for fear of jeopardizing his Dream.


Paladin v Rogue in Arena, turn 22 or something, we're topdeckin' and wreckin'. I've kept my BGH in hand for a few turns because the other guy had a few cards in hand still, but since I've pushed him down to 4hp this turn I drop it because what the hell right?

Last card he has is Alexstrasza.


Brings himself up to 15 and goes on to win the game.


I have never seen this before... apparently I am in a 20 minute queue to log into Battle.Net and play?

Is it like this for everyone else?


Make it three mana just like Unleash.

I don't know either though, but arguably no class has benefited from Naxx as much as the Hunter class. This is probably worse than the Hunter meta with the two mana UTH.

I had two 5-win quests that both had Priest, and it took me a stupidly long time. I insta-conceded to about 5 Hunters too (since I was in casual).
Why is Hearthstone so popular tonight? I just had a 15min queue, got in, had one laggy ranked game which told me "Recorded, just reconnect to game". Back in queue for another 9min.


remember me
Great, dc during a ranked match when i have the dream opening hand.

And of course it counted as a loss. Better play something else tonight.


www.battle.net is down whoa

ROFL i just let the client sit there, then i managed to get reconnected about 10mins later, when the game resynced

i just see the game client do the timeout CUR-CHUNK when the timer fuse runs out like 10 times in a row. too bad i couldnt record that. anyways i got a free win from that.
Somehow the game disconnecting and locking up when I was building a deck pissed me off way more than when it disconnects me from games

I thought I was safe...


remember me
People on the forums were saying that they were trying to keep kripp from playing? And that as soon as he would start streaming again they'd bring it down. No idea if its true.
I'm not well versed in network technology but shouldn't there be some sort of protection against this? Why isn't battle.net DDOS-ed 24/7 if some script kiddies can just bring it down?


I don't think they need to nerf hunters or their cards, that would be a mistake. A single neutral secret revealing card would more than likely be enough. Either that or the meta will figure it out like it always does.


For them, it's like OMG WTF BBQ. For me, it's just another day with Titan V:

Often people decide that after X number of giants (sometimes even the first one) that it's inefficient to trade. That's the moment when Ancestral Spirit, Ancestral Healing, Faceless and KT get massive value. As long as I don't die (usually taunt up), you end up with overwhelming board control. The games I lose is when they deal with all the big threats the same turn I put them out (correct way, like vs a Handlock). What I like about giants is that they serve two roles: taunting and win condition. 8 damage is a lot. In that screenshot he end up killing one Molten Giant with everything he has and use Faceless on the other taunted one. I traded one of my Molten Giants and topdecked a Flametongue Totem to end up with exact lethal. All that because he couldn't deal with a Molten Giant with Ancestral Spirit which I put out on turn 8 and went for face. From one Ancestral Spirit Molten Giant to that board. That's Titan V.


Yeah we need secret hate. The meta atm is hunters with secrets and hunters with flares.

Even though Druids are fucked now, Ancient of Lore still remains as a complete bullshit card. Buzzard has nothing on it.


Oh lawwddddd. Don't summon wolves and put a 3 attack minion between them if you're facing a rogue in arena. Glad I hold on to that betrayal :lol
After clearing all of Naxx, I don't really feel compelled to keep playing Hearthstone. There just isn't anything to work for. I know I shouldn't need anything to work toward, but apparently I do.


After clearing all of Naxx, I don't really feel compelled to keep playing Hearthstone. There just isn't anything to work for. I know I shouldn't need anything to work toward, but apparently I do.

I know what you mean. The ladder reset is a depressing thing for us who have real lives beyond gaming :/


Yeah but the only point to play ranked is to get legendary. And for that you need to consider the meta.
He is..?

"overcoming the netdeckers, bots and flavors of the month"

Doesn't mean you have to become the meta to overcome the meta.


This is so fucking dumb how many bots I'm playing, how is there no report function in this game? Blizzard really are skimping on basic shit.


I have maybe seen one or two bots ever.

Then you're very lucky, I've seen 3 already today. It's not like it's hard to spot them either. Plus add in all the derogatory names and abuse people give if you accept the requests then there really should be a report function. Releasing a f2p online competitive game without the support to back it up is amateur hour.


Gold Member
Then you're very lucky, I've seen 3 already today. It's not like it's hard to spot them either. Plus add in all the derogatory names and abuse people give if you accept the requests then there really should be a report function. Releasing a f2p online competitive game without the support to back it up is amateur hour.

A report button would only result in about 99 out of 100 inaccuracies imo. Nearly every loss against a legendary card would be reported, and quite a lot of losses against zoo and netdecks in general would get reported. Would just be a waste of time to implement, to go through the mountain of BS reports to find the few needles in them that are accurate.


That's why you'd have filtering, if someone's getting reported more than normal then someone looks into it. The same thing is in WoW where they get loads of useless reports.
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