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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Can't they just use Warden for a start?
I wish the hunter meta was more real in EU. You just autowin by playing hunter with flares...
I've been seeing tons of Hunters from rank 3 upwards, where are you currently sitting? Most of them play 2 Flares too so the mirror would be even anyway.


No because I play hunter without secrets. Rank 4 atm and I have seen more hunters now, but not enough to absolutely justify playing hunter myself.


Oh yeaaaah



WTH, Someone just played Mekkatorque on ladder :DDD

I've never seen a bot, or at least I think I haven't. How do I spot them?

The only sure way to spot them is if they stay in a lost game. There are some other symptoms, like playing their cards with a very specific tick between plays, but that's far less conclusive.

Expect half of the "I played a bot!!!" to be salty responses to a game.


The easiest way to see bots is weird targetting cursor behaviour. Like breifly having something on the board target something in their hand, or something target their hero power.


that most of the bots I've faced have had golden heroes at high ranks (15-5)? Maybe it's coincidence, but a high proportion have been bots. Especially this late in the season.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
A report button would only result in about 99 out of 100 inaccuracies imo. Nearly every loss against a legendary card would be reported, and quite a lot of losses against zoo and netdecks in general would get reported. Would just be a waste of time to implement, to go through the mountain of BS reports to find the few needles in them that are accurate.

You can sort of filter out those inaccuracies by only taking action whenever an account has a lot of reports on it. I mean Xbox Live has report capabilities. Same concerns apply there.


that most of the bots I've faced have had golden heroes at high ranks (15-5)? Maybe it's coincidence, but a high proportion have been bots. Especially this late in the season.

That means nothing. You don't need to be good to get a golden hero, just play ~1k games on that hero.


When you play Doomsayer with Ancestral Spirit and the player uses all minions (7 damage) to kill the first incarnation and fills the board even more, then you know it's a bot.

True story :p


The only sure way to spot them is if they stay in a lost game. There are some other symptoms, like playing their cards with a very specific tick between plays, but that's far less conclusive.

Expect half of the "I played a bot!!!" to be salty responses to a game.
Hey, I always stay in games even if it looks bleak.

never give up never surrender

wait... holy shit



Force a Paladin to use both Equalities.

Then play Kel Thuzad with Reincarnate.

Next turn I Reincarnated one again.

4 Kel Thuzad and a Sunfury to protect my shamanic face.

Yum yum.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Been under a rock? There has been a ton of bot usage in the game recently. Blizzard even acknowledged that use of bots in against the rules and could lead to a permanent suspension.


There's a difference between hey, this guy runs the exact same circle pattern, kills the exact same mobs, and farms the exact same nodes -and- hey, this guy is playing kind of slow and he's rank 12 when in my completely unqualified opinion I think he should be rank 3 legend US.


Sure, they're out there, but if I took the posts on gaf as a measuring stick it seems every one here faces 9/10 bots lol.


Nice job. Hope to get 12 wins one day. What was your deck?

Just random assorted crap. I also had the luck of opponent misplaying (like the shaman I mentioned above who dropped a 3/3 between his wolves :lol). Just some reliable two drops, strong 3s and 4s and two assassinates and two backstabs and two argent commanders.

I curved very nicely for most of my wins and just kept a strong board while sweeping their bothersome minions and sometimes just going for face.

E: Oh and godly bomber RNG. I killed a mercenary with argent commander + bomber and the bomber also finished off a damaged golem :D


There's a difference between hey, this guy runs the exact same circle pattern, kills the exact same mobs, and farms the exact same nodes -and- hey, this guy is playing kind of slow and he's rank 12 when in my completely unqualified opinion I think he should be rank 3 legend US.


Sure, they're out there, but if I took the posts on gaf as a measuring stick it seems every one here faces 9/10 bots lol.

I mean even in casual there are bots, so of course there would be more in ladder.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I mean even in casual there are bots, so of course there would be more in ladder.

I play probably around 10 games a day on the weekdays and 20-30 on weekends, split between both modes (I'm rank 7). So like 100 games a week? I think I've seen maybe 2 people I thought..oh..this is kind of funny.. in the last few weeks

How is everyone else here all of a sudden in non-stop bot land? It sounds more like paranoia.


I play probably around 10 games a day on the weekdays and 20-30 on weekends, split between both modes (I'm rank 7). So like 100 games a week? I think I've seen maybe 2 people I thought..oh..this is kind of funny.. in the last few weeks

How is everyone else here all of a sudden in non-stop bot land? It sounds more like paranoia.

It's just like how everyone was facing only zoo a few weeks back. People are deluding themselves (possibly not intentionally) or just drowning in salt.


I play probably around 10 games a day on the weekdays and 20-30 on weekends, split between both modes (I'm rank 7). So like 100 games a week? I think I've seen maybe 2 people I thought..oh..this is kind of funny.. in the last few weeks

How is everyone else here all of a sudden in non-stop bot land? It sounds more like paranoia.

Dunno how it can be paranoia. Bots don't mouseover, its pretty easy to spot.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Dunno how it can be paranoia. Bots don't mouseover, its pretty easy to spot.

If you had played against me anytime for the last 7 months you wouldn't have seen me mouseover either.


I've only faced a really obvious bot once, I think.

I had Kel'Thuzad + a Sunwalker on the board and the opponent kept trading a couple of cards into the sunwalker every turn, despite it resurrecting. He didn't even attempt to touch the KT, but instead used soulfire on the sunwalker.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Pretty sure you can see people using tablets selecting cards and targeting arrows.

I have never seen a single opponent not have basic card selection and arrow animation. That would definitely stick out to me. If you're saying bots have absolutely no animations, then I'm sure that'd be easy to spot.

edit: I'd also like to point out that I sure as fuck don't play the way a lot of streamers play. Constantly picking up cards, hovering them, targeting them, moving arrows around, all this dumb shit like they're pretending they're holding the card in their hand. That shit is way more suspicious to me than someone who just plays the cards and targets what they have to target. I guess, again, this is my master no-mouse race playstyle.


Yeah as I said the other week, I've barely faced any bots. I did consider the EU server just didn't have many, but it could also be because of over exaggeration.


Why is there such a defensive reaction when someone mentions bots? Sure I don't see one very often myself, but I won't dismiss someone for telling me they saw a bot playing because the software is out there and there are people running it.


Why is there such a defensive reaction when someone mentions bots? Sure I don't see one very often myself, but I won't dismiss someone for telling me they saw a bot playing because the software is out there and there are people running it.

They're also really obvious. It's not like in FPS games where they can "blend" in. Obviously people only bring them up in here when they face them which makes it seem like there's more than there are. Today I've faced 3 in around 15-20 matches so it's not like it's rampant, but still pretty shitty.
Just disenchanted myself a bunch of cards, and now I have 1210 dust.

Really thinking of what to create. Two Cabal Shadow Priests for a future Priest deck? One Brawl and Lay on Hands for my Warrior and Paladin decks? I'm struggling with a choice...
There's a difference between hey, this guy runs the exact same circle pattern, kills the exact same mobs, and farms the exact same nodes -and- hey, this guy is playing kind of slow and he's rank 12 when in my completely unqualified opinion I think he should be rank 3 legend US.


Sure, they're out there, but if I took the posts on gaf as a measuring stick it seems every one here faces 9/10 bots lol.

Well first you are claiming there are no bots. I just showed you blizzard sees it as big enough problem to make an official statement (something they don't do just randomly).

Now you are claiming you can't tell. But you can. Easily. First because they don't have red arrows when they input attacks. Second because they take the exact same amount of time between actions which is about half a second. Third because they largely play off 3 decks. Aggro druid, aggro shaman, and zoolock.

And there actually was a time like 2 weeks ago where 5/10 matches would be against bots, without doubt. So yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if you got that feeling that people are playing a lot of bots. I've literally run into 5 bots in a row in rank 1-5 in the past. And I could tell without a shadow of a doubt they were bots. Last 2 weeks though, much much less. I even heard one of their programmers left so the current bot might be pretty bad since 2 new sets of cards have released. And how can a bot deal with a secret? I've even seen bots run into my feugan/stalagg to let me get an easy win.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Well first you are claiming there are no bots. I just showed you blizzard sees it as big enough problem to make an official statement (something they don't do just randomly).

Now you are claiming you can't tell. But you can. Easily. First because they don't have red arrows when they input attacks. Second because they take the exact same amount of time between actions which is about half a second. Third because they largely play off 3 decks. Aggro druid, aggro shaman, and zoolock.

And there actually was a time like 2 weeks ago where 5/10 matches would be against bots, without doubt. So yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if you got that feeling that people are playing a lot of bots. I've literally run into 5 bots in a row in rank 1-5 in the past. And I could tell without a shadow of a doubt they were bots. Last 2 weeks though, much much less. I even heard one of their programmers left so the current bot might be pretty bad since 2 new sets of cards have released. And how can a bot deal with a secret? I've even seen bots run into my feugan/stalagg to let me get an easy win.

the first post of mine you quoted was barrens chat, did the #rekt not make it obvious enough?

and I said if they were totally lacking animations, I would notice, but I've never seen that, so I can say that I have never faced a bot in about 400 matches the last 4 weeks

I guess rng favors me


Rank 5 is where you see peak bot. Below and above that you don't see them much, just the odd one. They are incredibly obvious once you are familiar with them.
the first post of mine you quoted was barrens chat, did the #rekt not make it obvious enough?

and I said if they were totally lacking animations, I would notice, but I've never seen that, so I can say that I have never faced a bot in about 400 matches the last 4 weeks

I guess rng favors me

Since the last post I've played 4 matches, 3 druids and 1 warlock. The first 3 were clearly players. The last one was clearly a bot. But if I didn't know what to look for I probably would not have noticed. And the bot got absolutely "rekt" which I mean literally destroyed.

As a matter of fact, the bots aren't hard. It is still annoying to play against them. It just isn't fun to know you are playing against a bot.


I haven't really seen them at rank 5 either, and I do know how to spot them. Guess I've been lucky/unlucky however you want to put it. :p
I haven't really seen them at rank 5 either, and I do know how to spot them. Guess I've been lucky/unlucky however you want to put it. :p

Like I said, it was 2+ weeks ago when they were really heavy into ranked around 1-5. Right now I'd imagine there are a lot more actual players in that ranking so it is much rarer or the other explanation I gave about the bots not being good with this newer meta and the dev leaving. It is even possible blizzard's warning caused a lot of people to stop.


Like I said, it was 2+ weeks ago when they were really heavy into ranked around 1-5. Right now I'd imagine there are a lot more actual players in that ranking so it is much rarer or the other explanation I gave about the bots not being good with this newer meta.

Well, that was 2ish weeks ago. I've barely played since then due to other reasons.


remember me
Theude just 3-0'd Wuaschtsemme with Control Warrior, guess what's going to be the flavor of the week (or like 2 days)?

Control warrior's been heavily played for a few weeks already as a counter to hunter. It'll never be super popular on ladder though because of the expensiveness and slow games.


Control warrior's been heavily played for a few weeks already as a counter to hunter. It'll never be super popular on ladder though because of the expensiveness and slow games.

yeah definitely seen a ton of control warriors. I'd try it myself but the only legendary I have is Ragnaros and that deck is probably the costliest in the game.
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