talking about neutral spells and everyone forgets ETC. : (
Only Blizzcon attendees have the card, nobody wants to craft it. =P
talking about neutral spells and everyone forgets ETC. : (
Did anyone get the card back from the WoD Collector's Edition? Mine ain't showing up.
There'll be new packs you can buy directly. You can also craft them right away. So if you have a stockpile of gold/dust you're all set. Arena also only awards GvG cards as well after release.Same gold cost for both original and new xpac packs? It looks like there are standard class cards that aren't uncommon/rare/epic/legendary, so how might we go about getting those? I wonder if it will have the same type of disenchant dust.
I recommend keeping them. Especially with all the new cards showing up, you'll never know which Legendaries right now might work quite well with them. I can imagine even Nozdormu being crazy if you have something like a Giants Rogue Mill deck (Clockwork Giant & stuff). Mill them to a full hand and them reduce their time to think... ;oJust got Holy Fire, Gorehowl and King Krush in the same pack, my best pack yet.
I now have 4 legendaries: Nozdormu, Lorewalker Cho, Harrison and Krush. Should I disenchant them all for two top tier legendaries? If so, which two? Rag and Sylvanas?
You know, I hate this card so much. I always wanted a good decent neutral healing for Shaman so it's actually viable to play control, but nope, let's give it to 3 specific classes that already have plenty of sustain cards.![]()
Tidehunter? Is this dota?Currently 4-0 with 2x Tidehunter in Warlock Aggro draft. Is definitely good.
edit: 6-0. This is the dumbest/best Warlock deck I've ever drafted.
You know, I hate this card so much. I always wanted a good decent neutral healing for Shaman so it's actually viable to play control, but nope, let's give it to 3 specific classes that already have plenty of sustain cards.
I recommend keeping them. Especially with all the new cards showing up, you'll never know which Legendaries right now might work quite well with them. I can imagine even Nozdormu being crazy if you have something like a Giants Rogue Mill deck (Clockwork Giant & stuff). Mill them to a full hand and them reduce their time to think... ;o
As one of the biggest mass duster, I really really regret my decision. Some cards I've never gotten back I had to craft again. I probably wasted more dust on earlier-DE'd cards than on new cards.
You know, I hate this card so much. I always wanted a good decent neutral healing for Shaman so it's actually viable to play control, but nope, let's give it to 3 specific classes that already have plenty of sustain cards.
This is fucking hilarious
784 damage in one turn. I call staged, but wow.
I don't understand how the Mage got so many Circles of Healing, though? Or how the Priest had so many Clerics out?
All of Hysteria's videos are set up, they're not meant to be real games. The Circles are from Lorewalker Cho and the Clerics are probably from Thoughtstealing a Duplicate secret and duplicating that secret with Cho.
Freeze Mages, yeesh.
This match took half an hour, and I had to fight through 5(!!) Molten Giants, a Rag, and Alexstrasza. Finished with full health and 36 armor.
Whats that overlay?
Looks like hearthstone deck tracker.
I am not sure if its my luck or what, but the last week or so has made it seem clear this game will not hold much fun for a casual player such as myself.
I go into a game and simply wait for whatever miraculous meta level hijinks that my opponent has up their sleeves. For me at least things are seeming more and more pay to win.
I think quite a few pages ago someone linked a tweet saying that stuff like that was alright. Technically all that does is save you from writing things down.Are we allowed to use that without getting banned? Usually I can remember, but that would be helpful, especially in Arena.
What the hell? How did the goblin pirate not win?
That gnomish lobby.
Anyway I don't know who wants to play this. It's too slow for aggro and competing with legendaries in control.
Any dedicated Warrior players want to weigh in?
It seems comparable to guardian of kings to me.
My first thought as well. Only, Paladin is one of the weakest classes right now for various reasons and I doubt Warrior will ever want to be more like Paladin.
Next card has been unveiled(would have rather seen the Goblin card)
I think the versatility of healing minions is overlooked.
But that's probably because I have more experience with Pally in Arena than in Constructed, where +6 HP is god damn useless.
Are we allowed to use that without getting banned? Usually I can remember, but that would be helpful, especially in Arena.
I think quite a few pages ago someone linked a tweet saying that stuff like that was alright. Technically all that does is save you from writing things down.
Here's a link
According to what ben brode tweeted you can because you can do all that the app does with a pen and paper. Also I've been using it for a few months now and I haven't been banned.
If 6hp was useless, handlock and miracle rogue wouldn't be running 2x ERFs.
That gnomish lobby.
Anyway I don't know who wants to play this. It's too slow for aggro and competing with legendaries in control.
Any dedicated Warrior players want to weigh in?
Wouldn't trade it for Sylvanas or Cairne personally. It would be decent in slowing down aggro since it has an immediate effect unlike Cairne and Sylvanas and it's essentially a heal. However, if the meta keeps going the route of control, I don't see how it could replace those two. I would experiment with it but it's too costly for what it offers. Would be better at 5 mana.
Farseer's more flexible, since it can heal minions as well as your hero.
I find it funny the new warrior minion is 6 mana (understandably) yet Loatheb is still 5 mana.