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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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So sorta just getting REALLY into this game due to wow downtime lol. So is that $19.99 naxxramas worth getting?

Yes. It has so many key cards for many decks like, Loatheb,Shade of Naxxramas,Undertaker,Sludge Belcher and Nerubian egg to name a few. Also the class card for some classes is really good like Death Bite for warrior and Web Spinner for Hunter.
OK thanks for the info. So doing arena is the best method for getting good cards and gold? I've just been doing the dailies and casual play and buying a pack after I get 100g.


Had a Eureka moment on how to fix Arena pack rewards going forward (xposted on Reddit):

Many of us players have pointed out that Arena is going to run into issues going forward if the most recent expansion is always the one provided as a reward. Its great for established players who don't need much, but very bad for new ones as they will have to buy packs or craft cards to access older cards. Many of us had suggested a token being added to currency to allow access, but that runs into UI/currency concerns on Blizzard's end.

I think there's actually a better, simpler solution here: Arena Packs. Arena packs would have a chance to contain ANY card you could get in the base set or expansion. They could also easily contain a chance to open a golden Naxxramas card you would normally have to craft yourself. This would continue to maintain Arena as a place to slowly build a collection over time while minimizing UI impact and maintain the appeal of Arena to players who prefer it to busting packs hard way. This isn't quite as ideal a solution for players who want to pinpoint the new cards, but allowing otherwise unobtainable-in-pack cards like Golden Undertaker seems like a pretty sweet way to compromise.
OK thanks for the info. So doing arena is the best method for getting good cards and gold? I've just been doing the dailies and casual play and buying a pack after I get 100g.
If you have MTG limited exp def go Arena only. Its all about board control.
Personally, I'd vastly prefer them not mixing up the sets in the pack rewards.

Next level botting

After reading some comments about jeeves, I think the card may actually be incredibly strong in face/aggro decks. Originally I was thinking about burn mage, but maybe any type of face deck that just wins due to pure damage per card output.


Yeah, I'd like the most current expansion pack in arena since that would benefit me the most.

The token option is the best alternative. So they have to add one extra pop-up window to choose which set. Big whoop.
So I thought it would be fun to guess about the new card that gets revealed on Monday. It's an epic class spell card for either Shaman or Druid. I'm not sure if this counts as spoilers or not, so I threw in some lines to stop people who want to go in blind. I'll remove this post if people want me to.

Shaman Card;

My guess is this card is going to be based of the ability Ascendance, where the Shaman transforms temporarily for huge benefits to their spec. It's pretty obvious it's based off this because you turn into one of these guys:
However, it does depend on your spec, and the card shows a water Ascendant, which is used for healing, which may or may not be what the card is actually used for.

That being said, I was thinking it'd be awesome the card had this or a similar effect:

Water Ascendance 6 Mana Cost
Consume your Overloaded Mana Crystals. Gain 2 Health for each Crystal consumed.

So, I'm not sure how this would actually work out balance wise, but I'd think it's be cool to have another card that can work with overload cards. It's the same cost as say, Holy Fire, but can heal more with the proper set up. Maybe it'd be better being cheaper however since healing is something Shamans could use. Have to be careful though, Overload is supposed to be a drawback, can't have it be too strong.

Druid Card;

This is one of the cards who's artwork was leaked, and people are sure it's a Tree of Life. There are kinds of two 'Tree of Life,' things in Warcraft;


There's this dude who was a building in Warcraft.

But there is also these, another transformation cool down for Druids in WoW. They just increase the Druid's healing abilities.

Now, since this is a spell, it could be based around Healing of some sort. If they both are, it would kind of make sense to show them both off at the same time. In the beginning of this whole thing, when Illuminator was revealed, both art on the featured cards showed minions in Priest gear, which could mean they both do healing, so it's possible these cards share similar effects. They both feature transformation abilities in WoW. Anyway, I'm not really sure what this could be and I don't play Druid that much. All I know is the idea behind druid is 'Choose One,' so here is my best guess;

Tree of Life 8 Mana Cost
Choose One: Heal a Minion to Full or heal all Friendly Minions for 2. For every minion healed to full health, draw a card.

Before people get worked up about this, I know Druids already have awesome Ancient of Lore for card draw. Again, I'm not thinking balance here, just trying to think up of cool abilities. What mainly appeared in my mind was Lay on Hands, another high cost Epic healing spell that also draws cards.

So, does anyone else want to guess / speculate what the next cards could be? We have two days to guess! I think it could be fun to see who ends up getting the closest guess. Also, not sure if this really long post is annoying or if speculating isn't allowed, so I can remove this if people want me to, just having some fun.


remember me
First arena in like a month. I remembered why I stopped playing arena. Got wrecked by a hunter who got through an ancient of war, and 2 iron bark protectors, and still killed me by turn 10.
Shaman Card;

My guess is this card is going to be based of the ability Ascendance, where the Shaman transforms temporarily for huge benefits to their spec. It's pretty obvious it's based off this because you turn into one of these guys:
However, it does depend on your spec, and the card shows a water Ascendant, which is used for healing, which may or may not be what the card is actually used for.

That being said, I was thinking it'd be awesome the card had this or a similar effect:

Water Ascendance 6 Mana Cost
Consume your Overloaded Mana Crystals. Gain 2 Health for each Crystal consumed.

So, I'm not sure how this would actually work out balance wise, but I'd think it's be cool to have another card that can work with overload cards. It's the same cost as say, Holy Fire, but can heal more with the proper set up. Maybe it'd be better being cheaper however since healing is something Shamans could use. Have to be careful though, Overload is supposed to be a drawback, can't have it be too strong.

Weird cause I was thinking up possible names for these two cards and the name I settled on for the shaman was ascendance. I've never played shaman in WoW and I never knew ascendance has an actual real connection to the class either.
Just realized, I'm wrong about that card art for Shaman. It's just a Draenei looking up. Guess I'm totally wrong on my account. Weird how I didn't notice what it was until I looked at it with my phone. Sorry to get your hopes up Mobius. It's pretty cool you had that idea without any prior knowledge though.

Maybe it'll be based of Elemental Insight, an older WoW effect that gave Shaman free spell casts. Could still be tied to Overload!
First arena in like a month. I remembered why I stopped playing arena. Got wrecked by a hunter who got through an ancient of war, and 2 iron bark protectors, and still killed me by turn 10.

I feel like everyone else has gotten cumulatively better at arena or I've gotten out of practice. I feel like I'm really struggling as of late. It's been pretty humbling.


I feel like everyone else has gotten cumulatively better at arena or I've gotten out of practice. I feel like I'm really struggling as of late. It's been pretty humbling.
Arena guides being everywhere might be part of it. Also if you were in beta, the 12-x system is definitely harder than the 9-x one as good decks aren't weeded out as fast.
lmao, the whole "9+ deckslots is too complicated for beginners"-debacle has spawned hilarious reddit posts:

It was 3AM when the phone rang. I jumped out of my bed in surprise as, when I picked up the phone, heard a familiar voice: It was Barack Obama. The president of the United States himself. "We need you to help us", he said. It's no secret that I have worked with NASA in the past, working on rocket science as well as having written numerous papers on brain surgery (I also have a PHD in neurosurgery), and being one of the most distinguished leaders in the field of modern science I understood that my country needed me. I was flown via helicopter from my home directly to the white house. Barack Obama and Joe Biden had a look of strong concern on their faces, looking as if they had been trying to crack some sort of mystery for the past hours. I asked them what they needed of me and they told me their top scientists couldn't figure out what was wrong. Rushing me into their secret FBI bunker where a gigantic monitor hung from the ceiling, I was shocked to what I saw. It was Hearthstone, the online trading card video game. "It says that we can have more than 9 deck slots, but we don't understand what it means! We've been sitting here for the past 48 hours trying to comprehend what's going on and we simply can't." I looked over at the screen, horrified at what I saw. There was some sort of sliding bar next to where the deck list usually was. "I don't understand- why is there a sliding bar there, what does it do?". "We don't know- apparently there may be a way to create more than 9 decks with thi-", before he could finish his sentence, I had already soiled myself. Shit came rocketing out of my ass as my eyes retreated into their sockets, and blood came pouring down my face from my own eyes. It was in this moment I realized that I had gazed into the infinite- that Blizzard had created a concept so complex, so complicated and convoluted that my brain could not take it anymore, that my existence had led to this. As my vision dwindled and I fell like a rag doll to the floor, all my mind could think about was the idea of a number of decks higher than 9. What does it mean, to be more than nine? What comes after nine? These questions raced through my head and I slowly lost consciousness forever, writhing on the floor, covered in blood and feces.


Jaraxxus is really strong right now boys, so many priests and hunters on ladder. My handlock will hopefully be carrying me to legend soon. At rank 4 right now, last season it was really tough to get legend with handlock because of all the shaman bots. So I had to use Priest instead.

Matchups right now:

Shaman - I usually get rekt, not much to say. With hex and earth shock, they pretty much have your threats covered. To win you need a great shadowflame board clear and then control from there. Turn 2 watcher into owl is a good play.

Mage - Only saw freeze mage and obviously I got destroyed. I think I would be favoured vs secret though.

Zoo - Draw moltens, taunt up and win. Probably win like 70% of games.

Handlock - Pretty sure I could write an essay on this matchup. In my experience the more aggressive player loses usually, the versions with bgh and sylvanas cane be troublesome for me though.

Hunter - You can afford to tap twice max depending on how fast they started. Play your hand and try to get board. If they are running double hunters mark you're probably screwed anyway. Use freezing trap to your advantage with Earthen Ring.

Druid - Always keep mountain giant and play on turn 4. Continue to play your biggest stuff and trade efficiently. Watch your life total, pretty simple.

Priest - Can be a pain but you have the advantage, mulligan for twilight drake and prevent card draw. Beware Sylvanas. Jaraxxus is incredibly powerful vs priest, I don't think I've ever lost after playing him with and empty board. Just play him correctly and you should win.

Rogue - Only played vs miracle but you are heavily favoured. Just don't overtap and gain control of the board, keep auctioneer in check and you're golden.

Paladin - I've only met 1 control pally and I won. Obviously don't over commit your minions because of equality, but tap until hearts content. Always kill the 1/1 dudes, keep an owl for Tirion.

Might have missed something. Join the handlock side brehs. Oh yeah, this is the deck:

nothing new.


I really hope the Druid gets a broken card. Hunter has plenty of strong cards, Warlock's ability makes them pretty strong in any circumstance. Druid's playstyle is countered by almost every deck at this point. It'd be nice if Druid got a minion when it died it gave you a mana crystal. Why not? They gave value cards to every other class especially hunter.


I really hope the Druid gets a broken card. Hunter has plenty of strong cards, Warlock's ability makes them pretty strong in any circumstance. Druid's playstyle is countered by almost every deck at this point. It'd be nice if Druid got a minion when it died it gave you a mana crystal. Why not? They gave value cards to every other class especially hunter.
Because being advantageous with 30hp vs everyone else's14hp isn't enough, eh?
lmao, the whole "9+ deckslots is too complicated for beginners"-debacle has spawned hilarious reddit posts:

It was 3AM when the phone rang. I jumped out of my bed in surprise as, when I picked up the phone, heard a familiar voice: It was Barack Obama. The president of the United States himself. "We need you to help us", he said. It's no secret that I have worked with NASA in the past, working on rocket science as well as having written numerous papers on brain surgery (I also have a PHD in neurosurgery), and being one of the most distinguished leaders in the field of modern science I understood that my country needed me. I was flown via helicopter from my home directly to the white house. Barack Obama and Joe Biden had a look of strong concern on their faces, looking as if they had been trying to crack some sort of mystery for the past hours. I asked them what they needed of me and they told me their top scientists couldn't figure out what was wrong. Rushing me into their secret FBI bunker where a gigantic monitor hung from the ceiling, I was shocked to what I saw. It was Hearthstone, the online trading card video game. "It says that we can have more than 9 deck slots, but we don't understand what it means! We've been sitting here for the past 48 hours trying to comprehend what's going on and we simply can't." I looked over at the screen, horrified at what I saw. There was some sort of sliding bar next to where the deck list usually was. "I don't understand- why is there a sliding bar there, what does it do?". "We don't know- apparently there may be a way to create more than 9 decks with thi-", before he could finish his sentence, I had already soiled myself. Shit came rocketing out of my ass as my eyes retreated into their sockets, and blood came pouring down my face from my own eyes. It was in this moment I realized that I had gazed into the infinite- that Blizzard had created a concept so complex, so complicated and convoluted that my brain could not take it anymore, that my existence had led to this. As my vision dwindled and I fell like a rag doll to the floor, all my mind could think about was the idea of a number of decks higher than 9. What does it mean, to be more than nine? What comes after nine? These questions raced through my head and I slowly lost consciousness forever, writhing on the floor, covered in blood and feces.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkP_OGDCLY0 pretty much


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
fuck that dragon that restores 15hp

Alexstrasza does not restore 15hp. She sets either hero's hp to 15. So she can deal up to 15 damage against the enemy hero or heal up to 14 on the hero that plays her.
Another great part of playing this game, having WoW memories flood back when something turns into a card. Pretty cool effect to, hope it's a unique animation but might just be the same as it is for Betrayal.
It does mean avoiding putting taunts in the middle and perhaps spreading out valuable targets I guess. But you'll have a turn to react before this guy attacks so it shouldn't be hard.

Also, where rag kinda sucks, this guy prospers. I'm talking about a board full of minions.

Probably a good ramp druid card tbh, where they have pretty shitty aoe.


The thing is that in constructed there is hardly ever more than 3 creatures on one person's board unless they are playing zoo or the match is going badly for one person. This card is terrible as a board clear as it's way too slow, so it seems like just a win-more card and a bad one at that. The only interesting thing I can think of for it is if you could give it taunt and it's effect also works on minions that attacks it, but it's still way too expensive for that.


Another great part of playing this game, having WoW memories flood back when something turns into a card. Pretty cool effect to, hope it's a unique animation but might just be the same as it is for Betrayal.

I'd like to see either a "shockwave" effect or some scythe sweeping action.


Gold Member
Would have been way more interesting to people (at least for normal use) if it also dealt damage to the hero when it attacks any minion (aka trample, except better since damage doesn't need to roll past the minion's health to start) I think.


needs to show more effort.
I feel uncertain if this card is playable or not. On the one hand, its a 7+ mana creature that does nothing on the turn it is played.

On the other hand, 6/9 are some really awesome stats. It doesn't die to tech cards like big game or black knight and 9 damage is hard to deal with short of hard removal like shadow word death.

Still though, my gut reaction is that the other 8 mana mech is better. It's stats are slightly worse but it requires a silence and hard removal. And the existance of this guy makes the deathrattle mech better because you might pull this.

So right now I'm leaning towards not playable.
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