Ice Block + This = I'm gonna rage.
Foe Reaper 4000 with Windfury would be pretty devastating to an enemy board.
Another thought I just had. My default assumption is that the AoE damage only happens on the controllers turn when they use it to attack a minion. That feels like a safe assumption.
But you could argue that if an enemy attacks the reaper, then the reaper is 'attacking' that creature and thus this effect would happen if your opponent attacks into it with one of their creatures.
That would make this legendary infinitely more interesting, but probably isn't the case.
Unplayable card, wtf. This might be the worst card in the game.
Shaman troll card:
Ancestors call
4 mana
Put a random minion from each player's hand onto the battlefield.
Maybe there can be a control Shaman build similar to how control Warrior works? High cost minions with low cost removals. Could also work with Farsight, but then the problem is that they'll need card draw.
Ooh Earth Elemental is actually an interesting idea with this card, maybe it's meant to bypass the overload effect and they are also adding more high value minions for Shaman with high overload costs.That's not the only problem tho. Life gain is another issue they'd have to worry about, albeit to a lesser extent. Other than some neutral legendaries like Rag or Ysera, it can also work against you, say for example it puts Fire Elemental or Alexstrasza into play. Al'Akir is 50/50 considering you'd ideally want to combo it for damage or clear instantly. Bypassing Earth Elemental's battlecry is one tradeoff, except no one plays EE because it's bad and so easily dealt with.
With the limited info we have it does look like a useless card, except for that specific dream scenario when it ends up working.
Ooh Earth Elemental is actually an interesting idea with this card, maybe it's meant to bypass the overload effect and they are also adding more high value minions for Shaman with high overload costs.
That looks like one of the worst cards in the entire game of hearthstone.
edit: even if we consider a 'dream' scenario where it pulls an 8 mana card from your hand and like a 3 mana card from your oponent:
you spent 4 mana + two cards. You get 8 mana worth of power into play (+4 mana)
your opponent spent 0 mana + 1 card. They get 3 mana worth of power into play (+3 mana)
You lose card advantage for a 1 mana benefit and your opponent gets to attack first!
It's worth less than half an innervate in an ideal scenario and only gets worse from there.
its mindblowing to me how bad this card is.
Well, now that I "think" about it (i.e. googled the actual card to see what it says) Overload is an effect on the card, not labeled a battlecry like I thought, so it might still overload you.
I've never Alarmo-bot or Mindgames'ed one so not even sure how it works.
Well, now that I "think" about it (i.e. googled the actual card to see what it says) Overload is an effect on the card, not labeled a battlecry like I thought, so it might still overload you.
I've never Alarmo-bot or Mindgames'ed one so not even sure how it works.
It works in magic becauseIts Show and Tell w RNG. This card is good.
Overload doesn't even happen if the spell is countered, so it's not going to happen for this. It's an after effect of successfully casting the spell with mana crystals, that's the only time you get hit by it.
nah it only overloads when you play it.
And then in your next matchup you play against a rogue and they sap your ysera and you loseDream scenario is a turn 3 Ysera vs priest (that is a game over for them, nothing else in a priest deck would let them comeback except a Ysera of their own), and a turn 3 Rag for anything else, with Rag killing whatever is dropped on their side (preferably something like BGH or Black Knight for added insult).
And then in your next matchup you play against a rogue and they sap your ysera and you lose
And then in your next matchup you play against a hunter the hunter marks it and you lose
And the in the match after that you have a flametongue in hand making the card basically unplayable until after a situation where you can play flametongue.
I guess it could see some use in some kind of miracle malygos shaman. Where you plan to end the game on the turn you play this. But I think any attempt to use this to just play generally big stuff is going to be terrible on average.
The more I think about it, that's also the idea I had. Only draw back is no Battlecry benefits. However, it also removes your opponents Battlecry as well.edit:
So basically a very powerful but more situational innervate.
Play the new Shaman card vs. a Mage on Turn 3 with a Coin. You summon a Deathwing. They summon a Doomsayer. You end your turn and their turn starts with the Doomsayer wiping your Deathwing off the board. You just traded the Coin and two cards (worth 14-mana) for a 2-mana Doomsayer.
I just had a thought... maybe you get foe reaper and then next turn you put rockbiter on it... giant slayer.
I actually think turn 4 is perhaps the worst time to play this card... most of the time.
I love how Shaman is slowly becoming the new Druid.
So much for all the RNG trash being shown with the first batch
Card's simply unplayable outside of a pure Zoo/Aggro meta and even then the risk of pulling a blank is way too high at 4 mana
The limited possibilities are from your hand, so the risk of pulling a blank is up to you.
Or the other guy's...
Or the other guy's...
A lot of big minions the other guy will have are actually better to pre-emptively get rid of. Stuff like Rag/Ysera/etc, if you have a BGH or Hex ready and it's turn 7, and you have a nice minion of your own, there's lots of ways to play it safely. 7 mana to get rid of their Ysera/Rag/Alexstrasza/etc with no battlecry and get a nice big legendary of your own isn't bad.
Until it puts Rag in the board for him, and BGH for you. Then, well, you better drew another answer in advance. Having hex, or enough removal spells ready in hand at the same time is not always going to be easy. Maybe if you build your deck with a draw engine in it.
I understand the better scenarios to play it, and that it will almost be better to take a bit of control away from your opponent, but at some point, there might be many variables to account for, even if you have answers ready. It's still a bit too random to say the risk is solely on what you have.
It plays a random minion from your hand, so you would never play it if you had BGH in hand.
Besides, do Shamans even run BGH? 2x Hex is enough to deal with the bigger threats and 2x Earth Shocks to take care of your Sylvanas/Cairnes/etc.
The priest one looks like a steal buff spell.