Should have let the caster pick which minion gets played while your opponent gets a random one. That might have made it viable.
Hearthstone is permanently limited in its design by not allowing action during your opponent's turn. So it's impossible to let both players pick.That'd make it too good in my opinion. If anything, let both players pick.
That card is like combining mindgames, alarm-o-bot, and deathlord into one card.
Why would you do that? Every single scenario where this card is played and comes out ahead for the shaman is like a magic dreamland where nothing bad happens scenario.
It's really not that uncommon to have a damaged fire elemental and one or two other minions on the board behind a taunt or two. There's almost nothing it could summon in normal ranked played that wouldn't make it a good play if you had a KT in hand with it, and it was prior to turn 8 when you'd normally be able to cast KT so they wouldn't be expecting you to trade board (especially since they perhaps have no board to trade against, until it pulls some random tech card they're holding).
Play it, trade your board in to whatever it summons on your opponents side, and then your board returns. Horrible play, I know.
This scenario only works if Kel'thuzad is the only minion in your hand. Otherwise you might just summon some total garbage from your hand and then your opponent gets Ysera or something. Then you just spent 4 mana to give your opponent a free Ysera.
The card is too situational and the backfire potential is too high. The card is just total garbage.
You wouldn't use it on turn 4 against a control deck. You'd wait til you have an answer just in case they get a big minion or you could use it to start off a finisher like getting malygos for 4 mana and having 6 mana to spread all sorts of +5 spell damage hell around.
So basically, it sits dead in your own hand unless you also have hex. I mean, the situation where you can afford to spend 7 mana to maybe deal with a card that's not even on the board sounds like a turn where you are already extremely ahead anyway.
It's just too situational.
So basically, it sits dead in your own hand unless you also have hex. I mean, the situation where you can afford to spend 7 mana to maybe deal with a card that's not even on the board sounds like a turn where you are already extremely ahead anyway.
It's just too situational.
Except you gave your opponent 9 free mana by not making him cast that ysera himself.What is wrong with holding onto a card til you set up a situation where you can leap frog ahead of your opponent? You have dead cards in your hand all the time.
And even when you are winning, sometimes you literally need to win more... to actually get to a win.
And using a hex on a card you were gonna hex anyway... seems perfectly fine tbh. In fact, I sometimes hope zoolock plays a doomguard and smacks me in the face just so I can hex it. With cards like ysera and even ragnaros, they won't even get a single shot off.
Except you gave your opponent 9 free mana by not making him cast that ysera himself.
It's an awful win condition. Doomhammer/rockbiter/al'akir/flametongue totem are superior win conditions because they are also good at any point in the game. This is just way too situational.
Except you gave your opponent 9 free mana by not making him cast that ysera himself.
It's a win condition (or maybe more like a win-removal condition for your opponent). You keep it in your hand until you draw KT. Much like Reincarnate is a win condition with Sylvanas. In my Shaman deck, I have one of each, and I keep them until I have them both in control matches, and they work together to win games.
Someone made a poor example vs a Freeze mage earlier (play it turn 4! Get your Ysera out and their Doomsayer, loose the game!)... but if you held it 'til turn 9, and used it then, you get their Alexstrasza on the board instead, and save yourself from 15 damage, then reincarnate your (free) Sylvanas the same turn... and you've probably won. Or you hex their Alexstrasza and enjoy a few extra turns before you die.
You took away one of their win conditions though, on your own terms and they got nothing out of it, not even a free card.
There is a theoretical future where shaman also has:
1 spells that let them search their deck for specific cards and put them in their hand/on top of their deck
2 creatures added to the game that are so powerful that the simple act of playing them wins you the game (no such creature yet exists)
We have examples of creatures beyond 10 mana with some way to make them cheaper (see giants). So one could image something like a 30 mana creature that read, 'this card's mana cost is reduced by 1 each turn it sits in your hand.' and then shaman would have a way to cheat it out. So I think its possible.To add to this, point 2 will likely never happen in this game because of the 10 mana "limit". Closest thing we come to it right now is a Deathwing, and in this scenario Deathwing wouldn't even really work properly because I don't think the Battlecry would activate.
For some reason I think tutors might not show up in the game at all. It starts to veer into a more complex territory, and is basically the antithesis to randomness - which Blizzard wants to keep around and is purposefully including more of in the expansion.
At some point, I would have used my entire turn to play ysera and because you can hex it for 3 mana its almost like you get to take 2 turns in a row where all I did inbetween was draw a dream card.I really don't get how you're putting your opponent 9 mana ahead when you hex the minion anyway. It could have been a 1 mana minion you hexed or a 20 mana minion you hexed, the the result is the same.
Taking gromm or alexstrasza out of warrior is basically a win. I'd gladly remove a hex from my deck to take out a key component of my opponent.
But there's only two decks where a single minion is so key that it can be a win/loss. Freeze Mage and Control Warrior.
Unless you're playing only those two decks than the card is not nearly consistent enough. Are you really going to toss away a second hex against handlock? Control Paladin? Priest? Hell, even Zoo? And even in those matches where the minion is key, what makes you think you're even going to pull what you want, rather than something like a doomsayer or sludge belcher?
It's like trying to play a mill deck so you can counter handlock.
Generally Control Warrior's game plan is to spend the early turns answering the opponent's threats (preferably with weapons) while using the board for card draw and armor generation. You only start building a real board on turn 5, with single threats that are likely to be answered immediately in a Control vs Control match, so your opponent will not have lost much or any health at all come turn 9+, so Alex's battlecry gets maximum value and puts your opponent under the tremendous pressure of both answering Alex and healing out of Grommash lethal range.According to what I saw during the last few days, it seems that alexstraza is a must have for the warrior control deck.
I wanted to know what make this card so strong in control warrior. I'm not an expert but I played this deck a few times and I never managed to use this card at its best value.
Most of the time, when I had this card in hand, I was either in a good position (ennemy health < 15) so the card was useless or I was already too weak to spend that amount of mana just for a heal.
I'm playing a control deck for this season so if I can have any advices on this card that would be great.
Generally Control Warrior's game plan is to spend the early turns answering the opponent's threats (preferably with weapons) while using the board for card draw and armor generation. You only start building a real board on turn 5, with single threats that are likely to be answered immediately in a Control vs Control match, so your opponent will not have lost much or any health at all come turn 9+, so Alex's battlecry gets maximum value and puts your opponent under the tremendous pressure of both answering Alex and healing out of Grommash lethal range.
Against Aggro like Huntard or Zoo and even Miracle you're looking to survive until the late game, heal up with Alex followed by Shield Blocks and hero power, which makes them run out of gas while you can finally play your high-cost threats to build a more threatening board each turn.
Unfortunately, I don't have Grommash yet... (next legendary to craft in my list)
I tried to replace it by Leeroy + Cruel Taskmaster but the effectivness of the combo is not really the same.
I'll give an other try to Alexstraza but I don't really know which card could be a match to replace Grommash. Maybe Rangaros could do the work but I'm not really sure.
Ragnaros is a strong pick as a finisher. Generally, if you don't have the burst that Grommash provides, don't try to replace it with another burst, go full control. Once they used their Polymorphs/Hex/Silences on Sylvanas, Caire and Ragnaros, that's when you trot out fucking Ysera .Unfortunately, I don't have Grommash yet... (next legendary to craft in my list)
I tried to replace it by Leeroy + Cruel Taskmaster but the effectivness of the combo is not really the same.
I'll give an other try to Alexstraza but I don't really know which card could be a match to replace Grommash. Maybe Rangaros could do the work but I'm not really sure.
Ragnaros is a strong pick as a finisher. Generally, if you don't have the burst that Grommash provides, don't try to replace it with another burst, go full control. Once they used their Polymorphs/Hex/Silences on Sylvanas, Caire and Ragnaros, that's when you trot out fucking Ysera .![]()
It wasn't on your own terms. It was on the RNGs terms. You don't even know if you're going to grab their win condition. Maybe you grab a spectral knight or a sludge belcher instead. And then maybe the only thing you pull out is a haunted creeper. Think about what exactly has to be in your hand and on the board for you to want to play this card.
You have to be ahead with only 6+ mana cost minions and hex in hand, and maybe even then only once your opponent has potentially played any cards you can't immediately deal with efficiently, like spectral knight.
Ragnaros is a strong pick as a finisher. Generally, if you don't have the burst that Grommash provides, don't try to replace it with another burst, go full control. Once they used their Polymorphs/Hex/Silences on Sylvanas, Caire and Ragnaros, that's when you trot out fucking Ysera .![]()
Well, ideally you'll want Grom and Rag anyways
It's the most expensive deck in the game for a reason.
You still find some place to put Ysera in your deck?
Mine is full and I don't know which card I could delete from my deck to add Ysera. (Maybe Loatheb, I don't think it's really useful in this deck)
Yes I know I have the "mandatory" legendary for the deck excpect one which could replaced somehow (let me dream).
By the way, if you guys have any advice for my deck, here is the list :
2 Execute
2 Shield Slam
2 Fiery War Axe
1 Cleave
1 Slam
2 Armorsmith
2 Cruel Taskmaster
1 Unstable Ghoul2 Shield Block(switched from Wild Pyromancer)
2 Acolyte of pain
2 Death's Bite
1 Spellbreaker
1 Brawl
* Loatheb
2 Sludge Belcher
* Cairne
1 Sunwalker
* Sylvanas
* Black Knight
* Ragnaros
* Alexstraza
I also tried Baron which should be the best answer to aggro but I always draw it too late to be effecient.
I think its worth pointing out that the alexstrasa plan is not the only way to play warrior. I don't actually play her myself.
This was my latest list:;498:1;33:1;503:1;495:1;81:1;7749:2;42:1;
focused more on grinding the opponent out of cards than winning with a grommash combo. Grommash is still the best card in the deck though.
No geddon means it is weaker against paladin/shaman but slam/cleave helps against aggro and this list does really well against priest in my experience. I'm personally not a fan of black knight/harrison because I don't like situational cards that are only good in some matchups. But maybe I'm the only person that tries to play harrison and then gets matched against nothing but warlock/priest
And the mind control tech is sometimes a big game or sometimes an owl or sometimes a black knight. But mind control tech has been doing alright lately.
I feel like my aggro matchup is good enough that I don't need the extra life. Playing slam, cleave, and mc tech in addition to the usual anti-aggro cards pushes those matchups pretty far in my favor. This is in addition to the fact that I don't play cards that can wind up useless against aggro like black night/harrison.While it's true that you don't have to run Alex for lethal setups it's so good in CW because it doubles as a lifesaver against Aggro and Zoo trashlords. It put me in the clear after barely surviving until turn 9 way too many times for me to ever consider dropping it.
The nice thing about Harrison is that he's a pretty relevant body played on curve even without the battlecry, so unlike Black Knight he's rarely completely useless.
So you're playing Druid, it's turn 7, and you have that card in hand, a 6/3 fire elemental on board, 3/1 silenced belcher, you play a FTT between them to clear your hand free of creatures except for KT, and then you play it. What's the worst that can really happen? It pulls Ysera and you trade your board in to it, and then get a 6/5 Fire elemental and a free 1/2 taunt from the belcher and a new Sludge Belcher