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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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I feel like my aggro matchup is good enough that I don't need the extra life. Playing slam, cleave, and mc tech in addition to the usual anti-aggro cards pushes those matchups pretty far in my favor. This is in addition to the fact that I don't play cards that can wind up useless against aggro like black night/harrison.

Really I think all warrior players should give mc tech a spin.

I used to play alex in warrior a lot but as I changed the list more and more I just... found it wasn't needed to really do anything anymore. but YMMV.
Harrison is great against Hunter though, especially if you can proc remaining traps before playing him, and that's pretty much the only Aggro deck being played right now.

I might try MC Tech, not sure what to take out though (story of a CW's life)

Re: Alex, I've been facing a lot of Malygod Miracles lately and healing yourself after they've thrown most of their spells at you is game right there. They can't even answer the body.


Gold Member
Well, first off, no, you don't get the free slime from the Belcher because you already established the Belcher was silenced.

Secondly, this is just another example of magical thinking where you invent scenarios where you come out ahead. You're assuming you can dump your hand to gaurantee the KT. You're assuming you have the correct minions on board the answer any potential threats. You're assuming that your opponent doesn't have anything on his current board that you have to immediately respond to. Youve even assumed the perfect setup for KT with the 3/1 belcher. For every magical thinking scenario you come up with, I could think of 5 where it doesn't make any sense to play the card.

Well yes, you play it when it makes sense to play. Of course there are a ton of scenarios when playing it wouldn't make sense, and in those scenarios you simply don't play it. There's a ton of scenarios when playing Sylvanas + Reincarnate doesn't make any sense, and I don't play the cards in those situations.

It shouldn't be very hard to dump your hand, you've already played your early game during the early turns, you aren't holding 1, 2, or 3 drops for the 7th or 8th turn when you're ready to combo the spell. So your hand should just be high cost minions at that point, preferably one or two of the ones that do combo well with it.

But I play Shaman a lot, and I run KT in my Shaman deck, and there are a lot of times where if I could get KT out a little earlier it'd be a huge help. Right now I do think the best uses of it are with KT and Malygos.

When I try the card, I will think of it mainly as a KT combo card, much like how I think of reincarnate as a devastating MC combo card with Sylvanas. Slyvanas + Reincarnate single-handily puts any control deck in serious trouble, given you allocate your two hexes and earthshocks appropriately for the deck you're playing against.

I remember when Shaman's reincarnate was revealed from Naxx, people thought it was a weak card too, but it certainly has proved its worth to me. I can play any control deck and know in addition to two hexes, I have a 3rd answer to some incredible legendary, that itself requires either a complete board clear, or 2 answers of their own (one for what I stole, and one for the remaining Sylvanas).


New Druid card revealed on German gaming site:


Anodized Robo-Teddy
Taunt. Choose One: Gain +1 Attack; or +1 Health.

A nice early game card for Druids.


...it's a 2/3 with Taunt or a 3/2 with Taunt for 2 mana that you can decide on based on the current situation. Mech is just gravy on top. It's an amazing card.
The stats are comparable to Raptor/Crocolisk/Juggler etc, it's amazing because of taunt and Mech. I suspect the choice of stats is not a big deal outside arena because it doesn't make a difference in most trades or removals.


needs to show more effort.
Not amazing but an all around solid card. Very playable and a great arena card for sure.

Will druid be the best mech control deck going forward? (Artificial) Nature will rise against you?


needs to show more effort.
hmm, fel cannon is a good card in a vaccuum but I'm not sure where it fits. Great in arena but its a bad zoo card before you need the damage in before you make your attacks for the turn and it doesn't fit into handlock at all.

Warrior card is hard to evaluate. Entirely depends on if warrior mech is even a thing (which right now looks like no but we'll see with more cards)
New Warlock / Warrior Cards



First one will damage your own minions if you have a non-Mech in-play, potentially. It's not a bad card, but not amazing either. Solidly average I'd say.

Screwjank Clunker is kind of like a Sun-Shattered Cleric, but 2 more points worth of stats and an extra +1/+1 buff to hand out. Would be a great turn 4 play because even a 3/X mech will suddenly be able to take out anything 5+ HP (like a Yeti).

Hard to tell with all these new Mech cards whether they'll be useful in a Mech meta, but these both seem promising at least.


First one will damage your own minions if you have a non-Mech in-play, potentially. It's not a bad card, but not amazing either. Solidly average I'd say.

Screwjank Clunker is kind of like a Sun-Shattered Cleric, but 2 more points worth of stats and an extra +1/+1 buff to hand out. Would be a great turn 4 play because even a 3/X mech will suddenly be able to take out anything 5+ HP (like a Yeti).

Hard to tell with all these new Mech cards whether they'll be useful in a Mech meta, but these both seem promising at least.

Just re-read the text on the warlock card, and that is a pretty big drawback unless you're running an deck that's majority mech.


needs to show more effort.
First one will damage your own minions if you have a non-Mech in-play, potentially. It's not a bad card, but not amazing either. Solidly average I'd say.

Screwjank Clunker is kind of like a Sun-Shattered Cleric, but 2 more points worth of stats and an extra +1/+1 buff to hand out. Would be a great turn 4 play because even a 3/X mech will suddenly be able to take out anything 5+ HP (like a Yeti).

Hard to tell with all these new Mech cards whether they'll be useful in a Mech meta, but these both seem promising at least.
oh wow I completely missed on my first reading that fel cannon can hit your own minions.


Maybe there will be a Mech-lock deck if there are enough new minions to support it. I can see that being useful there, but otherwise it is likely to backfire. I don't see a turn 4 Warlock with an empty board/only mechs at that point. Especially when Voidwalker/caller and Imps are so good.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Druid card seems solid, but not overwhelmingly good. Good early game against rush decks I guess. It gives Druid a good Turn 2 option that's not wild growth or wrath.

Fel Cannon looks like it would be extremely good if Mech Zoo became a thing, which it probably will. That'd be like a super demolisher with very good stats.

Not sure about that warrior card. Im not convinced that a warrior mech deck will be a thing. Definitely bad in arena though.


People think that Fel Cannon isn't going to be good because it can hit your own minions but what people forget is that it also doesn't affect enemy Mech minions which means that it's effect is unlikely to be useful if the meta becomes Mech focused after GvG is out which it probably will.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
People think that Fel Cannon isn't going to be good because it can hit your own minions but what people forget is that it also doesn't affect enemy Mech minions which means that it's effect is unlikely to be useful if the meta becomes Mech focused after GvG is out which it probably will.

Even if your opponent is running mechs, it still has the stats of a tazdingo. So it won't be useless.



Reynard climbed out of a terrible spot in the final game of the bo5, sitting at 6 HP with his Miracle, with a 4/4, 5/5 and I think a 6/6 on the board, guaranteed lethal next turn against Lothar's Druid

Lothar has no way of removing any minions or killing Reynard

Drops Rag

Hits face

Reynard Alt+F4s

I want a fucking interview

That series would have made even Trump swear
The scewjank is gonna be good with spider tank. You're getting a 5/6 and a 2/5 for only 7 mana.

I'd imagine there are some mechwarper combos to boost the value even more.

turn 1
Coin mechwarper

turn 2
spider tank

turn 3 screwjank
You have = 2/3 mechwarper, 5/6 spider tank, 2/5 screwjank


Also... mechwarper... is gonna be a star in this meta.


Going second, turn 2:
mechwarper, coin, mechwarper, play all your mechs that cost 2 or less for free.



Fel Canon is...interesting. Its wording doesn't suggest the target will end up being random. Does Warlock get to choose the target? Demolisher, for the sake of comparison, states "random enemy". I can't think of any cards that hit random targets that don't state as much in the card text. Can anyone follow up on that thought?

Screwjank Clunker is a less restricted Houndmaster with better stat distribution. Excellent card.


needs to show more effort.
blizzard is extremely inconsistent on whether they actually print the word random on the card for effects that happen at times where you don't have control but they are all still random.

mad scientist, deathlord, edit(avenge does say random but there are others I'm forgetting): none of these contain the word random even though they are.

its best to just assume RNG unless proven otherwise
Can anyone follow up on that thought?
while it's a really cool thought, I highly doubt that. It uses "at the end of your turn..." text, which means only after you click then end turn button which then means you lose vvolition till your next turn.

It probably sticks with non-mech over using random because "..a non mechanical minion" implys random already. You need random in the Demolisher text because nothing else is implied.


I had a question I wanted to ask the other day. I saw this happen:

Player A (Mage) has a Mad Scientist on the board
It's Player B's turn, he plays a Kodo
Mad Scientist dies, pulls the secret
Secret is Mirror Entity, it copies the Kodo so now Player A has a Kodo on board for his next turn...

Does that sound right to you guys? Somehow it didn't feel right to me, although seeing it happen was hilarious.


needs to show more effort.
I had a question I wanted to ask the other day. I saw this happen:

Player A (Mage) has a Mad Scientist on the board
It's Player B's turn, he plays a Kodo
Mad Scientist dies, pulls the secret
Secret is Mirror Entity, it copies the Kodo so now Player A has a Kodo on board for his next turn...

Does that sound right to you guys? Somehow it didn't feel right to me, although seeing it happen was hilarious.
it is correct, battle cries happen before the minion enters play. You have to think about battlecry cards as cards divided into two distinct steps that happen in order, with opportunity for other actions to resolve in between.

The order is:
the battle cry of kodo happens
- other stuff can resolve -
kodo enters the battlefield

edit: The reason it 'feels' wrong is because it is visually misleading because from the player's point of view the order is reversed. They place the minion on the battle field first and then target the battecry. And then the game processes them in reverse order from the player's actions.


it is correct, battle cries happen before the minion enters play.

All this time I've been thinking both steps basically happened at the same time. This is the kind of shit that should appear in a rulebook in the menu options.


Edit: yes, the order of stuff happening in the game has always confused me due to the animation's order.
Fel Canon is...interesting. Its wording doesn't suggest the target will end up being random. Does Warlock get to choose the target? Demolisher, for the sake of comparison, states "random enemy". I can't think of any cards that hit random targets that don't state as much in the card text. Can anyone follow up on that thought?

Screwjank Clunker is a less restricted Houndmaster with better stat distribution. Excellent card.

It is without doubt a random enemy.
It is a random enemy? Or just a random minion?

Since it doesn't say enemy minion, it is understood as any non-mech minion. It is is like a mad bomber that can only hit non-mech minions but can hit both sides of the board.


Lots of good low cost mechs...

Now that harvest golem is a mech, even that can become a 4/5 with the warrior card.
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