I think it's an OK card. Lets you deals with a lot of stuff early and keep a minion on board should you have one. You can combo it later, although at that point the weapon value is reduced. Probably better in arena tho.
New GvG card reveal vote is between Druid and Hunter class legendaries.
So it seems like we'll be getting at least one new legendary for each class.
That's pretty great, but I guess you'll have to cut out Sword of Justice or Truesilver to put that in because you run the risk of having too many weapons.
edit: also sucks that it's an Epic rarity which means you won't see it often in arena, and it seems like a card that would be best in arena
I don't think its value is reduced later on since you've 3 charges out of the damn thing. That means 3 more taunts than you would otherwise have. You'll always have a target because of hero power. It is like annoyotron x3.
It's a Battlecry. I don't think that means it's got charges like SoJ does it?
New weapon is amazing and gives you another high value target that will either force a removal spell or buy you turns to get to mid/late game. The only downside is the random factor but that is relatively easy to control.
You can also use Pyromancer-Coghammer-Equality to ensure that one minion survives the board clear.
As for Coghammer, it's a decent card which would be much better in arena (too bad it's an epic). I can see one being run in constructed with turn two Ancient Watcher, turn three Coghammer being the dream.
The next to cards are both legendary class minions... looks like a stag for druid and a hydra for hunter http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en...arthstone/en/forum/topic/15142315070?abt=nav1
Have to vote for the hydra... even though it is hunter.
The next to cards are both legendary class minions... looks like a stag for druid and a hydra for hunter http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en...arthstone/en/forum/topic/15142315070?abt=nav1
Have to vote for the hydra... even though it is hunter.
eh, I think hunter is a potentially fascinating class if they can add enough cards to slant it into a more control archetype. So even though I hate current hunter its one of the classes whose cards I'm most interested in in the hopes that all of them try to point hunter in a new direction.Most boring classes in the game zzz we just had a Druid card too
I like the stag's art though
Wonder if Gaz'Rilla is going to be a legendary highmane. In Warcraft they'd spilt up into smaller minions but in WoW he'd freeze people. Hope it's more interesting than not.
Should spawn four tokens. Three 2/1 heads and a 0/7 body. Special effect on the body, when a head dies, summon two more.Maybe... when this minion takes damage spawn a token.
Should spawn four tokens. Three 2/1 heads and a 0/7 body. Special effect on the body, when a head dies, summon two more.
Wheres the RNG?
I really don't see a Rogue Mech deck being viable but the card looks alright
I don't think I'd cut truesilver champion for it. Control paladin matches are long enough that I can get value out of both.
But I sword of justice... I don't use that.
All of the new rogue cards being minions would amuse me.
With this new shit 5 mana healer card and a lot of the shit cards in this exp, I think a lot of people aren't realizing they needed weird shit cards to fill up the roster for all the random drawing powers that exist now. Can't always be giving people great cards when another card does a random draw or summon.
So I guess gahzrilla was a wowtcg card... same art too.
Why is the antique mech a bad card? Because its only a 3/3 for 5 mana? The battlecry is worth 2-3 mana alone.
it's a 3 mana 2/2. "At the end of your turn give another friendly mech +2/+2."What's the text on the Ninja? Can't view the image where I'm at.
Gahz will probably do the same thing, except replace Protector with Taunt.
Gahz will probably do the same thing, except replace Protector with Taunt.
"Deathrattle: Summon up a random amount of 4/4s with taunt deathrattle summon a random amount of 2/2s with taunt."
You forgot to add in the RNG component.
"It's perfect print it asap"![]()
That's been the case since the basic set.They've apparently lifted a non-zero amount of the art from the old WoW TCG according to one of the old WoW developers. (Came up on twitter.) Makes sense to recycle it.
"It's perfect print it asap"![]()