I know I'll be pretty rusty when GVG comes out. I haven't really played arena in months. Maybe once or twice since naxx.
those videos are pretty good to actually learn how to draft https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvEIxIeBRKSgrfJAQqYp-3zTAmnUUPGSj
Took a break from Warrior and made the popular Undertaker Hunter deck. Won six in a row. No wonder about half of my matches are Hunters considering there is no matchup that this deck can't win and the most trouble I had was with the mirror match.
Except if you meet me, since none of my decks are curve based. Won plenty of games where I just let an undertaker grow, but I slot weird stuff like Moltens and Alexstrasza in non Warlock decksAny Hunter deck with Undertaker in it is Hearthstone easy mode atm. If you can turn a Turn 1 undertaker into a 3/4, you've won the game. Period.
If you're going to spend more money your best bet is actually buying Naxx and keeping your gold for arena/packs due to the pricing.HearthstoneGAF, I am mercilessly addicted to your game. Started about a week ago after dropping it when it first came out and now I can't get enough.
Currently powering through quests trying to unlock Naxxramas but it's going to take awhile. Also still need to unlock all basic sets first.
I've also sunk $25 into this game already, unreal. I almost never do IAP in games. This is a bad sign for me.
Do we still run our own tournaments around here? I saw old threads for tournaments over the summer but couldn't find anything more recent than that.
That feeling when the Handlock has to risk a Soulfire and actually discards Jaraxxus from his 7-card hand.
Were you a Rogue? I always had an idea for a Loatheb-Step deck.I just played Loatheb on Turn 5, 6, and 7 versus a Hunter. Felt fun as hell.
New card:
Were you a Rogue? I always had an idea for a Loatheb-Step deck.
Priest. I Thoughtstole his Loatheb on turn 3. On turn 5 I played my Loatheb. On turn 6 I played his Loatheb and attacked with my one in-play, but he Freezing Trapped it. On turn 7 I dropped the Trapped Loatheb back down.
It's real. It was revealed by the official Hearthstone account on Weibo. The image I posted above is just a translated mockup of that card. That's why the watermark is wrong.
This card is going to be annoying for warriors, rogues and potentially hunters. Everyone else, not so much.
Any Hunter deck with Undertaker in it is Hearthstone easy mode atm. If you can turn a Turn 1 undertaker into a 3/4, you've won the game. Period.
Does anyone know if you can use iTunes store credit to buy packs? I've got about 10 bucks of Google Play credit I've been sitting on for a while and I'm hoping I can use it to buy GvG packs once the Android client drops.
Yes, I used iTunes Card to buy packs in Hearthstone iOS. Works perfectly.
I think it's planned to launch alongside the expansion.Awesome. Now I just need to hope that the Android client is released before or at the same time as the expansion. Thanks!
That card is ridiculously better than Dust Devil, where is the overload?New Shaman Card:
Looks really good to me.
G-guys...?New Shaman Card:
Looks really good to me.
New card:
That looks fake. Wouldn't it spelled Broken Snow Robot? Plus the watermark is of the base set, not GVG
It's real. It was revealed by the official Hearthstone account on Weibo. The image I posted above is just a translated mockup of that card. That's why the watermark is wrong.
This card is going to be annoying for warriors, rogues and potentially hunters. Everyone else, not so much.
The turn 1 Coin + WZoM, turn 2 WZoM, turn 3 Dust Devil + Stoneclaw Totem, turn 4 Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt dream for 36 damage on turn 4 and a total of 56 damage if you include attacking on turn 2 and 3.
That card is ridiculously better than Dust Devil, where is the overload?
New Shaman Card:
Looks really good to me.
That new Shaman card seems really strong especially if there are going to be more and more mech buff cards.
Now that's a card that has to be dealt with ASAP.
This card is going to be so annoying in arena.
Amaz just drafted two fucking Tirions...
The Shaman card is great for arena, but unless the undertaker decks get filtered out somehow, it looks like junk for constructed. Shaman runs haunted creeper and/or nerubian egg for a reason, they need something that survives. This guy is likely to just die to a leper gnome or something before doing anything.