Yeah, didn't mean to imply otherwise.That's been the case since the basic set.
Yeah, didn't mean to imply otherwise.That's been the case since the basic set.
Dang! I can hear his laugh in my head lol
The rogue card is shit. Often unplayable on curve, and even at its best its not much better than a spider tank in value. And its easy to kill. Buffing cards work when they're a battlecry because they get instant tempo/value and the buff kind of gets charge. But not this one.]
Like even if rogue mech decks are a thing, this card won't be part of it. Spider Tank/Harvest Golem/SI Agent are just better.
Freeze mage players deserve a slow and painful death.
I wonder if that "summon a random legendary" card can summon Jaraxxus.
Probably, but it wouldn't get the battle cry, so you'd just have a 3/15.
Freeze mage players deserve a slow and painful death.
Freeze mage players deserve a slow and painful death.
What I want to know is if Sneed's Shredder can summon Sneed's Shredder.
I'm not sure what to think of the rogue card. The stats are kinda weak and it won't let you trade up that turn. Assuming it brings 4/4 stats to the board, for 3cc I'm not impressed since it is delayed and spider tank is 3/4. But if he manages to survive a round then he's is actually pretty good.
I think he is real close to being a great card.
One thing I never see and I don't think I'll understand, Priests never hit my healing totems with their Cleric. It's a free card at the start of your turn, I'd think that'd be better than one damage to the hero.
Yeah. Not bad, I guess.
New favorite (non-single turn) Shaman combo, Al'Akir lives a turn. Next round, drop FTT, Faceless Al'Akir, and reincarnate. 30 damage (5/5 x 6 attacks), 9 mana.
As if a Faceless of some beefy legendary your opponent just played in to Hex isn't enough reason to run Faceless in Shaman, never really considered Faceless Al'Akir... and I even got to use my other reincarnate on Slyvanas earlier in the match (stealing a decently buffed Loatheb). About time the stars aligned lol.
I wonder if faceless would copy temporary buffs too, like the rockbiter bonus, been a while since i've played that card, if so that's not too bad, you'd end up with 2 9/5 windfury charge minions, assuming the first Al'Akir could live a round.
That player's probably still kicking her/himself, lol.
One of my favorite recent games with my Graverobber Shaman deck: hunter at 14, me at 12 hp. I have five minions on board, lethal in two turns. Hunter has two cards. Drops Deathwing.
Two of my minions it killed? Harvest Golem and Sylvanas.
That player's probably still kicking her/himself, lol.
I was playing a complete douchebag Mage earlier. He had all but won the game, I was playing Warrior and was out of cards and a few draws deep into fatigue, he had 3 3 damage minions on his board and had just drawn his last card. He was down to two health and then he played Alexstrasza...on me. He put me back up to 15 health from like 2 or 3 and then ran his board into my face leaving me at 6 health. I drew a fatigue card for 4 damage, armored, and then passed back to him expecting the kill. He drew his first fatigue card and then went to show off the awesome Ice Block that he'd had up pretty much the whole game by Fireblasting his own face. Problem is: Ice Block doesn't trigger on your turn, mother fucker. Thanks for the win.
That is pretty hilarious. Plus he has no excuse since the tooltip says secrets only activate on opponent turns.
I wish we had a recording of his face when he realized he just tossed the game. It probably looked a bit something like this:
Is that video of the semi-well-known Boogie dude that make YT videos? And if so, is that staged? Please be staged.
Is that video of the semi-well-known Boogie dude that make YT videos? And if so, is that staged? Please be staged.
I dunno if it is staged or not, I think it is but I'd imagine that mage flipping out lol
The whole "does this mean I win?" at the end kinda gives it away.
Here is another I am sure was staged:
he is basically cartman all grown up lmao
So I guys I've been hearing that a new expansion is on its way, did they say how you can get the cards? Are they going to unlock them in wings again?
No you can just buy packs, 150 new cards bought by packs and winning in arena. So it isn't possible to get normal packs in arena any more, after GvG launches.
These are "just" cards, there's no singleplayer/adventure element to it.So I guys I've been hearing that a new expansion is on its way, did they say how you can get the cards? Are they going to unlock them in wings again?
So you have to buy the old cards with dust from then on out?
Can't wait to dump all my gold on GvG packs... dat 100 packs.
Nice i messed up should have just done daily's all year, instead i burned out on the game and now only have 750 gold so far. Hoping to get atleast 20 packs anyway.
If you spend it all on arena it will go a lot further. Just don't burn out again, do like 1 arena a day max.
I sucked at arena thoughUsually i did get 4 wins so i did make my gold back but not much else. Anyone have a decent guide for arena picks etc?