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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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I feel like most of my posts in this thread are about insane arena-plays and my saltiness from them, but come on. Facing a Priest:

Turn 1: Zombie Chow
Turn 2: Zombie Chow + Arcane Shot my Bomber
Turn 3: Coin Auchenai and trade both, GG Pyroblast.
I don't know that I agree that there's power creep. We've seen a mix of great, good and bad cards and they don't seem to be out of proportion with the current set. We need new cards that are strong otherwise no one would play them but we haven't seen any that are just outright broken.

maybe unstable portal. some percentage of the time it's just going to win you the game on the spot.

I'd be interested to know what cards you all think are causing power creep.


Gold Member
When is blizzard gonna stop rewarding common cards from arena boxes. Its such a kick in the face,here you go 5 fucking dust for 8 arena wins.

You did get 150+ gold and an expert pack worth 100 gold though, so at the bare minimum you got a total of 255 gold/dust for the 8 wins.


I don't know that I agree that there's power creep. We've seen a mix of great, good and bad cards and they don't seem to be out of proportion with the current set. We need new cards that are strong otherwise no one would play them but we haven't seen any that are just outright broken.

maybe unstable portal. some percentage of the time it's just going to win you the game on the spot.

I'd be interested to know what cards you all think are causing power creep.

Trying to recall the long post I just accidentally deleted, fucking touchscreens

Since it's a gradual process there's no simple yes or no answer. I was being half-facetious when I posted that, of course there aren't going to be enough super powerful cards to replace most of the old set in G&G judging by the selection we've seen so far, but power creep definitely exists in some capacity. In a game like this I consider the clearest sign of power creep cards that are straight up better versions of similar older cards, making them pretty much obsolete and undesirable to collect.

The newest Shaman card being a vastly improved Dust Devil, that Warlock cannon which is basically a Demolisher on steroids (although those two cards were already very niche/unplayable), or Naxx's Sludge Belcher and Loatheb completely dominating the 5 slot in the majority of decks, even aggro/flood ones like Hunter and Zoo which used to cut anything above 4 save for overpowered class cards like Doomguard and Highmane.

I'll have to look at the list of released G&G cards for more examples, but I'm sure there's a bunch already.
yeah those are all strong cards but I wouldn't call any of them overpowered except for undertaker. the popularity of loatheb and sludge belcher speaks more about the overall weakness of the 5 drop slot than those two cards in particular.

they're being very careful to give aggressive cards 2 health so that they're very easy to kill. it's gonna be fun to play a rogue again, honestly.

so far the only card I'm worried about is unstable portal. it's a free coin and has the possibility to give you an insane advantage.

edit: like I think spider tank will be one of the most played cards and it's by no means overpowered. it's just filling a slot that has been vacant.



Poor guy.
This is an interesting interview with several HS pros about the GVG expansion. http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/11/24/what-do-hearthstone-pros-think-of-goblins-vs-gnomes

@ppl claiming RNG is too much:

"Reynad: Aside from Unstable Portal, I think that the developers incorporated RNG in a healthy way this time around. Cards like the piloted mechs are great design flavor and balance-wise, even though on the surface they seem very random. It's not as volatile of RNG as cards that are unhealthy for the game such as Animal Companion and Ragnaros."

Even Reynad, the guy who just outright complains about certain RNG cards like ragnaros, thinks the new cards are fine with only unstable portal being an outlier.
In their HearthStone talk, I thought they said they want RNG, but they want people to be able to use it smartly to their advantage. So say with Unstable Portal, you could change the way you even play your deck to work around that one card. I like that idea because then you're not just playing in a binary, one track mind way.

Hard to say if we'll get that though, as it's been said before, consistency is normally better than randomness.

Edit: I mean, look at all the Spare Parts. If you can get them to work in your favor, you'll probably pull ahead in a game.
That Ogre Ninja makes no sense and I love it.

Ogre effect actually does make sense because the two heads are always fighting about what to do. Pretty cool flavor.

Edit: I hope Ninja and/or Ogre decks become a thing.

Double Edit: One thing about Ogres is that they kind of favor Control Decks. If you can keep your opponent's board clear, the effect won't matter.


It's going to be hilarious/frustrating when you twice try to take out their Belcher with your Dunemaul Shaman and twice end up hitting face instead.
Ogre Ninjas aren't canon wtf. If they're just going to make stuff up might as well add Diablo and Starcraft characters too.

Maybe they are just that good at being a ninja.

That said, for a rogue card only I think it isn't very appealing. Only 1/1 extra stats over stranglethorn tiger to get that whacky text.
A couple of thoughts on RNG and randomness in Hearthstone:

I actually believe RNG increases the ability for better players to distinguish themselves. Nothing in Hearthstone is so random that you cannot predict all possible outcomes for any random 'event'. The better a player is at evaluating all possible outcomes of a 'random' card and weighing his decision based on those outcomes, the more games that player will win.

It also forces players to adapt to outcomes that are not ideal (these 'not-ideal' outcomes are seen before-hand by good players) and punishes those who play a random card without thinking through all outcomes.

An example:

Handlock playing Soulfire: A good Handlock player will evaluate every card that he could lose to playing Soulfire (and evaluate the long-term consequences of losing it) and decide if losing his best card in hand is worth the benefit from playing Soulfire. A bad Handlock player will see his hand size is large and may even acknowledge that losing a particular card would be 'bad'; but they end the thought process there and play the Soulfire. The better player not only thought through all outcomes, but played the game in his head for a couple of turns for each outcome; he will not be surprised or caught off guard.

Nothing I have seen in GvG so far feels so random that good players will not be able to evaluate all possible outcomes for any given bit of RNG. So far, the only cards that GvG is introducing that might be difficult to evaluate all outcomes for is Unstable Portal and Madder Bomber.


Soooo, any signs to look for for a Control Warrior to be of the Worgen cheese-variety? I sat on 24 hp, also a Warrior, he had a Death's Bite up and I thought "I'll easily survive Grom.". Ended up getting whacked in the face for 2*16 or 24 or whatever it was.

Only thing out of the ordinary before that was a Sen'jin, but some regular ones run that. :(


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It rarely works out like that, however.

The "RNG" people people are really complaining about is the stuff that swings a match one way or another.

Brawl against a full board and hope your Rag survives.
Play Ysera hinging on Ysera Awakens to clear the opponent's field.

There's no nuance here. It's "if I play this card, I have a 10% chance to win and a 90% chance to lose, but I have nothing else to do so I'm going to take that bet."

Blizzard should strive to empower players with choice and deliberation, not betting against the odds when things look grim. Every card you draw is already a roll of the dice, why add to this variance?

For all the complaints Miracle Rogue got as far as "topdecking" goes, it actually had very little variance. The whole point was to minimize luck of the draw by simply brute forcing into the deck. That's one of the reasons why it's survived most the nerfs against it, because it's hidden strength is consistency. Warlock is in a similar boat, because of the nature of their hero power.

"Do a thing and hope for the best" really should not be a viable or common tactic. But we've had many examples of this deciding major tournaments.


The increased RNG is a direct response to game systems like VS system which collapsed into a pile of uninteresting "curve-out" matchups after a while due to the way in which guaranteed resource systems remove a TON of variance from the game. They're attempting to fight it by putting more RNG on the cards themselves. We'll see how successful this is long-term, but it's not wrong to do so.

They're also using controlled "randomness" to let things bypass taunt or hit stealthed (Auctioneer) minions- which I suspect the Ogres can do here as well.
Soooo, any signs to look for for a Control Warrior to be of the Worgen cheese-variety? I sat on 24 hp, also a Warrior, he had a Death's Bite up and I thought "I'll easily survive Grom.". Ended up getting whacked in the face for 2*16 or 24 or whatever it was.

Only thing out of the ordinary before that was a Sen'jin, but some regular ones run that. :(

I've noticed the enrage decks run a couple unique cards:

inner rage is the most obvious give away imo

But they also tend to run and focus on more card draw. I've seen loot hoarders, azure drake, slam (not often ran in the standard control variants anymore), etc.. I think gorehowl is a card that might be indicative of an enrage worgen deck because the number 1 thing that beats the deck is taunts.


Bleh, I'll admit I'm not great again and again on here, but man, there's nothing like getting shut down by a garbage player pulling a Undertaker Hunter. Despite having a golden portrait, he tried to use Kill Command on my Faerie Dragon, and his deck at least had two Silverback Patriarchs. But he got his darn Undertaker up and running and I didn't have a good opening hand to deal with it, so he just steamrolled me.

I'm starting to see how this card could be useful. Basically in a deck where you want to force your opponent into trading into your minions and I think this is the kind of minion that does that. Even if they drop a taunt you still have a chance to get value out of this card and force them to trade into it. It is like a slow aggro card, basically. And I am actually quite a fan of slow aggro rogue.


Bleh, I'll admit I'm not great again and again on here, but man, there's nothing like getting shut down by a garbage player pulling a Undertaker Hunter. Despite having a golden portrait, he tried to use Kill Command on my Faerie Dragon, and his deck at least had two Silverback Patriarchs. But he got his darn Undertaker up and running and I didn't have a good opening hand to deal with it, so he just steamrolled me.
They're going to be forced to address it, it's just too good as is. Either shave a toughness off it or make more drastic changes.
Mage is really getting the shaft in this expansion. Out of the 4 revealed so far, Goblin Blastmage is the only one worth a damn. That cloning spell better be damn good.


I can't imagine it works this way, but Jeeves' text suggest you can use him to fatigue yourself to death instantly when you're out of cards (since it would just keep trying to pull cards until you have 3, which will never happen). Like an infinite loop in programming language.
It was already commented on by Brode, or some other Blizzard dude, Jeeves can only max draw three. So yes, he could do major Fatigue damage, but it's not an instant kill.
You don't like the snowchugger? Freeze is a pretty strong affect on a 2 mana card imo and the stats are good for it.

Unless mechs are crazy good and become a viable subtheme in freeze mage, I just don't think it's good enough. 2/3 are acceptable stats, but pretty unplayable on their own and 3 toughness means it's almost always going to die after one attack. If I want a 2 mana freeze, Frost Bolt is just the better choice by far.
Ok, they should clarify that somehow in the text.

It's kind of hard to clarify though. Right now it says, "At the end of each player's turn, that player draws until they have 3 cards." So it's easy to see that you either get one, two, or three cards. Have to remember a big point of this game is making sure it's simple and easy to learn.

You can't have it say, "If your hand is empty, draw three cards, or if you have one card, draw two cards, if you have two cards, draw one card." It' way to long for simple card text.

You could have it say, "Depending on how many cards you have, draw up to three cards." but then people have to figure out what that means. While it wouldn't take long to figure out, compare the chance between two things happening in a game.

1. Someone having less than three cards (Favors the current text)

2. Someone having zero cards in hand and in the rest of their deck (Favors the 'new' text)

Which is more likely? It's got to be number one. Since that that happens way more often then the latter, the current card text makes way more sense. Not to mention that if you do get your opponent in that position and a Jeeves in on the board, you've probably won anyway.
Unless mechs are crazy good and become a viable subtheme in freeze mage, I just don't think it's good enough. 2/3 are acceptable stats, but pretty unplayable on their own and 3 toughness means it's almost always going to die after one attack. If I want a 2 mana freeze, Frost Bolt is just the better choice by far.

I think you're underestimating the value of the freeze tbh. It makes trading up against the card that much more difficult since the minion is frozen for what tends to be a meaningful amount of time when a match lasts a short time. And then it can get additional freezes on weapon uses, the same way water elemental works, but at a much cheaper cost.

I dunno but it seems to have a lot more weight to it than the average 2 drop does.


I think you're underestimating the value of the freeze tbh. It makes trading up against the card that much more difficult since the minion is frozen for what tends to be a meaningful amount of time when a match lasts a short time. And then it can get additional freezes on weapon uses, the same way water elemental works, but at a much cheaper cost.

I dunno but it seems to have a lot more weight to it than the average 2 drop does.

Agreed. Snowchugger will get its best use out of freezing heroes and preventing weapon usage. This can easily shut down control Paladin and Warrior especially, as they're rather reliant on weapons to gain control of the board.

Compared to Water Elemental, its stats are roughly equal in relation to its mana cost (~250% for both), but it also has the benefit of being a mech. Good card. Should see some use. Would be surprised if it didn't. Hell, I'll probably use it. Love running Water and Frost elementals as it is.


Blizzard has posted the minimum specs needed to run HS on Android. Release should be just around the corner!

Hardware 6-inch screen or larger
Operating System Android 4.0 or later
Memory 1 GB RAM
The following devices are verified to run Hearthstone well:

Amazon Kindle Fire HD 6 (2014)
Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 (2014)
Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 7 (2013)
Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 7 (2014)
Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 (2014)
Asus Google Nexus 7
Huawei MediaPad X1
Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 I9200
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
Samsung Galaxy Note LTE 10.1 N8020
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014)
Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4
Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet LTE
Note: The Asus Transformer Pad TF300T is incompatible with Hearthstone. Devices with PowerVR 540/544 GPUs may experience graphical issues. Updating your device to the latest version of your operating system may address these issues. Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and Fire OS 4.5.1 are recommended.

Just a sick joke today so far. 2 matches where a hunter got their UT easily up above 3 hp before turn 3. The last hunter managed to get it to 7hp by turn 5.

WTF, how did I just beat a handlock without drawing a single equality, aldor peacekeeper, or humility!?

I feel good about that result. I don't even run BGH and I wasted my black knight on a sludge belcher to protect my own board.

The guy was totally tap happy tho. I couldn't believe he tapped himself down to 7 hp then siphon soul'd my wild pyro...
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