I met a silence Priest yesterday and while he lost because I had a perfect draw of answers, it was still an insanely strong deck. It ran at least 2 owls, 2 silence and 2 spellbreakers and 2 wailing souls, the other minions were things like Zombie Chow, Ancient Watcher and Dancing Sword. He basically kept playing mid range minions one after another and kept silencing all negative effects (and with so many silences he had enough to silence whatever I played that needed to be silenced. It was pretty good. Also played The Beast + silence on turn 6, which I aldored, which he returned to normal with Wailing Soul. It was a nice battle. (I was lucky to draw all my humilities, Aldors, Pyro Equality early.)
Kripparian had a really fun priest deck using wailing soul and multiple silence options. Paired with ancient Guardians, 2 spell breakers, 1 owl. Didn't run any 1 or 2 drops. I made a variant of it and it was actually pretty solid. I'll post the deck list later. I remember it destroyed the every so often freeze mage.
This sounds fun, I've never considered a deck like that. I play Priest often, so I'll track down some deck lists based on this and see if I can't make it at least semi-feasible.