That's pretty sweet though. Wish Constructed was more 'supportive' of creative decks like that. Hopefully Goblins vs Gnomes shakes it up for a long time!
Wonder if it was the same as that other deck, sounds like fun to play.
Yeah, if it has seven or more attack, it's dead. What's cool is if they have a five attack minion, and you set it to seven with a Angry Sargent, you can still use Big Game Hunter on it. While playing a hunter, I left a Timeberwolf on the board because I knew they were going to play their Highmane soon, which they did, and was quickly removed.
This is the decklist I was running. Probably going to take out Azure Drake, but unsure what to replace it with. May instead run 1 Norshire Cleric. Kripp wasn't running Ragnaros or Sylvanis, if I remember correctly. Don't think it had any legendaries at all. Crazed Alchemist for some shadow madness fun.