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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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That's pretty sweet though. Wish Constructed was more 'supportive' of creative decks like that. Hopefully Goblins vs Gnomes shakes it up for a long time!

Wonder if it was the same as that other deck, sounds like fun to play.

Yeah, if it has seven or more attack, it's dead. What's cool is if they have a five attack minion, and you set it to seven with a Angry Sargent, you can still use Big Game Hunter on it. While playing a hunter, I left a Timeberwolf on the board because I knew they were going to play their Highmane soon, which they did, and was quickly removed.

This is the decklist I was running. Probably going to take out Azure Drake, but unsure what to replace it with. May instead run 1 Norshire Cleric. Kripp wasn't running Ragnaros or Sylvanis, if I remember correctly. Don't think it had any legendaries at all. Crazed Alchemist for some shadow madness fun.



remember me
This is the decklist I was running. Probably going to take out Azure Drake, but unsure what to replace it with. May instead run 1 Norshire Cleric. Kripp wasn't running Ragnaros or Sylvanis, if I remember correctly. Don't think it had any legendaries at all. Crazed Alchemist for some shadow madness fun.


Without any early game I don't see how this deck doesn't get murdered by zoo and hunter. Undertaker has zombie chows and undertaker, control has wild pyro, this deck has neither. Plus no auchenai/circle to get caught up on turn 4.


Without any early game I don't see how this deck doesn't get murdered by zoo and hunter. Undertaker has zombie chows and undertaker, control has wild pyro, this deck has neither. Plus no auchenai/circle to get caught up on turn 4.

I had some difficulty with Zoo, but hunter matchups aren't bad. I'll probably switch up a few cards to combat agro. Honestly, it's just a fun deck to use at lower ranking. Usually get immense value from shadow madness or the alchemists.
Stop trying to make demonlock happen. It's not going to happen.

I think they should keep trying. Demonlock isn't even bad as it is currently. There just isn't enough reason to run it over handlock. 5 damage removal for 5 isn't bad either. It is a pretty versatile card imo. Demonfire, on the other hand, doing 2 for 2 just isn't good enough since even many 2 drops have more than 2 hp. But for felheart, there are even 7 drops (ancient of lore) that only have 5 hp.

I think it has potential.


remember me
I think they should keep trying. Demonlock isn't even bad as it is currently. There just isn't enough reason to run it over handlock. 5 damage removal for 5 isn't bad either. It is a pretty versatile card imo. Demonfire, on the other hand, doing 2 for 2 just isn't good enough since even many 2 drops have more than 2 hp. But for felheart, there are even 7 drops (ancient of lore) that only have 5 hp.

I think it has potential.

It's a worse mana/damage ratio than fireball or kill command, and it can't hit face. It's a bad card. If it could hit face it may have been playable.
It's a worse mana/damage ratio than fireball or kill command, and it can't hit face. It's a bad card. If it could hit face it may have been playable.

If it could hit face it would likely be broken in the warlock deck. They already have soulfire after all.

Plus the amount of board control spells handlock has is really getting up there. Could see a new spell heavy type deck that relies on a few demons to hold the board with a ton of spells removing everything people play.

mortal coil
drain life
siphon soul
soul fire
shadow flame
shadow bolt
bane of doom
twisting nether

They probably have the most spell removal in the game. I think it is a little weird we don't have a heavy spell removal control deck going. Granted, it has probably been tried and failed hard lol


They need to introduce more playable Demon minions before stuff like Demonfire/Felheart. Hopefully there's at least ONE coming, maybe a Mech-Demon.


remember me
If it could hit face it would likely be broken in the warlock deck. They already have soulfire after all.

Plus the amount of board control spells handlock has is really getting up there. Could see a new spell heavy type deck that relies on a few demons to hold the board with a ton of spells removing everything people play.

mortal coil
drain life
siphon soul
soul fire
shadow flame
shadow bolt
bane of doom
twisting nether

They probably have the most spell removal in the game. I think it is a little weird we don't have a heavy spell removal control deck going. Granted, it has probably been tried and failed hard lol

Kolento already tried this pre-naxx. Basically draw cards and stall until you got a charger + 2 power over whelmings + faceless manipulator + soulfire combo. But it was too hard for anybody but him to play, and it never caught on. He did manage to hit rank 1 legend with it though.



Seems alright. The 5 damage for 5 mana mode seems kind bad though, and otherwise it's a more situational blessing of kings. I think they could let it attack heroes too at this mana cost, but then it'd lose the demonfire reference.
I think that new spell is pretty cool, always up for more versatile cards. Only thing is, what playable Demon is going to be alive on turn five and on? Maybe that's part of the point. Keep a Demon on the board instead of other minions, you'll then turn it into a larger threat. And if you don't get the chance, it's at worst removal. Maybe you could play Blood Imp and then use this to have it trade and stay on the board longer.

Also, I highly doubt they'll ever add dual types.

Edit : Thinking about it, would be cool if it could do something like +3/3 to a non Demon and then turn it into a Demon. Of course, that would require more Demon based cards that effect Demons, which now there are two.

Even better, just make that its own card;
Give a minion +3/3 and turn it into a Demon. If already a Demon, give it +5/5 instead.
With that, Sacrifical Pact becomes hard removal!


As someone who plays double Blessing of Kings, I can definitely see some potential in this. There's a wrong assumption that using any demon cards would prevent you from having a handlock. Casting this spell on any demon pretty much makes it close to a giant, or stronger. When behind it can be used to clear a threat, but if you have a demon you can use it to trade up and leave a threat (which helps with removing removal so your upcoming giants are safe). Plenty of times I've gotten an Hex or Sheep on a Blessing of Kings minion, only to follow it up with a giant/Tirion.


Beautiful, brings a tear of joy to my eye.

Pretty sure I said this before, but I think it would be awesome to have this play with Rogue;

Turn 5: Loatheb
Turn 6: Shadow Step > Loatheb
Turn 7: Brewmaster > Loatheb
Turn 8: Brewmaster > Loatheb
Turn 9: Shadowstep > Loatheb
Turn 10: Ancient Brewmaster > Loatheb
Turn 11: Ancient Brewmaster > Loatheb

Just another dream. Turns 7, 8, 10, and 11 would be the hardest to pull off though, since you don't have any excess mana like you would with Shadow Step. You'd also want board control with other minions beforehand since the whole point is to hit face, but with Rogue you can really only put down weak minions so there's a good chance something would trade into Loatheb around 7 or 8 anyway. He'd also probably eat a removal spell eventually as well. Always fun to think about, at least for me anyway!

Duplicate + Loatheb. I dropped double Loathebs against a druid with almost no board to threaten me three turns in a row (10, 11, 12). Totally destroyed any chance of a comeback, plus polymorph in hand. : )


Uh it's kinda fucked up that there were 7 other matches going on at the same time and we only get to see 1... I hope they're at least available on VOD later.
Surprise lethal is ALWAYS the best kind of lethal.
I had a 7/2 Assassin's Blade (as a Rogue) on turn 9 and I drew Preparation.
Among other things, I now had a Prep, Malygos, and Blade Fury in had.
Opponent sitting at 19 health and a very strong and scary board(a Guardian of Kings, 2 Harvest Golems, and an unbuffed Nerubian Egg) and I had nothing out.
Next turn would have been lethal for him.
Attack face-12 health
Play Malygos for 9 mana
Play Preparation
Play Blade Fury for 0 mana and deal 12 damage- exact lethal
So is GvG new cards only? It's not an adventure mode I have to purchase? If that is the case I wonder if I should just save my gold for whenever it comes out to hopefully get newer cards.


So is GvG new cards only? It's not an adventure mode I have to purchase? If that is the case I wonder if I should just save my gold for whenever it comes out to hopefully get newer cards.

It's new cards only, there will be a new card pack which only has GvG cards for sale for 100 gold and arena will only give out that card pack instead of the older card pack which only has the original cards.


So is GvG new cards only? It's not an adventure mode I have to purchase? If that is the case I wonder if I should just save my gold for whenever it comes out to hopefully get newer cards.
Yes, there'll be a new series of packs containing only G&G cards which you can buy directly or win in arena (note that arena won't award old expert packs anymore once the expansion is out). So yeah, most definitely save your gold.
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