Opponent Turn 8 = Ragnaros
Your Turn 8 = Sylvannas + Feign Death
You've left the board with Sylvannas and Ragnaros for just 8.
That's just one situation. Using only 1 deathrattle.
Turn 6 play = Nerubian Egg x2 + Feign Death
2 4/4s with 2 more to come.
or Webspinner x2 and Loot Hoarder x1 + Feign Death for 3 card draw and some board presence. 3 more cards to come thereafter.
Or just a simple turn 8 play:
Highmane + Feign. 6/5 with 2 2/2s immediately. That's annoying as hell.
Knife Juggler on the board.
x2 haunted creepers + Feign Death.
6 damage randomly split to enemies. That's nearly the same as Paladin's 8 damage split card.
Or as others have said, how about a 4 mana Flamestrike?
No way this card is "too situational." It's just simply good. Fits a wide variety of uses at all stages in the game.
Have no idea how to play against a Rogue mill deck using Shaman..lol...Vanish is incredibly good against Shaman. First time ever experiencing it and it's pretty frustrating not being able to play enough cards before you start losing them. I guess Shaman is one of the better matchups.
I'd imagine you just play cards and avoid toteming if possible. I don't think I've ever gone up against it, but at least the shaman I play would probably wreck them due to getting all my burst cards faster.
No way this card is "too situational." It's just simply good. Fits a wide variety of uses at all stages in the game.
What deck were you playing? Some control decks are greedy as fuck, when I see a handlock playing bgh and rag I'm like how the fuck do you win vs hunter with all that tech?Just lost to a Control Warrior because he had a second Owl to silence my remaining taunt after Brawl and hit with Death's Bite for exact lethal. He also played BK, how the hell do you fit all that in there?
Deathrattle Priest, and yeah he ran BGH as well. Would have killed him next turn, sadly I was 1 mana short of healing outside of DB range and I never drew Cabal to steal an Armorsmith. Guy must be getting destroyed by Huntard/ZooWhat deck were you playing? Some control decks are greedy as fuck, when I see a handlock playing bgh and rag I'm like how the fuck do you win vs hunter with all that tech?
My friend's uncle works at Nintendo and said the same thing.Heard a rumor from work that Rogue is getting an Ambush card that puts her hero into stealth for 1 turn. Cannot be targeted by spells, hero powers, or minions. If she attacks out of it with a weapon that same turn, she gets +5 damage on that attack. 4 mana.
Take it with a grain of salt. Coming from a coworker who used to work at Blizzard 1 year ago.
Can you hook me up with a PS5?My friend's uncle works at Nintendo and said the same thing.
Are you saying that with 120 new cards released, Hunters are going to play the exact same type of deck as they are doing now? I am shocked.Are you saying the new hunter decks are going to run Nerubian Egg and Knife Juggler only to combo them with Feign Death? Or that Hunter, a typically purely aggressive deck seeking to flood the board with threats, is going to nuke their own creatures for 4 damage?
Because that's what it sounds like.
Come on now.
Honestly, this sounds a lot like how people were losing their heads over Reincarnate and Nerubian Egg during the early weeks of Naxx.
That was some pretty bad decision making from Tides on that game. What's with using viagame btw? Awful site :/
☑ “This team's salary is CRAZY!” ☑ “Reynad's contract can't win against a salary like C9's” ☑ "They NEEDED precisely those bonuses to get me to sign" ☑ “They bribed the only player that would turncoat” ☑ "They had the perfect negotiator" ☑ “There was nothing Reynad could do” ☑ “I backstabbed that perfectly"
I assume it's a Dreamhack subsidiary, and yeah it's pretty bad. You can press Ctrl+N in VLC and pasterino this link to dodge the shitty site:That was some pretty bad decision making from Tides on that game. What's with using viagame btw? Awful site :/
If it's any day, it's Tuesday. That's update day for Blizzard. Not 100% sure if it is next week but I'd bet on it.
Ive played almost no HS since the big Leeroy nerf patch and though Huntards were gone?
Ive fought 15 in a row in constructed
That's the thing though. Only showing half the cards is perfect. Get people hyped and still leave some to get discovered. I'm also assuming that they're not showing anymore cards since there are no more slots in the vote site. Why start a hype campaign, then let it die for a week or two before release?I doubt it's next week, they probably want to squeeze as much marketing as possible and they have only revealed like what, half, of the cards.
I'm all for Shaman RNG, but, it costs 1 more mana than Lightning Bolt for an average of 1.5 more damage... seems weak.
LifeCoach is so overhyped, I keep hearing how good he is but whenever I tune in to his stream or see him in tourneys he's taking forever to make obvious plays and yet still makes misplays. The whole "he thinks many turns ahead" thing is bullshit for him.
Actually he reminds me a lot of Trump.