For that mage deck to win, I think he needed stronger starts so he wouldn't get hit so hard in the midgame. Maybe it was bad luck that he lost both, more so in the second one.
That sort of mage deck relies on the opponent not knowing that secret is Duplicate and giving you multiple Belchers/Elementals/Cairne/Sylvanas.
Still bummed kolento didn't win blizzcon. He definitely deserved it. He's the best player out there without a doubt.
he probably would have won if he had played that loatheb
Pyroblast? Seriously?
Fuck this shit. I just played my last match.
I just got done in by 16HP attack (+1, +5 spell damage), during what should have continued as a semi-fair match. It instead introduced me to the 'win' card. It's not like there haven't been a handful of semi-unfair cards I've come up against in the past. But those still left me thinking I would have a chance if luck plays in my favor. This however takes the cake. I'm not interested in grinding until the end of time or paying out the ass for a CHANCE to get this overpowered card just to be on even ground with others. Fuck that.
I just don't understand how it can be justified. Now I know why some people have insta-quit me when I'm playing as a Mage, Because if I happen to have that card, it's not a match, it's a countdown until we reach 10 gems. I thought this was a casual card game with *some* inbalance that I could still pick up and play with some sense of fairness for all players. I couldn't be more wrong. I regret spending even the 7$ bucks on cards.
I couldn't be more wrong.
Trump has been wrong about Hunter in particular in the past but I agree about FD. Do you happen to recall what his reasoning was?Trump basically confirmed in his analysis video that Feign Death will be completely sick and broken and OP, one of the core defining Hunter cards from now on.
You ruined the joke.Trump has been wrong about Hunter in particular in the past but I agree about FD. Do you happen to recall what his reasoning was?
You are overreacting.It deals 10 dmg,not 30.Pyroblast? Seriously?
Fuck this shit. I just played my last match.
I just got done in by 16HP attack (+1, +5 spell damage), during what should have continued as a semi-fair match. It instead introduced me to the 'win' card. It's not like there haven't been a handful of semi-unfair cards I've come up against in the past. But those still left me thinking I would have a chance if luck plays in my favor. This however takes the cake. I'm not interested in grinding until the end of time or paying out the ass for a CHANCE to get this overpowered card just to be on even ground with others. Fuck that. .
Idk,but from my winration they are apperently pretty bad against zoo.Huh, I'm 3-0 vs Huntard with Miracoli, is the matchup supposed to be this good? One game was close but I drew really badly there.
Idk,but from my winration they are apperently pretty bad against zoo.
This is probably the best time for you to try playing constructed in Ranked mode because it's like 1 or 2 days before the end of the season, which means you'll probably only face people with bad/weak decks at the high ranks. You also want to get to rank 20 before the end of season in order to get the card back reward.
Ha i just did that and got to level 20 but it was weird, i think i ran into the same guy twice that just conceded after a couple of turns, it was very weird. I also tried the arena mode for the first time, got my ass kicked. Oh i didn't realize that the available cards were from the whole game instead of the ones i unlocked, that was silly.
Some people try to stay at high ranks in order to play against people with bad decks in order to get easy and fast wins because you get a Golden Hero when you get 500 wins with each hero in Ranked mode. So what they do is get one win then forfeit the next one. It's not really a big deal because it ends up giving free wins to 50% of the players, which results in a net rank increase for other players overall because of the winstreak ranking bonus.
Interesting, i guess there is a bunch of stuff in the game i don't know yet. Umm i have a question if i unlock a Naxxramas wing with gold do i get a discount when buying the remaining wings with real money? Got 300 gold for playing 100 matches so i might save my gold.
You ruined the joke.![]()
He actually said it was only ok, not too great, doesn't really fit into the current hunter decks (so shortsighted) and that Reincarnate wasn't OP either etc etc
Basically the same reasoning moebius had earlier in the thread.
Just unpacked a Malygod. Woo.
Miracle Druid is fun.
Just run both Moonfires. 12 free damage. I once saw someone finish with that plus a Swipe on turn 9. 21 damage easy.Pretty sure Miracle Druid doesn't play Malygos, it's way too slow for it. It relies on combo to kill.
Pretty sure Miracle Druid doesn't play Malygos, it's way too slow for it. It relies on combo to kill.
Pretty sure Miracle Druid doesn't play Malygos, it's way too slow for it. It relies on combo to kill.
Just run both Moonfires. 12 free damage. I once saw someone finish with that plus a Swipe on turn 9. 21 damage easy.
I play it and it's fine and much more fun than Rag. Sometimes you get to swipe with malygos on board :3
Hello. I'm a brand new player with a few quick questions. I'm really enjoying myself and would like to know the smartest way going forward? I haven't spent any money yet on packs. I have 3 codes for them from buying the CE edition of the new WoW expansion. Should I redeem those or save them?
My apologies if the questions sound dumb. This is my first time playing a digital card game. I really love the graphics and audio.
Anyone find it insane that it takes like $250 to acquire all the GvG cards?
Anyone find it insane that it takes like $250 to acquire all the GvG cards?
Anyone find it insane that it takes like $250 to acquire all the GvG cards?
Anyone find it insane that it takes like $250 to acquire all the GvG cards?
Considering that a single top tier yugioh or magic deck costs like 1000 bucks,not at all.Anyone find it insane that it takes like $250 to acquire all the GvG cards?
Anyone find it insane that it takes like $250 to acquire all the GvG cards?