Ben Brode explicitly confirms that Druid of the Claw can't come from webspinner:
The Dream: Opening hand haunted creeper, Muster for Battle, coin , Bolvar, + whatever
The more I think about it, I'm thinking this card is just too situational
Thought a bit more and changed my mind now, Bolvar isn't situational, it's actually complete garbage at a King Krush level. In order to get value from Bolvar it needs to have AT LEAST 6 damage because Boulderfist Ogre has the same stats at 6 mana with zero downsides. Then, the dream is to have more than 6 damage but then what's the point of having such a minion in Paladin? Paladin is by nature a control deck which means you are likely going to have Bolvar hitting minions and what's the point of having such high damage? The only minion that it can contest which needs high damage are giants but 7 health means it only trades 1 to 1 with them. For 5 mana there are so many better cards, Sludge Belcher, Loatheb, even Azure Drake and Spectral Knight are arguably better than it. There's simply no space for such a situational and marginally useful card at that mana cost. It doesn't even have taunt so it's useless against aggro, and having high health is actually antisynergy with Equality.
Thought a bit more and changed my mind now, Bolvar isn't situational, it's actually complete garbage at a King Krush level. In order to get value from Bolvar it needs to have AT LEAST 6 damage because Boulderfist Ogre has the same stats at 6 mana with zero downsides. Then, the dream is to have more than 6 damage but then what's the point of having such a minion in Paladin? Paladin is by nature a control deck which means you are likely going to have Bolvar hitting minions and what's the point of having such high damage? The only minion that it can contest which needs high damage are giants but 7 health means it only trades 1 to 1 with them. For 5 mana there are so many better cards, Sludge Belcher, Loatheb, even Azure Drake and Spectral Knight are arguably better than it. There's simply no space for such a situational and marginally useful card at that mana cost. It doesn't even have taunt so it's useless against aggro, and having high health is actually antisynergy with Equality.
I don't love the new paladin card. I tired thaddius for a while in warrior and 5 mana for a 4/7 just wasn't that great. So I think this thing has the become a 5/7 before you want to play it and that means probably not playing it on curve. A card that has to sit in your hand for 3-4 turns before its playable doesn't seem exciting to me. But its not so garbage that I'm sure I'll still try it out if i get it from pack
Turn 10 he could be a 10/7 (or whatever), but he can also be a 1/7 depending on the game
A game where the paladin never summons a recruit or plays a minion in 10 turns? Not possible.
A game where the paladin never loses one minion, that is already a win![]()
A game where the paladin never summons a recruit or plays a minion in 10 turns? Not possible.
A game where the paladin never loses one minion, that is already a win![]()
It's a 1-of in your deck, so you're far more likely to not draw him than draw him. All the minions that die before you draw him (which again, is the most likely scenario in any game) don't do anything.
And who doesn't run BGH anyway? Even in the best scenario where you get some 30/7 creature, it's just going to die to BGH.
bgh creates a huge swing turn and keeps control decks in check simply because he ca n be a two-of.
I think this new card will only ever work in a zoo-style paladin deck where you're using your minions to fight for board control. but I don't know that it'll ever be any good.
I love this months cardback, though the one we just got is fairly cool too. Icecrown is still my favourite:
Brode said Bolvar is one of his top five favorite GvG cards...
In order to get value from Bolvar it needs to have AT LEAST 6 damage because Boulderfist Ogre has the same stats at 6 mana with zero downsides.
What kind of synergy exists making Druid of the Claw's transformations be beasts? Aren't all Best-beneficial cards Hunter-only?
BTW, bolvar factoid thingie:![]()
transform probably means it's a 7/7 that can't be silenced.
On the plus side, this means its not a battlecry effect, right? So if it gets forced out of hand via Ancestor's Call or something similar, it keeps the effect?
Brode said Bolvar is one of his top five favorite GvG cards...
With no new card vote and extended maintenance tomorrow, I'm betting on the rest of the cards being revealed tomorrow before they are data mined out after the game is patched. I'd also expect a release date, most likely the 9th or 16th
Yes. Transform indicates similar mechanics to Hex and Polymorph. The sheep and frog cannot be silenced back to their original forms.
Easy way to think of it:
Silencing X's out card text, and that's ALL it does.
Transformations change cards completely to a new card, usually without any card text, so the silence won't do anything.
Brode said Bolvar is one of his top five favorite GvG cards...
I'm thinking Bolvar is a"play when you draw" card. When you get it, play it.
You can't be serious
Bolvar is the worst class legendary in the game, just what Pallys needed.
if only to bait removal, why not?You can't be serious