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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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remember me
Again, I think this is the "class legendaries must be win conditions" mindset. Bolvar is 5 mana, not 7 or 8. Velen, Antonidas, and Kel'Thuzad also all need combo setups or specific board states in order to work. The only prerequisite for Bolvar is that he might have to sit in your hand for a bit. Once he gets to the target you need, you can drop him You don't have to wait until you draw a mind blast, a mirror image, or you start your turn with a sludge belcher on the board. Just plop him down and you're done.

That still makes him worse than pretty much any other 5 drop though. I can drop a Loatheb at any time, and he'll be good. I can drop a Sludge Belcher or a Spectral Knight and they'll be good. If I top deck a Bolvar he's just an overcosted Mogushan warden. He requires a significant amount of effort just to be mediocre. The times he'll even be better than Feugen are going to be rare.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Bolvar will be good if a Paladin deck comes out that can afford to run 1/1s into your face and dudes all day.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Sure, make another legendary that makes the hero ability cost 1 mana instead of 2.

I can actually see this happening.

Stormwind Recruiter
Decrease the cost of your hero power by 1.


I can actually see this happening.

Stormwind Recruiter
Decrease the cost of your hero power by 1.

I'd hate to see it removed too easily. Maybe make it a weapon.

Then you have some more interesting game balance, because you have to decide whether you want to hold your recruiting weapon or hit with it so you can use truesilver.

Heck, Warlock and Priest already have cards that permanently alter their hero power. Give the Paladin one.

Of course, it would need balancing, but we're not talking about summoning a 6/6 for 2 mana.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I already recruit enough dudes, it is becoming a sausage fest. Make the recruiter recruit female recruits instead.

Hero Skin: Yrel (Paladin)

Replaces your hero power art with qt female Draenei paladins.
Replaces all weapon art with Draenic weaponry



Had my longest winning streak in ranked mode the other day: 7 wins although the player conceded on the last one.

The crafting mode helped me get some really good cards.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Heck, Warlock and Priest already have cards that permanently alter their hero power. Give the Paladin one.

Devotion Aura - 2 mana
Whenever a Silver Hand Recruit is summoned, it gains an additional +1 health.


remember me
I want to see a neutral legendary that lets you use your hero power an unlimited amount of times per turn. Because hunters aren't bullshit enough.


I have to say that I don't think I've seen anyone making so many posts that I disagree with. Every single post of johnnsmith seems like a Trump-like wrong prediction to me. Gahz'rilla will rule and Bolvar will see play. Of course aggro players will try to use it and fail hard, but it will fit perfectly in my giants deck. It fits way better in my theme since:

1. I hold cards all the time to enable them later (Molten Giant, Mountain Giant).
2. For me, it will act like a semi-giant, the kind that makes the opponent "OMG, he has another big dude after dealing with two giants".
3. When I don't draw faceless, this one will act as a semi-faceless for my Molten Giant, Sunfury, Faceless comeback combo.
4. Awesome bait removal for hardly any mana, making sure my giants will rule even more.
5. My board control is about weakening incoming attack damage while using recruits to stall, so losing board control early is part of my plan. Making Bolvar grow fits this strategy.


remember me
Congrats. You'll be one of 2 people using him. You're playing a giants deck that's not handlock. You obviously don't care about what's the community decides is good and enjoy coming up with your own strategies.

Maybe you'll even win a few games. I actually lost to a Gruul once so anything is possible. Still never lost to a Thaddius though.


As someone who only got to 19 briefly last season, the competition at 20 right now is a nice surprise. Lots of people with weird Legendary combos including Legendaries I haven't seen.


What's up with these Mindgames lately? This time in arena, a Priest pulled my one remaining Doomguard out of 20 cards, about 2/3 of those being trash minions not worth the 4 mana.

The twist?

Thank you.
As someone who only got to 19 briefly last season, the competition at 20 right now is a nice surprise. Lots of people with weird Legendary combos including Legendaries I haven't seen.
It's also the start of the new season. Most likely you're seeing higher-ish ranked people.

man I just now realized that Bolvar has to be in your hand to gain attack. Should gain attack regardless.
Then it's out of the player's control. I don't know if that would be better or worse, but I like how he is as of now.

I'm still half and half. I agree with Mobius that people put a bit to much wieght into Legendaries while also agreeing that the best ones do something when played. It's all going to come down to how the new cards pan out.
I was not aware this was a thing that could happen:


Had 3 secrets on my hero then a mad scientist died.

I've had five before as a Mage when I made a troll deck with all that secrets and secret-related cards. So goofy looking. They'll have to change it eventually or put a max on the number of Secrets at one time.


Shade and Truesilver -> Face on turn 7

No way to remove it

Blessing of Might, Blessing of Might, Blessed Champion

God fuck arena


I don't know why people like Malygod Miracle, it's probably the slowest Miracle variant to win with and I hardly ever see streamers winning with it by actually using Malygos.


I don't know why people like Malygod Miracle, it's probably the slowest Miracle variant to win with and I hardly ever see streamers winning with it by actually using Malygos.
As long as you win more often because of maylgos than you lose it doesn't matter.


I don't know why people like Malygod Miracle, it's probably the slowest Miracle variant to win with and I hardly ever see streamers winning with it by actually using Malygos.

I've been reading up on it a bit and the advantage it has over Violet Teacher or HAHA is that you can use Sap for tempo or removal since your win condition ignores taunt. It's like freeze mage in that way.


Devotion Aura - 2 mana
Whenever a Silver Hand Recruit is summoned, it gains an additional +1 health.

I like the flavor but bumping them up to 2 health doesn't do much. It only makes them a little more useful against mage and rogue hero powers. For most minions, they're still just 1 damage.

4 mana spell "Military Training" -> Hero Power summons Argent Squires instead of Silver Hand Recruits.

That's pretty good. You'd definitely see a lot more blood knights out there.

I was thinking 2/1, but I'm not sure if that's too good. Then again, the problem is paladins are pretty weak right now, so... well, yeah.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
It only makes them a little more useful against mage and rogue hero powers. For most minions, they're still just 1 damage.

Also Druid and the Paladin mirror. Warlocks couldnt use them for mortal coil. Remember how much stronger Novice Engineer was when it was a 1/2? If you play it again, you'd also get 1/3s. Pretty crazy. AND it would also work on Muster for Battle.

The suggestion of giving them Divine Shield would be downright overpowered, and it wouldn't stack either.


I've been reading up on it a bit and the advantage it has over Violet Teacher or HAHA is that you can use Sap for tempo or removal since your win condition ignores taunt. It's like freeze mage in that way.
Told you right down to the Freeze Mage comparison :p What kept you from becoming a believer was having the M-God in your collection.

You found a list yet? I've been running 4skin's from that Viagame house cup thing and it's pretty good. It includes an Assassin's Blade and two Blade Flurries instead of a second Fan and in my experience that added damage is key against the healing classes. If you can hold onto a Prep a 6 damage Malygod Blade Flurry only with the hero power knife clears just about anything.


Told you right down to the Freeze Mage comparison :p What kept you from becoming a believer was having the M-God in your collection.

You found a list yet? I've been running 4skin's from that Viagame house cup thing and it's pretty good. It includes an Assassin's Blade and two Blade Flurries instead of a second Fan and in my experience that added damage is key against the healing classes. If you can hold onto a Prep a 6 damage Malygod Blade Flurry only with the hero power knife clears just about anything.
Yeah I'm planning on playing 30% gay's deck here

I was also looking at superjj102's deck but it's... weird

edit: ok it's outdated, he's streaming now and he has a different deck. Looks like the difference between his and forsen's is that forsen cut off Shivs for Edwin & Assassin's Blade


Yeah I'm planning on playing 30% gay's deck here

I was also looking at superjj102's deck but it's... weird

edit: ok it's outdated, he's streaming now and he has a different deck. Looks like the difference between his and forsen's is that forsen cut off Shivs for Edwin & Assassin's Blade

Yeah I just compared the old one to 4skin's, I really don't like dropping both Shivs personally, it's much more versatile than Fan. Most of the the time you'll either use it to cycle or snipe 1 HP Huntard drops or 3/2s with Thalnos, which Shiv lets you do on turn 4 instead of 5. Fan only rarely gets good value and the same thing can be accomplished with double Blade Flurries. Edwin can be so good when you need the board to tide you over until Gadgetzan miracles or for Conceal all ins when your draws just suck, and Assassin's Blade is just insane in general.

Forsen might have updated his as well by now, I should probably check his stream later.


Congrats. You'll be one of 2 people using him. You're playing a giants deck that's not handlock. You obviously don't care about what's the community decides is good and enjoy coming up with your own strategies.

Maybe you'll even win a few games. I actually lost to a Gruul once so anything is possible. Still never lost to a Thaddius though.
Snarky? Unfortunately for your argument's sake people actually do try my decks since I post them on Hearthpwn and I do get positive comments from those who try them. I'm so sorry I'm not a popular streamer or someone who only copy the top 5 decks of the week and decide that those are the only decks viable in the meta. I'm sorry I like to think how to counter the meta myself, card for card. I'm sorry I'm not like you trying to belittle anyone who isn't playing with the flavor of the month and brags how awesome I am for 'piloting' it.

I'm sorry I've been playing a mill Rogue giants control deck lately. T_T


Snarky? Unfortunately for your argument's sake people actually do try my decks since I post them on Hearthpwn and I do get positive comments from those who try them. I'm so sorry I'm not a popular streamer or someone who only copy the top 5 decks of the week and decide that those are the only decks viable in the meta. I'm sorry I like to think how to counter the meta myself, card for card. I'm sorry I'm not like you trying to belittle anyone who isn't playing with the flavor of the month and brags how awesome I am for 'piloting' it.

I'm sorry I've been playing a mill Rogue giants control deck lately. T_T

Do whatever you enjoy doing but get off your goddamn high horse about your deck building skills already when you've never even taken one of your creations beyond rank 10.

Uhmmm, you almost never see original decks in ranked, period. Trust me, I only exclusively do ranked 20 -> 10 every season. It has nothing to do with efficiency or rank, people are generally just not creative.


GvG nerfs.

The following balance changes will be made in an upcoming patch:

Soulfire now costs 1 (up from 0)
Soulfire, along with fast and powerful minions, allowed Warlock rush decks to get ahead on the board and stay ahead. We’ve upped Soulfire’s mana cost by 1 to slow down the Warlock rush deck just a bit and allow more players time to react and interact against the Warlock.

Gadgetzan Auctioneer now costs 6 (up from 5)
Gadgetzan Auctioneer’s ability allows for a player to potentially draw many cards for little cost. Card draw and card advantage are important to the game—overall, games are less interesting when a player draws their entire deck. This change brings Gadgetzan Auctioneer’s cost more in line with its power level.

Flare now costs 2 (up from 1)
Flare allowed the Hunter an advantage versus decks that revolve around Secrets, while also allowing the Hunter to draw a card for little cost. We want to encourage a variety of decks in Hearthstone. With this change, Flare will continue to be useful against decks playing Secrets, but will be weaker against other decks

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