This can go so right or oh so wrong. First Druid card I like even if it might suck.
It is essentially unleash the hounds for druids and is flexible.
Ideally used on echoing ooze to get 2 6/7 taunts. (crazy)
This can go so right or oh so wrong. First Druid card I like even if it might suck.
Pun obviously.
Hunter stays winning. What a surprise.
The real question is, does this give itself Stealth? If so, it might be playable. If not, it is gutter trash and belongs in the gutter.
The Shaman Murloc meta is here, bitches.
Let the madness begin!!!Behold RNG:
Pretty good,isn't it?
The real question is, does this give itself Stealth? If so, it might be playable. If not, it is gutter trash and belongs in the gutter.
This seems like it should see some play. Could be good value on in the late game on early game minions. Gargoyle viable now?
Lol, combo with topdecked Bolvar?
Good luck getting to turn 7 against Zoo.
Good luck getting to turn 7 against Zoo.
It is essentially unleash the hounds for druids and is flexible.
Ideally used on echoing ooze to get 2 6/7 taunts. (crazy)
This is terrible. Seriously just downright awful unless I'm missing some combo.
This is terrible. Seriously just downright awful unless I'm missing some combo.
Blizzard hates Paladin confirmed. Who would play this mess. I mean, really.
Blizzard hates Paladin confirmed. Who would play this mess. I mean, really.
A mess.
Blizzard hates Paladin confirmed. Who would play this mess. I mean, really.
A mess.
It's not even a constant effect like stormwind champion. Hilarious.Blizzard hates Paladin confirmed. Who would play this mess. I mean, really.
A mess.
Didn't paladin get a card that lets you play several SHR right away?
It gives itself stealth.
I think bolvar might proc it regardless cause he enters as a 1/7 and then gets buffed (I think).
Based on the wording, Muster for Battle would not proc this, right? They're summoned, not played?
Based on the wording, Muster for Battle would not proc this, right? They're summoned, not played?
Still can't believe how bad the shaman cards have been. Now we get one wasted on a murloc of all things. Says a lot when the best card we got for constructed is a 0/4.
Of course they hate paladins.Ever played D&D?Blizzard hates Paladin confirmed. Who would play this mess. I mean, really.
A mess.
Dark Wispers+Soul of the Forest=Good luck with savage roar next turn.
Still can't believe how bad the shaman cards have been. Now we get one wasted on a murloc of all things. Says a lot when the best card we got for constructed is a 0/4.
Hobgoblin would also work very well in warrior with armorsmith and acolyte of pain,Warrior turn 4 play, Hobgoblin and this. Really decent stats for a 1 drop. 2/3 and a 3/5 with upside.
Hobgoblin would also work very well in warrior with armorsmith and acolyte of pain,
Err you got the zipomatic.
Holy shit light of the naaru seems op.
I think almost certainly the opposite, if you can't remove that thing immediately you're potentially in huge trouble.Just like you've never seen a Knife Juggler in constructed Shaman, you'll never see Zipomatic either (barring some insane mech synergy that hasn't been shown yet, the weapon is nowhere near enough).
I think almost certainly the opposite, if you can't remove that thing immediately you're potentially in huge trouble.
Sure. It's a 2 mana 2 health creature though. Everyone can remove it, often times for free.
This is pretty cool since it'll work with temporary buff cards too. - Trump will review 54 (!) cards very soon.
In b4 Trump is hilariously off base about hunter.
I should have built a custom mage deck sooner. I am going to make a priest one next, designed for maximum long-living tank annoyance. I have so many good tanks/taunts.