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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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And Shaman got Mgrlgrlgrlgrlgrled

I am reserving judgement since on paper it could work for Shaman thanks to strong spells and board control on top of nerfs to Zoo. I will wait and see. Knee jerk reaction is it sucks however.

Best cards in the new set have to be Lightbomb and Iron Juggernaut.

I like the new Druid cards but it comes down to how confident you are in your control. The new legendary is insane in the right circumstance as well.


I am reserving judgement since on paper it could work for Shaman thanks to strong spells and board control on top of nerfs to Zoo. I will wait and see. Knee jerk reaction is it sucks however.

At best it's just a giant missed opportunity for Shaman players.
Shaman has gotten a bit more varied with Naxx but there's really not enough difference between the few variants to call them distinct archetypes. Some play Lava Burst, some play two Doomhammers and some play Al'Akir, but in the end they're all looking to burst you down with average combos while maintaining a weak but sturdy board. The clowny Feugen/Stalagg/Reincarnate variant is too inconsistent for serious play and Crusher is trash.

So what you'd want is to give them some decent, versatile cards in order to diversify lists but Blizzard gives them... Murlocs?

Makes sense doesn't it... Its really another mediocre combo. I really expected more.

Shit tier class Legendary is a shared position between Shaman,Mage and Paladin. I think the Mage inches out the rest though. Its a Wargolem that screams "Hey keep your removal, cause your opponent just topdicked me"


I hope this expansion brings more cards into the meta rather than just replacing everything current with GvG cards. The game will be more fun with a more wide array of cards.
Shaman has gotten a bit more varied with Naxx but there's really not enough difference between the few variants to call them distinct archetypes. Some play Lava Burst, some play two Doomhammers and some play Al'Akir, but in the end they're all looking to burst you down with average combos while maintaining a weak but sturdy board. The clowny Feugen/Stalagg/Reincarnate variant is too inconsistent for serious play and Crusher is trash.

So what you'd want is to give them some decent, versatile cards in order to diversify lists but Blizzard gives them... Murlocs?

Don't forget the vitality totem. Opens up control being a lot more viable and control shaman is actually pretty good if you can heal up.


I am reserving judgement since on paper it could work for Shaman thanks to strong spells and board control on top of nerfs to Zoo. I will wait and see. Knee jerk reaction is it sucks however..

My kneejerk reaction is that it is a waste of a good class legendary and maybe a class card with that other minion. Obviously it stings more because I like the class and was hoping for something different, not a legendary that is likely useless outside one specific niche deck.

Don't forget the vitality totem. Opens up control being a lot more viable and control shaman is actually pretty good if you can heal up.

Love that card. That is legit good.


Trump don't know if Seal of Light is actually playable lmao. It's easily the best 2 mana spell in the expansion, and one of the best spell for paladins ever. Claw isn't comparable because druid has a tons of options to remove creatures cheaply whereas paladin has to wait the 4 mana spot and die to rush all the time. Seal of Light allow your paladin deck to actually not autofold to extreme rush decks.
So I counted up the Class cards to see what the rarity distribution will be within the classes.

It seems to be:

Common: 2 per class
Rare: 3 per class
Epic: 2 per class
Legendary: 1 per class

So that equals 8 class cards per class.

I am basing this off the card list on the GvG facebook page found here:


However, for the life of me I can't find the 2nd common warrior card. The only one I can find is Warbot. Maybe I've just been staring at the complete spoiler list on Facebook too much. Anyone know what the 2nd common Warrior card is?


Don't forget the vitality totem. Opens up control being a lot more viable and control shaman is actually pretty good if you can heal up.

True that one's really nice, but that's one good card out of how what, eight? New legendaries are all over the place but most have some uses even if it's only in dream scenarios. Neptulon? Straight up worthless if you're not playing Murlocs, and it's so out of the left field too. It's reasonable that the Warlock legendary is demon oriented as that's an archetype they've been working towards making viable for a while now, but literally no one has ever thought about playing Murloc Shaman because it simply makes no sense given their kit.

"time of release?"

"We'll start in the mid-morning PST, no exact time at the moment."

True that one's really nice, but that's one good card out of how what, eight? New legendaries are all over the place but most have some uses even if it's only in dream scenarios. Neptulon? Straight up worthless if you're not playing Murlocs, and it's so out of the left field too. It's reasonable that the Warlock legendary is demon oriented as that's an archetype they've been working towards making viable for a while now, but literally no one has ever thought about playing Murloc Shaman because it simply makes no sense given their kit.

I don't think it neptulon is worthless outside of murloc decks, but probably not ran over other cards. I mean, it does add 3 cards to your hand, and doesn't draw you closer to fatigue.


Trump don't know if Seal of Light is actually playable lmao. It's easily the best 2 mana spell in the expansion, and one of the best spell for paladins ever. Claw isn't comparable because druid has a tons of options to remove creatures cheaply whereas paladin has to wait the 4 mana spot and die to rush all the time. Seal of Light allow your paladin deck to actually not autofold to extreme rush decks.

Eh, it seems like you'd be vastly more excited about a standard 1 mana deal 2 damage spell like holy smite or arcane shot. This is clearly a tier below those in terms of early game removal, not only does it cost 2 instead of 1 but you're also taking face damage. Best case scenario is probably a net heal of 1 since you have to A) be damaged already and B) hit something small. Most of the time you use it on turn 2, you're probably taking damage.

The other use is that it can also be a survival card in the late game, heal 4 and deal 2 damage to face. Obviously you would rather have a holy light here though.

It's saving grace is that it can be functional in both situations. Whether that's good enough to be a commonly played card, I dunno. Like you say, it might be necessary, but I'm definitely not excited about it.


I hear ya, just seems odd

Epics are in a weird spot where they need to have powerful effects to be better than rares, but can't be too good or they will eclipse legendaries. So they tend to be weak bodied minions with strong effects, strong bodied minions with drawbacks, or powerful spells that are highly situational.


So if I don't have many cards from the current set, would it be better to spam the Arena now since the packs in the Arena will be replaced with GvG packs? Or just buy the packs?
For some reason trump doesn't like claw as well. I personally love that card in my druid token deck. It allows me to cheaply produce minions off violet teacher, counters a turn 1 undertaker when going second completely and you come out ahead 1 armor. When combo'd with hero power it is 3 damage for 3 mana, plus 3 armor so it works as removal in a variety of situations.

I also used it to proc counterspell before using FON+SR against a mage.


needs to show more effort.
man, card overload. Initial impression for each class:

Druid, my god the legendary is awesome for a control deck. It just keeps coming. The rest of their cards seem... ok ish. Tree of life is interesting for a ramp/control deck.

Hunter, some of the best cards in the set and will push hunter into an entirely new philosophy. Great.

Mage: I think mage has the potential to be one of the premier mech decks mixing tempo mech with burn to close out the game.

Paladin: A strange mix of great and terrible. muster for battle, shielded mimibot, and seal of light all look good. It's worth pointing out that mech aggro early drops are more offense oriented (2 health) and so shielded minibot will be for more outstanding against new decks than it would be against current decks.

Priest: Voljin is insane. One of the best class legendaries I'd say. Will be part of every single priest deck going forward. And shrinkmeister is also crazy. Not sure what to think of light bomb yet.

Rogue: some of the weakest cards in the set in my opinion. Sabotage and auto barber are kind of cool.

Shaman: really disappointed with the shaman cards. Shaman was my favorite class starting out and they get murlocs? bleh. Crackle looks okish though and vitality totem is outstanding.

Warlock: A lot of sweet cards that don't make sense in current warlock decks. I will have to ponder this one far more

Warrior: Also got some of the best cards. Bouncing blade is amazing, crush is interesting, and just some really beefy mid game minions that are also mechs. Makes me wonder if mech control will be a thing.

Hunter, Warrior, Priest: A
Druid, Mage, Paladin B
Shaman C
Rogue D

Warlock ???
Oh my god, Light of the Naaru combined with Auchenai dude.

Deal 3 damage to a creature, summon a Lightwarden.
Heck, you can also deal 3 damage to your opponent Hero for guaranteed Lightwarden summon.
They should of just unveiled an entire set of class cards every other day based on vote. They could have then sprinkled in the non class cards on the days between the class cards. Seems like a much better plan than dumping half the cards like this


Crush is great in the sense it adds 2 more sources of minion removal to Control Warrior, and it doesn't really on having a damaged enemy minion, just one of your own minions being damaged. The cost can be tricky though precisely because of that condition.


There definitely seems to be some rarity inflation from the old expert set. Assuming the Hearthpwn list is accurate, It'll take 63400 dust for GvG, whereas 106120 got you the original set(not counting promos). That's about 60% for 50% as many cards. Most of the increase seems to be Epics, while Commons got the shaft.


For some reason trump doesn't like claw as well. I personally love that card in my druid token deck. It allows me to cheaply produce minions off violet teacher, counters a turn 1 undertaker when going second completely and you come out ahead 1 armor. When combo'd with hero power it is 3 damage for 3 mana, plus 3 armor so it works as removal in a variety of situations.

I also used it to proc counterspell before using FON+SR against a mage.

Claw tends to be a dead draw late game and at best it is 1/1.

With the advent of mechs who knows. How useful it will be.

As far as secrets go. Now that a secret stealer simply exists means a lot less headaches in the future when dealing with secret decks.


You guys think Miracoli is dead? I've declared it so before after the Leeroy nerf and was pretty wrong, but this Auctioneer nerf is huge.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You guys think Miracoli is dead? I've declared it so before after the Leeroy nerf and was pretty wrong, but this Auctioneer nerf is huge.

What nerf. What are people talking about. What?
Claw tends to be a dead draw late game and at best it is 1/1.

With the advent of mechs who knows. How useful it will be.

As far as secrets go. Now that a secret stealer simply exists means a lot less headaches in the future when dealing with secret decks.

Well he was really just discussing to say the new paladin spell heal/+attack card isn't good.

I haven't thought about claw in the context of post-gvg myself.

What nerf. What are people talking about. What?
acutioneer = 6 mana
soulfire = 1 mana
flare = 2 mana

those are the changes coming with gvg.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"

Its anti-synergy. If the mine blows up before you can use Alexstrazsa on the enemy hero, than Alexstrasza loses a huge part of her utility, and she turns into a self heal only. So the optimal play is Alexstrasza first, then mine blows up. Which means you are probably looking at hoping to play Alex on curve, which doesn't always happen. I just don't see how Alex, Iron Juggurnaut, and Grommash all fit into the same deck. These cards step on each others toes.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
acutioneer = 6 mana
soulfire = 1 mana
flare = 2 mana

I guess this was buried in the launch hype.

Eh. Miracle will live even though it's going to be a chore to play. It already runs Malygos successfully, and that is the slowest variant in existence.


Time for the divine shield dream. Annoy-o-tron, Minibot, Argent Squire, Scarlet Crusader, Silvermoon Guardian, Sunwalker, Argent Protector, Hand of Protection, Tirion, and BLOODKNIGHT.

Win condition: Hope they don't have silence.
You guys think Miracoli is dead? I've declared it so before after the Leeroy nerf and was pretty wrong, but this Auctioneer nerf is huge.

seems super dead. it was already marginal. especially on ladder.

i think it's healthy for the game but i'll definitely miss it. the mana addict version was particularly fun.

i don't know where rogue winds up now. she still has some of the best early game removal so maybe a more mid-range deck will be better now. a lot of 2 health mechs out there that will die to backstab or SI.


Been playing Malygos and Haha Miracle on ladder, it's super dead now. It's already just a 50% win rate against decks that it used to be good against but with the Gadget nerf it's definitely completely dead, at least in it's current form.
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