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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Muster for Battle on Turn 3.
Coin, Quartermaster on Turn 4.

Holy shit, that's 8 mana for a 2/5 and 3 3/3s - a total of 11/14.

On turn 4.

Or you play Sword of Justice on Turn 3, follow it up with Muster for Battle on Turn 4, and then Quartermaster on Turn 5 - any surviving Silver Hand Recruits will be 4/4s.


I've been doing very well with Malygod the past couple of days so I'll reserve judgement for when the meta has settled in a bit, what really bugs me is how they're essentially kicking the deck while it's down. Half a year ago when it was dominating ladder and pro scene alike I could have seen it but now when hardly anyone still plays it? And, again, at the same time the utterly stupid Undertaker remains untouched.


You guys think Miracoli is dead? I've declared it so before after the Leeroy nerf and was pretty wrong, but this Auctioneer nerf is huge.

I wouldn't declare it dead but it isn't going to be played at all. Priest leapfrogs over rouge for several reasons with the new priest cards.
Miracle... didn't die with leeroy. What?

There have been several successful miracle rogue decks since the leeroy nerf, some using leeroy still, some relying on malygos, some using southsea deckhand and faceless...

Heck, still ranked as a top deck in last months power rankings...


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Muster for Battle on Turn 3.
Coin, Quartermaster on Turn 4.

Holy shit, that's 8 mana for a 2/5 and 3 3/3s - a total of 11/14.

On turn 4.

Or you play Sword of Justice on Turn 3, follow it up with Muster for Battle on Turn 4, and then Quartermaster on Turn 5 - any surviving Silver Hand Recruits will be 4/4s.

That's the dream, and it requires all 3 recruits to survive a full turn, and that you have the coin. The stats on the Quartermaster are just awful, and you need at least 2 recruits on the board to get value from it. And 2 recruits is actually a pretty rare board state without Muster. Strikes me as a pretty bad card.


Really I think with Sludge Belcher being played even in Huntertaker people would have looked for Leeroy alternatives anyway, and at least the Malygos version predates the nerf. Clearing that shit is a major pain in the ass and you only have so many Saps.


Eh, it seems like you'd be vastly more excited about a standard 1 mana deal 2 damage spell like holy smite or arcane shot. This is clearly a tier below those in terms of early game removal, not only does it cost 2 instead of 1 but you're also taking face damage. Best case scenario is probably a net heal of 1 since you have to A) be damaged already and B) hit something small. Most of the time you use it on turn 2, you're probably taking damage.

The other use is that it can also be a survival card in the late game, heal 4 and deal 2 damage to face. Obviously you would rather have a holy light here though.

It's saving grace is that it can be functional in both situations. Whether that's good enough to be a commonly played card, I dunno. Like you say, it might be necessary, but I'm definitely not excited about it.

Holy light is actually used in Pally because it trigger off Pyromancer as well as giving you some time to get to that consecrate+equality. This card is like 10x times better in every single situations unless some extremely fringe ones like on an empty board, opponent at 3 and you both on 5 fatigue damage next turn. Or something less fringe like against a VoidWalker and without anything on board in which case it just heal 4 instead of 6. But there are so many case where this is insane compared to holy light (an actual played paladin card because pally early game sucks):

- early on vs a midly devoleped hunter board, kill their madscientist/knife juggler, gain 4, that's a huge swing of tempo, you basically timewalked
- turn 3 kill a creeper, turn 4 consacrate clear all
- against a sylvanas with a Truesilver Champion, you can clear Sylvanas with no minions on board.
- lategame it's the same life swing as holy light, but can deal 2 directly, remove a taunt totem, or just kill someone directly

And yeah, if arcane shot was available for pally it'd probably be played , but this is possibly better because the lifegain is more important for slower decks and the attack part is crucial to stabilize the early game, especially given how paladin had 0 way to slow down the board earlier outside of humility and the 3/3 that cast humility. Combined with the new 2/2 divine shield, pally has now actually decent stabilizing power, too bad its lategame is still pretty medicore compared to other control class (warrior with the best early game clears weapons + whirlwinds effects, WL with infinite card drawing + giants, and druids with AoL, SavageRoar combo and now mr. Ican'tgetdecked Malorne).


Also i think priest got by far the best cards, both here and Naxx.

In NAxx they got a 3/4 with a significant Deathrattle.

Here they got a better leper gnome (3 damage to self is irrilevant in aggressive decks), which however work worse with undertaker. In a vacuum is an extremely strong aggressive card.

Then they got the Shrinkmeister that's really good value as it allow you to trade your board safely (Think a 3/2 Black Dwarf for 2 in term of value).

Voljin is probably the strongest legendary, acting as both removal and value minion (5 mana 6 power and possibly 5+ health is SO GOOD)

Rest aren't as value but still good card (Shadowboxers, Light of the Naaru , Lightbomb, the 5 mana 5/5 that give +5 health to a mech).

The only "bad " card are Velen Chosen and Lightbomb, and even that aren't on the level of unplayables like Bolfar or Cobalt Guardian (Paladin was too good already i guess).
I've never misclicked the druid choice of cards before today. And now I did it with POTW to give 1/1 to an empty board. That cost me any chance of beating the handlock. Then I did it with cenarius but I had only 1 minion, instead of giving me 2x 2/2 taunts. I was so far ahead in that match that it didn't matter, even after he doomguarded for 0 card discard, into a second doomguard 0 card discard. lol

I am so glad warlocks are getting nerfed.... playing 4 in a row now ffs.


I've been doing very well with Malygod the past couple of days so I'll reserve judgement for when the meta has settled in a bit, what really bugs me is how they're essentially kicking the deck while it's down. Half a year ago when it was dominating ladder and pro scene alike I could have seen it but now when hardly anyone still plays it? And, again, at the same time the utterly stupid Undertaker remains untouched.
I think blizz saw how powerful it was with spare parts.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So I think Mech-Zoo is gonna be a thing. I think it's unavoidable. Mech synergies are pretty good and I think Warlock benefits most from a card like mechwarper. So I came up with two decks. One that's a bit closer to traditional zoo but runs a few mechs, and one that's more purely mech focused.


This is the more traditional zoo. i don't know if Enhanco-Mechano replaces Defender of Argus in a more traditional zoo, but it might, so I included it. The fact that it runs a little heavier on the 4s than the 3s is fine I think, because Mechwarper helps out. I think Piloted Shredder is a very strong card to play on Turn 3. Also, Undertaker is straight OP, and having another cheap deathrattle like Clockwork Gnome helps it a lot. It's essentially the counterpart to webspinner in zoo. And even though mechs aren't everywhere, Tinkertown Technician is still crazy value in this setup.


Here's the almost purely mech deck. With the extra mechs, Fel Cannon is a viable option, and potentially crazy. It's definitely a bit more midrangey than the traditional zoo with inclusions like Spider Tank, Mechanical Yeti, and Fel Cannon, but the options for cheap mechs is limited. Mimiron's Head is a huge potential win condition. A mech zoo has the best chance of having the sticky mechs necessary to form Voltron I considered adding Gazlowe because this deck has a lot of spare parts in it, but his stats are just.... awful for the cost.


I still suck at Arena, but haven't tried it again in a few weeks. Can't seem to consistently get more than 2 or 3 wins.

I'm 50/50 in constructed with my Priest deck.

Will GvG be a pay-up-front expansion, with a price tag like Naxxramas'? Or will it basically just become another option to play with, and get packs from in normal play?
5 warlocks (4 zoo) in a row... seems like every season day 1 is good because all the shitty aggro players are not in my range. day 2 becomes heavy aggro and onwards. Every season lol.

I'm done for the night. No point in being frustrated playing the same deck over and over. I don't even care if I am winning or not. It just isn't fun. Went 3/5 against them.


Will GvG be a pay-up-front expansion, with a price tag like Naxxramas'? Or will it basically just become another option to play with, and get packs from in normal play?

The latter. You will be able to buy GvG packs separately with gold or money.
So I JUST today finally got the gold for the last wing of Naxx.

And I find out GvG is coming out on the 8th.

Gonna acquire those cards so slowly unless I shell out, Blizz you trolls you.


I still suck at Arena, but haven't tried it again in a few weeks. Can't seem to consistently get more than 2 or 3 wins.

Arena is all about drafting correctly. Read some FAQs and tutorials.

Basic advice:
First 10 cards: strictly choose the "best value" cards, don't try drafting silly combos
Next 10 cards: keep drafting value, but try to shore up any weak spots (2 drops, removal, card draw, etc)
Last 10 cards: concentrate on weak spots, even with lower value cards

Here's a writeup. I didn't read all of it, but it sounds about right:
How crazy would it be to get a sneed's old shredder, from a sneed's old shredder, from a sneed's old shredder? 3x 8 drop minions from the price of 1? The chances are probably 1/1000 though lol.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
How crazy would it be to get a sneed's old shredder, from a sneed's old shredder, from a sneed's old shredder? 3x 8 drop minions from the price of 1? The chances are probably 1/1000 though lol.

I hope this happens to Reynad on stream so he turns into pure NaCl on the spot.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
What if he summons Kel'Thuzad? Sneed should come back, right?

Yup. KT is likely the single best thing you could get.

The card got even more interesting for the potential to get Mal'Ganus and make you Immune. Though Bolvar and Vol'jin are gonna be duds.

Looks like a pretty damn good combo tbh. Even just with demonfire.

I think demonlock could be a thing. Especially with malganis. I think it is even possible that jaraxxus won't even be played, although the more late game the deck is oriented jaraxxus could still be included. But maybe alexstrasza is preferable at that point due to the massive amount of healing you can get out of lock cards.

Special C

WIll we be able to get off-class cards through the piloted mechs? What about webspinner when druid gets beasts? Have any of the devs commented on this?

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
I got a 60 gold shaman or warlock victory quest today guys, i didn't like it and i re-rolled the quest into a.......... 40 gold shaman or warlock victory quest. That's cold blizzard, real cold.


Looks like a pretty damn good combo tbh. Even just with demonfire.

It isn't. Nobody is going to play those cards apart from initially. Demon decks may see some play thanks to the new legendary and the naxx card but for now it is too slow when you have your zoo and hunters to contend with.

You can get the Druid legendary with the webspinner.

Has this been confirmed? I heard people talking earlier about selecting from a pool of cards to a random beast from anywhere in the game.

Getting druids 7 mana 9/7 is hacks in a hunter deck.

LOL feign death plus him.
It isn't. Nobody is going to play those cards apart from initially. Demon decks may see some play thanks to the new legendary and the naxx card but for now it is too slow when you have your zoo and hunters to contend with.

Warlock is actually good against zoo. And even handlock is more of a 50/50 proposition against hunter.

That combo is gonna heal 6 health each time it does damage. If someone runs into it, that is another heal. It is very high value for a control deck and how would an aggro deck like hunter who has limited damage output gonna deal that much damage? :p
Datamined launch event. Nice!

Quote from HearthPwn
•Goblins and Gnomes have been tinkering with the Arena!! Get a sneak peek at new cards there with a free Arena run!
•Goblins vs Gnomes Arena Mischief! - Play during the Goblins vs Gnomes pre-launch event.
•Rewards: Free Arena Entry
•Goblins vs Gnomes has Arrived! - Play during the opening of the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion!
•Rewards: Three Goblins vs Gnomes Card Pack
•Android Tablet - Awarded for playing a game on an Android tablet.
•Rewards: 1 Card Pack



Gold Member
A free pack for playing on an android tablet?

Anyone have an android tablet per chance?

Shit :(

You got/get a free pack for playing on an iPad as well... maybe they'll give a third free pack away when the iPhone port hits as well (and fourth for Android mobiles)!
I am bummed my BB tablet only supports android 2.3. Apparently they promised to add 4.1 support but never came through on that promise.

The kindle hd6 looks great for a cheap yet quality tablet just to play hearthstone on. But I am not convinced paying 100 dollars to play on it is worth it yet.

Special C

You never reroll 60 gold quests.

Depends on how much time you have to play. A lot of times I'll keep a 40 gold when I need to knock out quests quick or if it has synergy with a 60g quest. Better to get 40g than to lose a quest alltogether. Latetly I've been hopping on HS once every 3 days to knock out quests because I'm addicted to Dragon Age Inquisition.

Edit: Nevermind I read that wrong, No I typically won't REROLL a 60g unless I'm really strapped for time.
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